Forums Discussions Michael Jackson

  • Michael Jackson

    Posted by Kamilla-Denmark on June 26, 2009 at 9:52 am

    There really is no right topic for this, so i’ll just write it her..

    My heart and soul hurts, because last night I found out that my beautiful inspiration, my beautiful angels has passed away.
    Michael Jackson – the king of pop – a true and honest man, who was and still is and always will be loved by millions, has been taken from this earth..

    It’s indeed a sad, sad day. An incredible hurtful day. I have not sleept all night.. I cry constantly, I just can’t stop. I truly greave for him.

    I was his biggest fan. I grew up with his music. I was a fan even as a very, very young child – and still is to this day. I truely feel that God has taken one of his most beautiful angels back, because he did what he could for this earth. He fought his battles single handed for so many years, and now its up to us, his fans, to carry on his legasy..

    I just can’t believe it.. I just CAN NOT believe it. His passing seems so unreal, and I don’t know how to accept that the only way I’ll ever hear his voice again is through his musik, which is frossen in time forever.. It is with sadness in my heart that I listen to his music now..

    I don’t know how to explain it.. It just hurts.. His music have been there for me in my darkest hours. When my sister died, HE inspired me to keep going.. In the happyest moment of my life, his music was there..

    I am just lost for words,.. Nothing in the human languish can express what a loss this is

    Michael, I will always love you.. I’ll miss your presens in this world – and so will millions and millions of people around the world. I love you.. Thank you for making the world a better place, for as long as you were her ! I love you, and I cannot say it to many times.. I love you I love you !!

    Jeg elsker dig, Michael Jackson. Du var min stjerne, min engel, og jeg vil ALTID savne dig – min smukke stjerne. Min kærligste <3

    I’m sorry guys.. I just had to get it of my chest..

    Louisex replied 15 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Toccara

    June 26, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Girl I hear ya! Im soooo sad as well! I mean, whether you were white, black, hispanic, male, or female, we could all be gathering and bickering and his music would come on and EVERYONE’s face would get a smile. His music was very inspirational, very touching and always had a purpose. None of that "i got money" "lets f***" and all that crap, it was REAL music.

    He was the best entertainer, noone has even come close. Well Beyonce has as far as entertaining goes but her videos dont compare to his. He was a philanthropist, he did soooo many great things while here on this earth.

    It saddens me that out of everything that he has done, the media is commenting so much on his court cases. He did so much good! If he did anything with those children that was obscene, nobody knows but him, those children, and God. So we shouldnt even be commenting on it. I wish ppl had respect for the deceased.

    He will truly be missed, and I LOVE his music and him. I cried today, because even though I dont KNOW him, i believed and had faith that he meant everything he sang about!

    He was handsome, charming, a little lost with himself, but none the less a good person, and he even had an enourmous amount of sex appeal. Oh man! MJ you will be so greatly missed! XOXO

  • SissyBuns

    June 26, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    I’m saddened by his death too. I don’t judge, I leave that to the jury and if the parents of the acusing children are able to sleep at night with the settlement they were given then I let that go and focus on the entertainment his gave us.

    The airwaves are filled with his music and his videos are playing non stop on TV. I’m reminded over and over why I love him and I have never been so inspired to dance in my life. I went home at lunch today and probably had the best practice I’ve ever had while his music played in the background. I felt strong and emotional and a real conection with the music that I haven’t felt since I got my pole.

    I’m lucky to have grown up in a time when such talent was being presented for the workd to enjoy and his abilities and skill encourage me to keep working on my own craft so one day I can inspire just as he did.

    *limps away from computer to ice back*

  • untamedshrew

    June 26, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    I am a child of the 70s and 80s, so of course I loved Michael Jackson, who didn’t? I remember volunteering to babysit at a house that had MTV (still new then) so I could watch the world premier of his Thriller video. Truly gifted dancer, singer, magically entertaining.

