Forums Discussions Marihuana: for, against or neutral?

  • Marihuana: for, against or neutral?

    Posted by GiedreB on September 16, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    Since all Veeners here take care of their bodies and health, I thought I'd like to discuss with you on this topic. I know that it is clinically proven that marihuana is not dangerous for the body like other drugs, and it is also legalized in some countries and used as a remedy for certain illnesses, but I just wanted to hear your opinion about it. Personally, I don't care much for marihuana. I smoked it once and promised myself that that was the first and last time. I am very against cigarette smoking itself, I have never ever smoked a cigarette or even a hookah. I just can't stand it, I don't tolerate it at all, I wouldn't date a smoker, no way. My boyfriend doesn't smoke but he doesn't mind smoking a joint with friends on an occasion. I'm not that pleased about it eather, though. But somehow, I don't mind other people smoking pot. What would you have to say?

    RM2012 replied 12 years, 5 months ago 33 Members · 93 Replies
  • 93 Replies
  • PersianXcursian

    September 16, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    I'm against it because so many people abuse it and there actually are adverse affects on the body from it.  It can cause neurological damage (like smoking of any kind). My personal belief is the only things acceptable to inhale on a regular basis is air and an inhaler (for asthmatics only).

  • GiedreB

    September 16, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Yes, of course, abuse of any kind can't lead to good results, I agree there with you. I was more reffering to those people, who smoke it occasionally.

  • Anonyma

    September 16, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    I had strong issues with  weed, maked me lazy, care of nothing, and also eating like …a pig! I couldnt control myself to just one joint once in a while, it was all or nothing, Ive smoked  pot since i was like 15 years old on a regular bassis.  I once in a while , when I get bored… still get some and when I do, I find myself lazy , I gain weight ect 

    Ive quitted for two months in a row, the best thing i did, then started again…. 

    I dont know what attracts me to marijuana, it doesnt advantage me in any way! I am still in a battle to quit forever

    So yeah , I am totally against it! 


  • GiedreB

    September 16, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    Olivia, I'm sorry to hear about your battle. However, I admire you for having the will to try and fight your habit; the most important thing is that you're not passive about it. Good luck!

  • Charley

    September 16, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    I am 100% pro MEDICINAL marijuana.  I think that there are ways to use it properly.  My biggest example would be pain in cancer patients – I would rather see natural pain relievers used as opposed to chemicals that have far worse side effects on the body.

    I am against recreational use of marijuana and am totally against what happens here in Michigan – where you basically say "I have pain" and you get a perscription for pot!  I think with proper legislation and medical diagnosis it can be helpful.

    To add, personally – my experiences with pot haven't been fun, I just go to sleep so it's easy for me to say no to it.  I've done it a handful of times and it knocks me out, which isn't much fun.  I suppose if i needed to sleep I'd try it but i'm a good sleeper on my own, lol – don't need help.  Bring on the wine!

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 16, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    I am 100 percent for it. I have smoked in the past and never have blacked out as I do sometimes with alcohol. I would much rather ride in a car with a high person than a drunk person if I had to choose. Plus, pot always put me in a silly, not able to stop laughing mode. When I drink, sometimes the claws come out and I can be mean.

  • GiedreB

    September 16, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    Oh, and whoops, sorry I spelt "marijuana" wrong. Wrote it in my own language, lol.

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 16, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    I think we all know what u mean. 🙂

  • azblanco

    September 16, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    I think marijuana has its good and bad.

    For example, I think it has done wonders for patients with glaucoma.  I have not researched the topic enough to have good solid statement on it.  But from the little that I do know about it, I could see why it could be a good thing for this.   

    My boyfriend struggled with a marijuana addiction for many years (he is a year and 1/2 sober). For people who say that you cannot be addicted to it are DEAD WRONG!  He is a person that cannot simply enjoy it every now and then.  Hundreds of dollars was spent on it each month and everything else was put on the back burner.  Do I blame marijuana, no.  He happens to be the type of person that became really hooked on it and it does not have that same effect on everyone.  

