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Makeup vs Natural
Posted by Runemist34 on November 12, 2011 at 10:02 pmHey Ladies,
So, I had a question, and there's very few places I can get a really good answer…besides this one!
My question is this: How do you still consider yourself beautiful without makeup, if you wear it all the time?
It might seem like a silly question, but really…makeup is usually used to enhance what we feel is our best feature, and so without the enhancements of makeup, I know a LOT of women who simply can't face themselves! This is where the "I can't go out without my makeup on" problem comes in.
I ask because I told myself I never wanted to fall into this trap- I wanted to consider myself beautiful with or without makeup on. That's partly why I never wore it till I was about 20! And, a big part of the reason I don't wear it often, even these days. But, I like makeup, and I like having some fun and putting it on and feeling like I put in that extra effort…
So, how do I do this? How do I have fun and wear makeup, as often or not as I want to, and still think "Yeah, I look alright" without it? Any ideas?
tarah replied 13 years, 3 months ago 14 Members · 18 Replies -
18 Replies
I have the same issue. I didn't start to wear makeup till college. And now I wear makeup everyday for work. But, on weekends, I tried to let my skin "rest" and I don't put anything on. Now I try to wear more neutral makeup and hopefully eventually my makeup routine will go lighter and lighter…
To answer your question: Yes, I still consider myself beautiful without makeup (on days where my face is not breaking out that is…)
I think for women to "look good" it's really a "package"….not just makeup, but also the hair, what you wear, how you carry yourself…but most important of all, confident!!
Short answer – I don't really.
I'm one of those 'can't even get groceries without makeup on' type of people.
I was never allowed to wear makeup in high school (strict Catholic girl school), but did the odd swipe of mascara and dash of concealer. I only ever really wear a 'natural' look, although sometimes I will dress it up a bit with lippie or eyeshadow, but really I don't ever leave the house without it on.
When I do, I feel incredibly self conscious and somehow work myself up into a panic attack.
I wish I had the confidence (or the beauty!) to go without makeup, and it is something I'd like to work on, but for now I think I need to take it slow and tackle my self-esteem in regards to my body issues (which pole has helped heapppps with!)
Sorry, this was probably completely unhelpful. I wish I could offer up some advice!
This is a deep inquiry that only you will know that key to unlock it. To me though it sounds like a question of confidence and you changing a perception or challenging something within yourself, seeing something in a different way and having the courage to actually stop and explore it. Kudos to you!
I was raised to wear a 'full face' at all times. Even if checking the mail a proper lady did not leave without a full face. In the south this meant foundation, powder, full eye makeup, liptsick the whole nine yards.
Even if IN your house you were not proper unless you were fully made up. I mean heavens forbid if you had to call 911 and the ENT arrived and you were not beautified.
I enjoy the versatility of makeup. I have bags and bags of false eyelashes and all different kinds of makeup. My daily wear is a light tinted moisturizer or a primer with light powder. That's it! If I want to go all out and glam it up… I do. I have worn full on diva makeup to buy groceries. Or worn light powder over primer to walk into a legal proceeding.
I understand that there are situations where people wear makeup for less cosmetic reasons and I respect that. I respect whatever choice someone is making about how they care for themeselves.
For my personal routine though, it boils down to i do what I want and my makeup matches the look I am going for and the level of effort I want to spend in it at that time. I am confident with or without makeup. It is only something I am applying to my outer shell… it washes off, it does not define my essence.
That came with me living my life for me and letting rules other people have made slip away. So yes… I leave my house without a full face often… gasp and swoon I have "caught the vapors".
Experiment to see what works for you. Do what you are comfortable with and what you want. It will work out perfectly!
Personally I hate makeup. I have to wear it for work, 4-5 nights a week and its a full face. (primer, concelear, foundation, blush, bronzer, powder, eyelid primer, two shades of eyeshadow, brow powder, eyeliner, and mascara) So on my nights off, its no makeup what-so-ever except for the occasional special occasion that I "treat" the Mr to a full face of makup and the hair, ect. Otherwise my hair is tossed into a pony tail and no makup.
