Forums Discussions Mean comments

  • aliceBheartless

    July 8, 2011 at 9:43 pm

    Definitely with Pankake on this one. I would treat anyone who says such patently rude things as a troll.  Typically, if a person says demeaning and harsh things online to anyone, whether they are actually a 'troll' or not, they need to check out until they learn social ettiquette. 

    Sensual, I watched your vid and really enjoyed it. Any mean comments on that have to be trolling. Don't let such things get you down! 

  • Angel1201

    July 9, 2011 at 9:10 pm

    Hey Sensual,

    Sorry to hear you got a mean comment.  You're beautiful and don't you forget it.  I enjoyed your vid.  Hope you have happy dreams tonight.


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