Forums Discussions Making my lessons more fun

  • Making my lessons more fun

    Posted by LillyBilly on May 5, 2013 at 4:36 pm

    Hello all 🙂

    I am now taking a course in my studio, in hopes of becoming a pole instructor (yay!!). My teacher says that my lessons are good from technical perspective – all the instructions are clear and correct, but that I lack presence and that my lessons are not very energetic. She said that sometimes I "dissappear inside myself", and even when I try to deliver a joke, it's not working. The end result is that the lesson is boring.

    Her comment didn't surprise me. My mood tends to swing and I am in a "meh" period now, so I find it hard to gather enthusiasm. I figure that for times like these (and granted – it will happen again), it will be best if I have a bag of tricks that will allow me to "fake it until I get it". 

    So here is my question to you – what do you (or your teacher) do to make your lessons more fun and upbeat? 

    CapFeb replied 11 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Suemaz Polesilks

    May 5, 2013 at 4:58 pm

    Congratulations on your new venture!  Like everything else, you will have good and bad days when teaching.  Some days you will naturally feel quite upbeat which makes it a lot easier but when you are ill, stressed etc then it can be harder.  Learn from your own teacher and the techniques she uses to start with, what do you find interesting, what don't you like etc.  I always plan ahead and think about moves, stretches that can be taught and music choice etc.  Every couple of weeks I use a new warm up routine to keep them guessing and not getting bored.  There are lots of different things you can plan to do as a class which makes the lessons more interesting too.  I'm sure you will be just fine the more you teach and become more confident.  Good luck

  • BrittanyK

    May 6, 2013 at 8:05 am

    One of the things I like to do when I’m having an off day is ask my students to get creative with me. I’ll give them a base spin or move and ask them to add on to it. For example: today we’re working on spin combinations, lets all come up with a combo spin that includes chair spin. Or, lets all find a creative way to get up from the floor.

    The girls get really excited about the opportunity to be creative and then sharing their move at the end. Once they demonstrate we all give their move a try.

    I’ve also found that 90’s hip hop tends to bring the stripper out in everyone (regardless or age!).
    Good luck!

  • LillyBilly

    May 6, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    @BrittanyK I love the creativity idea! 🙂

  • Deesse Jesse

    May 6, 2013 at 7:48 pm

    I learned this many years ago working in public service but if I smile and laugh for long enough, so matter how sad or mad I am I'll end up in a good mood. So same goes when I teach! I let myself be silly and sing along to the songs, I put in silly warm up moves just because I feel like it, and if I'm enthusiastic for long enough if just sticks! Also, from experience memorizing a lot of work for my bachelors, I realized that making things dirty will help people remember really well! So when I explain that hips need to be pushed all the way forward I try to explain it as the end of a humping motion. And it works! lol Or when I need them to squeeze their butts, I ask them to imagine they have to poop put there's no bathroom for miles around. It gives them a laugh and it's honestly a good explanation in my opinion haha

    I also like to vary warm ups like Suemaz said. Sometimes I'll do more intense boot camp warm ups, or make them run an obstacle course, or do more of a dance or aerobics warm up. The more you teach, the more you'll develop your style! Give it time

  • MelCat

    May 8, 2013 at 8:03 am

    I love all these ideas.  Also if there are any particular things, normal or personal quirks, that boost your happiness or energy those can come in handy on down days.  Which would be like coffee for me.  Coffee always boosts my mood so whenever I'm down and want to be more upbeat for teaching I have a cup of coffee first so that I'm more likely to be fun and make jokes (even if they're bad ones, I'd rather my students be laughing at me than not at all!)  Congrats on working to become a teacher!

  • LillyBilly

    May 8, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    @MelCat  Problem is – what boosts my mood is playing old songs that everyone hates in max volume and singing along loudly and horribly.

    My mom used to do this when I was a child and I hated it, and now I do it to everyone else

  • CapFeb

    May 8, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Try incorporating a sv challenge into a lesson. Like, use a prop, do a short freestyle on the non Dom side, dance to something you’ve never heard of. My instructor refers to sv for most things. Try doubles or some sort of partners activity other than spotting. Good moods are contagious.

  • CapFeb

    May 8, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Try incorporating a sv challenge into a lesson. Like, use a prop, do a short freestyle on the non Dom side, dance to something you’ve never heard of. My instructor refers to sv for most things. Try doubles or some sort of partners activity other than spotting. Good moods are contagious.

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