Massage therapy and tight hips
Has anyone had to go to a massage therapist? For two years, I have unsuccessfully tried to open my right hip with yoga three times a week and stretching every day. I’ve taken yoga classes like Iyengar and yin yoga to concentrate more on my hip flexors. I remember stepping into a class and having an teacher get three blankets, foam blocks and a chair so that I could do bound angle pose with forward bend. I have also had another yoga instructor ask if I ever had a hip injury or was involved in an accident, neither of which has happened.
The turning point was two weeks ago when I started my usual evening practice. I looked down at how high my right knee was off the floor while sitting crossed-leg and felt a great deal of pain. My left knee was half as high off the ground, but all movement on the right didn’t feel good.
I’ve invested in a foam roller as a last resort, but I really think that massage therapy will be the next step. Has anyone had to go through that, and is it effective?
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