Forums Discussions Making Stripping Illegal

  • Making Stripping Illegal

    Posted by Shanghaililly on February 8, 2011 at 7:22 am

    Dear all,


    I am from Norway and just read in the news that some politicians want to make stripping illegal. They argue that it turns women into objects and that no woman who has a real choice would work as a stripper (by real choice they mean that all strippers are forced into it by desperation and their economic situation). Furthermore, they claim that most strippers end up being pushed/forced to prostitute themselves. Despite all the above claims no one of the politicians have actually ever spoken to a stripper.

    My gut feeling tells me that they are wrong. Perhaps their argument of women being forced into it by economic necessity would be more valid in a country such as Thailand or Swaziland, but I doubt it is the case in Norway, one of the most developed and rich countries in the world. However, I like these politicians, have barely ever spoken to strippers/ex-strippers.

    Now I wonder, are there any strippers / ex-strippers here in this forum that could give me an account of why they did it, how was the experience etc. and what do you think of the politicians' claims?


    (as a side note, even if some do it out of economic necessity, there are loads of people doing crappy jobs such as working at the grocery store till, or cleaning toilets because they have bills to pay. I don't see why these dead end jobs are better to be forced into than say stripping which I assume you can at least make good money out of).

    Kandipole replied 14 years ago 8 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    February 8, 2011 at 7:53 am

    There was a big stink here in Ohio also.  They did not make it illegal however we now have a 6 foot rule.  Funny thing is, a lot of these politicians that pushed it have been caught either having affairs or being addicted to porn and the like.


    Usually the people who push this are the ones who need the govenrment to step in to run their lives because they cannot control themsleves or their wallets. 


    I am not sure of how the strip clubs are run where you are but there are plenty of skeezy places around that do tend to have women with questionable morals, but I would not say this is the majority.


    I never was a stripper but I know plenty of women who are/were.  It really depends on how strong of a person you are.  I know there are lots of temptations when it comes to aldohol, drugs and being a paid girlfriend.

  • nymphdancer

    February 8, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    this subject is all over our news today because they are passing a law for no full nudity. No lap dances no being within 6ft of the dancers and NO TIPPING. We already had a law in effect that you couldn't serve booze in the fully nude dance bars. I have a feeling this will spell doom for our strip clubs.

  • Cheaannette

    February 8, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Meh…. I stripped for 4 years and they had different laws for different clubs they less tasteful ones had to wear pasties had a 6 foot rule and guys had to tip in buckets on the stage.  The place I worked at never had rules like that ,but if they would have it wouldn't have bothered me I got payed to eat lunch with guys and never had to dance.  I was a lazy stripper lol.

  • nymphdancer

    February 8, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    this will be NO tipping of any kind, not to the girls not in a bucket. And dancers will not be allowed to eat with the customers, the customers can't be within 6ft of the girls at anytime from what I understand.

  • verucablue

    February 8, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    wait no tipping??????? Then what's the point?????

  • chemgoddess1

    February 8, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    I had to look that up….most of this applies to full nudity clubs.  No lap dances, 6 foot rule, 18" platform to dance on, and then as soon as their liquor license expires theya re not renewing them.  The clubs are planning on using latex body paint and pasties which will skirt this ordinance.  The above rules do not apply to partial nudity bars.  There is nothing that states no tipping.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 8, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    And the wording in the court document reads "no direct tipping".

  • MrsNaughtywed

    February 8, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    I retired from the adult biz of 5 years back in September. I loved it. I found it very liberating and I miss it. I never did anything that I wasn't comfortable doing. I worked with some wonderful, highly educated and respectful people. It was the best times of my life.

    Yes, some women get into biz for the wrong reasons and that's unfortunate…  I've met a few women in the biz for the wrong reasons (deperate for money, low self esteem, bad-drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc) and that makes their stripping career worse. The truth is if you want to be a happy, healthy, successful stripper, you gotta have your head screwed on straight and stay a head of the game and take care of yourself.

    In my opinion, making stripping illegal won't solve any problems, unionizing (to protect workers and customers) will. Things will just end up going underground where the real problems start. 🙁

  • nymphdancer

    February 8, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    we have had the no drinking in the totally nude clubs for several years, what most clubs do is have two halves to the club, one where it is topless and there is acohol and one nude where there is red bull and coke lol. the new law that goes into effect now is insane. No nudity in any of the clubs, 6ft distances ect.

    news clip from our news


  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    February 9, 2011 at 1:10 am

    Mrs naughtywed pretty much said it all. I stripped for a year in Sydney in a posh Gentlmens club, so i guess I got the upperclass end of the scale, in both customers and staff…. but in any working environment you'll come across troublemakers and sleazebags, however I was lucky that most were pleasant and harmless…

     Look, i am a HUGE feminist, but I guess im third-wave feminist, in that I believe women have won the right to self-determine their own lives, we've got the freedom to own our own bodies. So what we want to do with our bodies is totally our own business, and I dont think that its appropriate for the government to make this illegal. Some might claim its degrading or disempowering and sexist to allow or support women using their bodies to earn money, but from a politicall and empirical point of view, I have to disagree. It may be in the name of protecting women, but to my mind making it illegal for women to earn money for taking off their clothes or dancing in the nude is taking their rights of freedom of choice back away from them, its disempowering. 

    Stripping is not inherently evil or degrading. Its how the individual woman feels about it, how it makes her feel, the limits and values and principles she has, that determine wether its a good or bad thing for her. I found dancing on stage and getting nude for strangers to be strangely empowering, exhilirating, liberating. I felt like I was no longer being inhibited by social conventions, I felt proud of my own courage and daring, it taught me to be self-confident and appreciative of my body, what it looks like and what it can do. I think the human body is an incredible thing, and should be celebrated and appreciated whenever possible, not hidden away or covered for modesty or the law's sake. But thas just me. As Naughtywed said, it depends on the individual woman. 

  • Kandipole

    February 9, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Hi all! I didnt read all the posts but thought Id jump in.

    I am from Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada and about 9 years ago they made it illegal to drink alcohol in strip clubs. I was only 18 at the time so Im not sure why they did it.

    They did try doing strip clubs here with out alcohol being served in them and they eventually all closed down.

    We currently dont have any clubs at all here with pole dancers. However some night clubs are starting to put poles in their clubs and hire girls from the pole studio I manage to do actual perfomances.

    Anyway, thats my input. Just saying they tried it here and it didnt fly.  The biggest problem is now as a studio offering pole dancing for fitness is we are having to overcome this huge negative condontation to stripping.  I really dont see a problem with either. I think dancers who do go nude are extremely confident and sexy! I could never do it!

    Im sure there are a few that get into for negative reasons, but doesnt mean everyone does.

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