    Have I ever enjoyed the positive effects from smoking it, yes absolutely.  Would I ever smoke again in my lifetime- probably.  But its not something that I go looking for and something that I am ok with to take a hit or two every now and then.  Do I judge if one of my friends smokes while I am at their house- no! Its their home and their business.  

    How many deaths have been recorded from LEGAL prescription drugs and alcohol? Too many to count. 

    Do I think legalization in America would be a good idea? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! For the same reason that PersianXcursain mentioned.

  • Dancing Paws

    September 16, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    IMO, it should not matter whether it is good or bad for you. It all comes down to the fact that we should have the freedom to choose what to put in our bodies and what not to put in our bodies. Becaise pf that, i sm pro legalization of all drugs. It is nobodys business but our own what we do with our bodies. With that said, mj has its pros and cons. It is like the different pole finishes, everyone reacts differently. Some get positive results while others do not. In comparison to other drugs like alcohol, tobacco and pharma, mj is relatively harmless. It is impossible to OD on, period. I slso lnow that it does help some illnesses. CBDs have been shown to decrease seizure activity, which is important for those with drug resistant epilepsy. Unfortunately, bc it is illegal, it is hard to do legitimate studies on its benefits and harm, so there is a lot of conflicting data. It is known that there are zero deaths by mj ingestion, though.

    To each their own is what I say.

  • Dancing Paws

    September 16, 2012 at 7:18 pm

    Btw, it is possible to be psychologically addicted, but not physically. There is a difference. I stand behind the fact that nobody should be able to tell another person what to do with their bodies. That is an infringement on our freedom of choice.

    Legalizing it would also help with prison overpopulation and prison spending. Too many non violent pot heads are in our jails…

  • Dancing Paws

    September 16, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    I want to note that all the peeps I know who are emotionally addicted, also have other psychological issues like depression, bipolar, etc. the occasional users I know have no underlying problems.

  • azblanco

    September 16, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    I don't think ALL drugs should be legalized… I don't think methamphetamines, crack, and heroine should be easily accessable for people to buy and use… The effects of these drugs cannot be compared to the effects of MJ. And as you mentioned, OD on MJ is impossible- scientific fact.

    I can understand your arguement for mj though… you are right about "too many non violent pot heads are in our jails" I think the sentencing for it should be non criminal… In my local parish, a ordinance was just passed to not punish people who are caught with anything less than a quarter… Thats pretty fair, i think. In my state it has become more of a way for local parishes to make money if you are caught with it by paying a fine… 

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 16, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    I think Alaska has some sort of law like that as well.  You can have some on you but not tons to were it appears you are selling it.

  • Dancing Paws

    September 16, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    Actually, the hard drugs like coke, meth, etc are very easy to get. In fact, kids can get all illegal drugs much easier than alcohol…it’s actually becoming more common for kids to go for the illegal drugs bc of how easy it is to get. If they were legal and regulated, they would be harder to get (though not impossible.) all this drug war is doing is putting innocents at risk of getting killed by drug lords or put in jail for using, while they are non violent. It is wasting money in the government funds by trying to fight the cartel, imprison normal average joes, and raid mj dispensaries, etc. that money could go to do many better things. In Amsterdam and other countries where drugs are legal drug use went down.

    In a country that claims to be land of the free, we are restricted in what we can and cannot do. We should be able to pick what we do with our bodies, as long as it does not harm others. We should be able to take drugs, help our terminal patients commit suicide, consenting adults should be able to do as they please, etc. I do not want to de rail the topic completely. I just feel that we are all intelligent free thinking individuals who do not need laws telling us what we can and cannot do when what is in question does no direct harm to others. I still think DUI should be illegal, because that puts others at risk. I do not condone drug use, but I do not think it should be anyone’s choice but our own whether or not to partske, regardless of the safety,

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