Forums Discussions March Challenge

  • exdiva69

    March 20, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    ok…i did the challenge but it was NOT so easy, and has nothing to do with music, i feel like i can be completely honest here, i had such (actually going on day 3 now) of a massive migrane NO DRUG CAN STOP (Vicatin included), **wahhh** but i digress, i went off B.C (some might know what that means) but with endo it causes alot of pain, etc etc, when you go off, and i’m dealin right now, just in case #4 EVER happens, but if not, i’ll know soon and i’ll be back on for my own well being.

    But also another hormonal medication, i ended right before, causing the migranes that are still here and kickin, because of extreme dry eye and light exposure, oh yeah, did i mention the beautiful IBS i’ve had my whole life but last night when i tried this challenge, i felt all three in one, so don’t expect perfection, don’t expect TOO much, cause i was DYING FROM multiple ailments, and i HATE IT, but i deal well…better then any ‘man ‘ could do. drawing blood on them is * WAH* imagine them giving bith? hehe. that’s be AWESOME. i felt like i was givin birh in the vid i’ll post later.

    but i digress, i’ll post it later today/tonight because i can’t upload a darned thing on youtube from my lap top!

    xoxo shelly

  • yogabeachbabe

    March 20, 2009 at 4:47 pm

    Wow, Shelly. I think I understood most of what you were saying, and all I can say is:

    Honey, you are one tough broad!

    You know, I think that all the members here are tough and strong and beautiful and EMPOWERED. And Jungle and Joel, bless you both for being real/true/sincere/good men.

    Happy Spring, everyone!


  • exdiva69

    March 20, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    SASHA, you are incredible lady my friend, really! I WISH my husband was more understanding, because it’s very hard to maintain and BE YOU, in every sense, and pretend you are not hurting in some ways, and why should we have to pretend?

    thing is,…..we used to talk like it was our own lil language , like twins, but it saddens me, that as he grows older, he talks less, and acts more like the people we said we’d never turn into, and THAT HURTS, so i got alot on my mind and my body. UR A DOLL DEAR!

    xoxo shelly

    PS- to the above posters, hubby told me last night, that U2 was an irish band, which i DID NOT know, but even still, i think..Veena meat tru irish music, if i’m wrong i’m wrong, but U2 has always been a fav band of mine, so you cannot go wrong!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 20, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Hey Shelly!!!!

    So to hear about your ailments love. I really hope you feel better soon. *hug* I hate to see people in pain.

  • exdiva69

    March 20, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    HEY J.C…i gotto jet unfortunately, i’m just one of those people that you always will say..’glad i’m not in her shoes’ , lol….even when i looked like a centerfold, it made no matter, if the life behind it, doesn’t add up to the life ‘portrayed’, you’d always choose the happiness factor! noo doubt! PAIN SUCKS!

    bless ya more tomorrow, hubby’s tryin to get my vid uploaded, bless the poor guy. he just woke up from his 2 hrs of sleep per day (when he’s lucky)

    xoxo shelly

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 20, 2009 at 6:25 pm

    Bless both your little hearts Sunny days are ahead! Just keep on pressin on! We are all in your corner praying for you!

  • Trena

    March 20, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    Oh dear exdiva hope you get better soon! You’ve a lot going on. Still though Im looking forward to your video because even when you say you’re not feeling great or are tired you still dance brilliantly!

    I dont think Veena meant specifically that the music has to be traditional Irish. Sometimes trad Irish is hard to pole dance to (although Veena does a fantastic job in her March Challenge vids! )

    I posted my March Challenge vid last night if you guys wana check it out. Its my first video EVER so Im a little excited about it! lol

  • pole-twista

    March 20, 2009 at 10:20 pm
  • SaschaPoles

    March 21, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    poor shelly!!! im so sorry, im sure you handle yourself amazingly despite being in so much pain im sure despite everything your video is amazing, thank you so much for making the vid when you were feeling so low. i hope you feel better soon and that all of these ailments pass

  • Hollydee

    March 24, 2009 at 12:34 am

    It is a shame I don’t have my pole yet… cause I’m obsessed with Irish Music. Maybe I will post one on a later date. great idea Veena!!

  • exdiva69

    March 28, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    Thanks ladies…life gets crazier by the moment…still in pain but now my son has something going on they haven’t yet got results in yet, but needed a lumbar puncture (aka spinal tap) prayers plz, and i hope life does get easier real soon, i feel everything falling apart, not just my mind, but in a certain way my marriage to..hubby is acting old and different, and that scares the BEEP out of me, cause what if i turned into a different person, you fall in love with the person that you KNOW not the one you don’t recognize, and i feel soo scared and even trapped, i got nothing of my own if the worst happens, sorry to vent, i’m just scared for my son, praying hubby will go back to his own self, and all my physical pain right now, is taking a back seat! TOTALLY. thanks for being there. i gotto jet but i appreciate the care and concern, you are all the best and i WILL keep you posted!

    xoxo shelly

    PS- lol THANKS yes iam one tough broad, i’m always a survivor, i just wonder, when is God gonna cut me and my family a break, it’s just too much, i know i’ll make it through, BUT…
    LIFE IS HARD! xoxo

  • SaschaPoles

    March 29, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    you’ll be ok shelly, maybe this is your mid-life crisis??? in which case, the only way out is through- you’ll get through this. it’ll all be ok. we’ll be thinking of you!

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