Forums Discussions Make-up Tutorials for Pole Dancers!

  • Make-up Tutorials for Pole Dancers!

    Posted by PinkyPower on February 22, 2012 at 7:13 pm

    Hi ladies!

         I have a question for all of you, I made a New Years Resoloution to create a Make-up Tutorial to put on You-Tube. What I would like to know is if you would all like to see something like this from me. My videos would include Inspired, Creative and Custom looks, Drugstore make-up looks, Hauls etc. The only problem I am forseeing is that there are alot of Make-up Gurus out there, so …I would like to do mine for Polers! I would do looks that Pole Dancers, Moms, and Competition Ladies (and maybe one for the men?) would enjoy trying and wearing. I am not a Professional Make-up Artist. I would also only go by the name Pinky, or PinkyPower as I do not want it to affect my personal life. Tell me what you think, or post some look ideas and video suggestions! Thanks!


    Some of my ideas for looks are: BlackLight Make-up; Porn Star Dancing (the song); Dominatrix; Hooters……. I would also love to get with my Girl Tiggertail and do an inspired look; also if Veena would let me do one of her!

    chemgoddess1 replied 13 years ago 8 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • MissMeliss

    February 24, 2012 at 10:12 am

    Anything and everything! I'm more for a sublte look..kinda.. but.. not always (helpful, I know >.<) I am REALLY fussed on products which test on animals or not not, though. SO if you could do tutorials with products that are all animal friendly.. YES! PLEASE! 😀

  • Dwiizie

    February 24, 2012 at 10:39 am
  • Dwiizie

    February 24, 2012 at 10:40 am

    And I don't know if its your forte, but nail polish and designs would be a nice spin off subject. I suck at this stuff lol.

  • Runemist34

    February 24, 2012 at 5:39 pm

    I heartily agree with the fingernail painting spinoff- I LOVE painting my nails, but it is often quite boring!

    Otherwise, probably a good idea to go into what's necessary for stage makeup, and the differences between regular makeup and stage makeup. Many of the people here like to do competitions and performances, and I would think that knowing what you're doing with your makeup for such events really helps one look professional!

  • PinkyPower

    February 25, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Hey there ladies! I can certainlt try and provide you with what your looking for. As I said before, I’m not a pro, but if I can create looks and give you all ideas or a tip thats is helpful that would be perfect! Thank you for all of your responses! I am not going to be able to put them on the site, so you will have to go to my you-tube channel. I will give you all the info once I have it all set up!

    About the nail tutorials, i have my natural nails, are you wanting to see looks for your natural nail, or acrylics?

  • willio

    February 25, 2012 at 11:04 am

    Hi there I would love someone to show me how to apply make up so that I can become someone other than me!!! I don’t mean that in a wierd way, but I struggle with my inhibitions whilst poling because, I think, I am a middle aged mum of 3 with shopping, cleaning etc to do and I have trouble shaking that off, so I would like someone to show me how to create a new persona or alter ego that I could hide behind when I dance!!!

  • Runemist34

    February 25, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    PinkyPower- if you could do natural nail tutorials, I'd be so happy! I've got my natural nails, too, and I HATE fake nails… but rarely do I ever find anything more fun than, say, a french tip on some bland colour, or how to put one solid colour on your fingernails. Boooring!

    Tips and tricks are always awesome when it comes to makeup! I always get muddled because people have such different face and eye shapes and colours, and I'm never sure if certain things would look good on me… so, perhaps you could talk about that, too? How to adapt things to your own face/eye shape, and knowing what looks best? I know much of it is trail and error, but it would be nice to have some guidelines 🙂

    Thank you so much! You're really generous to offer 🙂

  • Dwiizie

    February 25, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    When I posed that idea, I was thinking for natural. I never wear fake nails and am in the same boat as “solids or French Manicure. The end.” Or if you’re really daring you can do reverse french tips lol or different solids in french tip. Gah. I have friends that do a new polish a week, holiday nails, etc. I think I need tutorials AND talent lol.

  • donnalee

    February 25, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    All of your ideas on tutorials sound interesting. I would watch and learn. Here's one idea I want to learn more about. How do I get the smokey eyed look? 

  • vickiezoo

    February 26, 2012 at 7:25 am

    I really would to do body makeup for pole performnace like Kate in these pics –!/photo.php?fbid=480355864014&set=t.506329014&type=3&theater!/photo.php?fbid=480355784014&set=t.506329014&type=3&theater

    Or Karol in this video, I know Bad Kitty do sell these stick ons but would like to do them with make up but problem is it will smudge on the pole, hmmm any ideas??;



  • donnalee

    February 26, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    Yes,  body make up!

  • vickiezoo

    February 27, 2012 at 3:31 am

    Sorry the pics haven’t come up, but if you are friends with Bendy Kate on facebook they are on there, she has leopard print patches on her body, looks awesome. I may have a go with it later, I don’t think it will be that hard to do its just staying power that’s needed!

  • chemgoddess1

    February 27, 2012 at 7:59 am

    I believe that much of the body paint type stuff is just the appliques from Xotic Eyes:


  • donnalee

    February 27, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    Thanks, chemgoddes1 : )

    Just visited the website. I have never seen it before. Wow, adorable body & eye art. I must try something.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 27, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    Bad Kitty carries a LOT of their stuff.

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