    Unfortunately it was his troubles that overshadowed his talents for the past decade or so. Whether or not he was sexually inappropriate with children, he had inappropriate relationships with them. It is a sad testament to the power of celebrity that parents continued to allow their children to sleep at his house after the first court case. Not trying to tarnish his name, just need to express the sadness I feel for the human race.

  • Katrin_de_Larsen

    June 26, 2009 at 8:53 pm

    This death really shocks !!! He was not only a singer, he was and he is a LEGEND!!! Michael Jackson is extremelly popular. Hardly anyone can be SO recognized and loved ever…Truly understand and share your emotions(((

  • Kamilla-Denmark

    June 28, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    In my opinion Beyonce doesn’t even come close. . . Michael Jackson was a singer-songwriter.. I wrote about the true issues of the world.. He really took a stand and said what everybody else only thought. He touched my heart, and even though I didn’t really KNOW him, I still knew him.. .

    I remember growing up spening every minut reading about his life.. I learned everything about him, from his shoesize to his favorite coloure. The birthdays of his children to the exact times and dates of the relizes of his albums.. I have every cd that has ever been sold..I have every concert on dvd.. I even had tickets for his "this is it" concerts in London. I was supposed to go see him om july 14th… I just can not believe that it isn’t going to happen.. I was counting the days from several months before..

    I thought I would just be sad a day of two after his death. But know on the third day, I still feel just a empty and hollow inside.. I am afraid to press play on one of his songs, because that feeling that used to be there when I listened to his music, that feeling of a real person being there behind the song, that feeling is gone.. Know there is only the empty recordings left. The music, that is frossen in time. . it just is what it is know.. It will never be performed again. It will never be changed og song again. It just is what it is.. It pains me.

    I know it sounds insane.. But I feel like a part of me died with him. Growing up with his music and spending so much time "being a fan" and learning about him as a person, it just took up so much space inside me. He won over my heart just being who he was.

    Michael was probably the most misunderstod person in the whole world. He never touched those children – ever ! It is just a perfekt example of everyone trying to get a big juicy peasy of his banana pie. I never believed a word of it. – and yes, his friendships with young children might have been inappropriate. But just think about it – He would never hurt them, he just never grew up ! He was a star from the age of five, when his carriere with the jackson five took of. – he never got to play and do childish things. He never got to go to school without being made a star of. He didn’t choose that life – his father chose that for him! Michael jackson was seriously scared, because his childhoos was taken away from him. He never really became an adult, even though his body grew up. In his head and in his heart, he was still a child. – people just couldn’t understand that.

    I stand my ground – michael jackson was a beautiful person inside and out. And if only people would take time to listen to his music, just really listen, they would hear his cry for help. – Just listen to the song "childhood" forexaple..

    Wow, that was a entire novel. Sorry..

    I just really miss him. I feel so hollow and sad, and noone really understands how one can greive for someone that they didn’t know. But as a fan, you get to know your idol through the music, interviews, books and all that. He was a part of me and that part died with him.

    He went to soon, all to soon.. It’s just not fair. I just NOT fair.. I am just so unbelievebly sad and heartbroken, and I don’t know how to get rid of this emptyness.

  • glitterhips

    June 29, 2009 at 4:39 am

    I am sooo sad MJ died, I still can’t believe it. I used to be seriously obsessed with him when I was younger, my mom would tape all his videos on a VHS tape for me so I could watch them all and I would put the tape on, get a mitten out of the closet, put it on and pull a piece of hair down in front of my eyes and dance around the living room trying to copy his moves, crotch grabs included. Ok that was embarrassing…ahem..anyway…

    I think that it’s really sad how badly he was scrutinized by the media. I do agree it was odd that he had friendships with so many young children but I honestly think it was because he was robbed of a real childhood since he grew up with the entire world watching him. I don’t think it’s far fetched to think that he befriended children because he wanted to try to find some to way to experience the childhood innocence he never got to have. A lot of people who were child stars don’t seem to have a normal adulthood but I feel like MJ was criticized moreso for this than other celebrities. He was never convicted of anything so I think it’s really unfair of people to assume the things they do about him. Especially now that he’s dead, it is so disrespectful to keep berating him. Let it lie people! No matter what he did in his personal life, he was still the best entertainer and performer of our time. The fact that when he died he crashed Google, Twitter and AIM says a lot about his stature I think. I’m sure most people have some sort of childhood memories related to him regardless of how they felt about him as a person. I know I will miss him!