To me…makup is…the differance from taking someone from beautiful to glamerous if that makes sense. I am happier when I dont have it on. Altho when I am honest with myself I would say that I am a bit insecure about my under eye circles, and do love that makeup covers them up.
I was raised without makeup. No stance either way from my parents, my mom almost never wore it and never taught me how. I'm not anti makeup, I just never bother to practice the art and only barely know how to use it.
Makeup is painting your outer wall. Cover the graffitti, make it look nice, or go all out with your artistry and make it amazing. End of the day its just your exterior and other people are going to see it way more often than you. Some people are fine walking around with a gorgeous painted house that has no furnature inside. I don't think thats comfortable. I'd say work on the inside of your house first because you have to live in there. Do you even notice at the outside of your friends house anymore or do you just want to hang out on their comfy couch? It's easier to make the outside look great when you know the inside is great.
I speak in weird analogizes sometimes, I hope this makes sense to everyone else.
I wasn't allowed to wear much makeup when I was growing up (I also went to a small private Catholic school), except for special occasions like dances or plays where I had to wear a lot of makeup. I loved dressing up for the plays because I got to see what it was like to wear a ton of makeup and have it be okay – it was like turning into a different person! Sometime around mid-high school I started experimenting with concealer and eyeliner. But I never had problems with my skin so the only thing I ever really needed to conceal was dark circles under my eyes. My mom wouldn't let me out of the house if my eyeliner was too noticeable. I would look at other girls who wore more makeup and wish I could copy their "look," but for some reason whenever I would try I would feel really self-conscious about it, like I didn't look like myself and somebody was going to notice and call me out on it. So I never really wore much makeup until college, but by now I feel like I've really personalized my routine. For instance, I only ever wear concealer under my eyes and nothing else except transluscent powder goes onto my face. And I still wear eyeliner, but more heavily and only on my top lashes and the very outside corners of my bottom lashes (I never draw a line across my whole bottom lid unless it's for a show). If I'm really into it, or I'm going out at night, I'll do eyeshadow and mascara and I'll fill in my brows a bit, but I never cake on heavy makeup.
I don't need makeup to feel pretty; if I've been getting sleep, drinking water, and taking care of my skin, I feel good without it. But there are days that I wear it because I don't look presentable, and this is usually due to dark circles under my eyes. And even then, the main reason I put it on is because if I don't, everyone will ask me if I've been getting enough sleep, and that just gets annoying after a while – especially if I did actually get rest. As said earlier, it's more about packaging – I feel more put together and professional when I'm wearing it, and that's what I feel good about. I'd like to feel that put together all the time, but the other big reason I don't wear makeup sometimes is laziness or lack of time.
I used to be one of those gals years ago, who even went to the gym with make-up on! Ha-
I have been a licensed cosmetologist for 10 years+ and I went to the top with that. I "hid" behind make-up. I had to have it on, as one person noted, just to go to the grocery store. Then one day-out of the blue- I got super irritated to everything. I am convinced it was from years of chemicals being introduced(working at the salons). I had to stop EVERYTHING and I was faced to see the REAL me! It was invigortating.I actually used to see people and think, "oh, she could use some concealer, or gloss, or whatever it was." I can't believe that I even thought like that before. I think totally different now. I believe that natural is gorgeous! My husband compliments me everyday that I don't wear make up and if I do, he pouts! I occasionally use it now-I am not wearing it at the moment b/c I am pregnant and I don't want to introduce LO(little one) to any extra chemicals(the only chemicals would be from mascara though b/c I use all natural products when I do.) I use an all natural powder from w/o harmful bismuth in it for under my eyes and that is it. I have been wearing a "tinted moisturizer" on my cheeks for a week or so b/c I love the velvety smooth texture my skin gets after I remove it(so it's more of a treatment). What is funny about make up is that we are trained to think that having a full face is glam! I was one of those who pushed the beauty look-because it was my job. I do have to note that in my profession, we tried to amplify a look, rather than take someone to "Liz Taylor" full ,all of the time. I encourage my daughter to be beautiful from within and yes, she still plays with make up. She doesn't play with it as much(maybe once every few months, compared to a few times a month), since I have quit my full face routine. My skin looks better than ever and teens(ya, like 16-19 yr olds!) often hit on me! People think I am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly young. I attribute it to quiting all of the stuff that I used. I love loving the real me now, and if I choose to wear something, I am not "hiding behind it". I think that stuff aged my skin at the time and it clouded my mind. I don't have a problem with make up, but I think that a woman should have the power to feel beautiful without it. I think that is true love for herself, and nothing is sexier!
Organic Angel–can you post the link to the etsy store? I'm always looking for natural products.
I use the super light foundation, as my under-eye concealer, applied w/ a lil brush. Also use it on my eye lids. You can even put this on top of blemishes, and it won't get worse.
I love this shop b/c it is affordable and I don't get any extra ingredients in my products that I don't want. If I use BE(bare essentuals) I break out in hives from the bismuth!(and lil bumps all over too)
WOW–thank you! I will def be trying some of these products, and yes, great prices! I hate buying cosmetics because they have ingredients I try to avoid.
Ok, I am just gonna say it and be done….no mineral makeup is "natural". It is all processed and possibly chemically produced or purified in a lab. Minerals are pulled from the ground….they are not going to just grind them up and let you put them on your face.
Also please be very careful with powders like these that contain no preservatives as any amount of moisture (like where we store most of our makeup…in the bathroom) can cause "nasties" to grow in it. There is also an issue of breathing these fine powders and there is currently a huge push for measuring their size and respirable concerns.
@ Chem
Minerals cannot support bacteria. As with all make up, toss after some time has passed. Clean your brushes or apply w cotton balls etc. There are USDA organic minerals that are regulated in this way. I'd still rather use this stuff b/c I don't have ANY adverse reactions from it rather than buy a bottle of liquid w/ tons of toxic stuff. I do hold my canisters away from my face when opening as to not breathe in the lil particles. Trust me, I break out from FD& C 5,6 Red 40 Blue 1(as these are all toxic to me) and tons of other crap that I have not only cut out of my products, but my food. No preservatives, anything hygdrogenated and I always pull a MSDS data sheet on any product that I don't know. The more natural, the better. I use organic shampoos, conditioners and body products-even my perfume is all natural sprays and USDA organic! I guess you could say I am a fanatic about everything healthy, so I wouldn't promote it if I didn't believe in it-and as I said, I am a licensed pro too so I know of practically every product that comes our way:)
One company here also bakes it on the rocks of the terracota sun, which would kill any harmful bacteria. Other comapies spin it down and heat it to the temp. There are ways in which to make sure this stuff is safe. I wouldn't go in my own back ground and start digging to put it on my face though lol.
Good thread 🙂
Personally i'm make up free about 95% of the time. I never got accustom to the feeling of having a layer of foundation / powder etc on my face. I belive that my skin thanks me for this 😉 (I never have breakout etc but that could be diet related too). Occasionally if i'm a bit washed out i'll pop on some mascara and light eye shadow, usually in the winter time maybe once or twice a month. Gosh i'm lame haha!
For photoshoots, performances and such i'll wear eye make up. Sometimes fake lashes or (very very seldomly) a bit of blush/bronzer. Never foundation, no powder.
I'm honestly happy without it 🙂 but i do have a small collection of Vegan mineral make up for those special occasions 🙂 I get them on etsy as well. Different shop though
in case anyone is looking 🙂
I like wearing makeup, but honestly it is for others when I do. I know its not me and not what I look like.
Makeup is fun but loving yourself is better. 🙂
I was not stating that mineral makeup does not have its advantages. I was making comment on mineral makeup being "natural". I was also pointing out some other things that people may not think about. I work with minerals all day long but in an industrial setting. I can attest that bacteria will grow on anything that has been exposed to air as long as it has food (skin cells, moisture, etc). This is true for anything which is why we need to throw out our makeup and clean our applicators regularly, which most do not do.
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