  • Kamilla-Denmark

    June 29, 2009 at 11:10 am

    Glitterhips – – – I’m so glad that there’s someone out there, who feels the same way I do.

    Today, 4 days since he died, I realized something. I was listening the the song "smile", which gives me some sort of comfort, because Michael talkes about how important it is to just SMILE, even if your sad and it seems like the world is falling before your eyes. If you just smile, then tomorrow may be brighter. And I think that is so true, and ones again it shows how his wonderful music shines through and helpes people through their darkest hours.

    I miss him, I really do. And it’s hard for people to understand, if they wasn’t a fan for such a long time as I have been. (my entire life).. — but Glitterhips, today I also realized, that Michael was the kind of person, who would want his fans to celebrate his life and his music and his achievements. He would’nt want us to mourn him – he would want us to be happy, pray for him, celebrate his music and just be proud of him. Becuase his music was what he lived for. He said so many times, that all he ever wanted was to change peoples lifes for the better with his music. I think he would be heartbroken to se people putting his music away, because it makes them sad to listen to it. – that was my reaction at first. I couldn’t press play on one of his songs, because it hurt me to know, that he was gone, and all that is left is a lausy recording of his voice. But i now know that it’s the wrong way to look at it..

    We need to celebrate him. Appreciate his music and just SMILE ! And just acknowledge that Michael needed to be in peas. His body, mind and sould was tired and wourn out. He was exhousted, and I think it had been a really long time since he was truly happy.. He’s asleep now and in a better place. He’s happy now, i know it.

    Tell me what you think ..

  • mayzface

    July 2, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    It’s been a week since his death and I’m still in shock. I feel like his passing made the world stop turning for a moment. How often is it that everyone on the face of the planet is thinking about the same thing? How did that not create a mind-meld to bring him back?! I spent all last weekend watching his videos non-stop, and I’m so inspired by his style and moves. I got the Beat It routine down and now I’m trying to master that signature kick, and hopefully work it on the pole! Has anyone else been inspired by his amazing dancing? I’d love to see some tribute videos for the King of Pop!

  • Kamilla-Denmark

    July 2, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    Yes it’s almost impossible not to be inspired by his lyrics, the way he moved and the beautiful personality that was behind the name Michael Jackson.

    Through out my childhood i spend every moment trying to master his dance.. I moonwalked, sidewalked, kicked grabed my chrotch and everything..

    I just love him.. I have nothing but love for that man – and I hope that he is somewhere looking down on us, and see how much we apreciate him.. <3 I can’t believe it’s been a week. It’s like the world is not the same anymore – something has changed, it’s impossible to put a finger on it, but.. just something is changed, and i don’t think it’ll ever be the same again.

    We love you, Michael !! We’ll pray for you for generations to come. We’ll never forget you, and your music will continue to change lifes around the globe for years and years and years to come – that’s for sure. !

  • Louisex

    August 17, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    Yes it’s almost impossible not to be inspired by his lyrics, the way he moved and the beautiful personality that was behind the name Michael Jackson.

    Through out my childhood i spend every moment trying to master his dance.. I moonwalked, sidewalked, kicked grabed my chrotch and everything..

    I just love him.. I have nothing but love for that man – and I hope that he is somewhere looking down on us, and see how much we apreciate him.. <3 I can’t believe it’s been a week. It’s like the world is not the same anymore – something has changed, it’s impossible to put a finger on it, but.. just something is changed, and i don’t think it’ll ever be the same again.

    We love you, Michael !! We’ll pray for you for generations to come. We’ll never forget you, and your music will continue to change lifes around the globe for years and years and years to come – that’s for sure. !

    hope hes ok up in heaven. he was truly an inspiration to the world! R.I.P MJ xxxxxx

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