Forums Discussions Mid-life crisis am I too old to start this?

  • angygirl

    March 13, 2010 at 3:50 am

    I am 47 and in better shape now than when I was younger. I have gained flexibility, strength, confidence, enhanced mood. I am glad I started poling. Its been a year now and dont see myself stopping anytime soon.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    March 13, 2010 at 4:21 am

    keep going for it! exercise is normally always healthy (unless already known/other circumstances) anytime i feel like my pole is a waste of time for my body I think about my father who is in great shape and goes to the gym every day and is 65

  • kcfl5

    March 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    I’m 44 just started a few months ago. I am not flexible but working on it. I hope by next year at this time I will be in the best shape of my life. I used to go to the gym every other day and lift weights and cardio. I still go to the gym not as often because I am getting my strength training from the pole. The pole is much more fun.

    Yes, at first I felt like being the odd one and wish I had found this sport when I was younger. Thinking my body could handle the moves better. Maybe so, but I am conditioning it and it just might take a little longer with the help of some advil.

    DH loves seeing me on it even if I am a beginner.

  • teresawitch

    March 13, 2010 at 3:14 pm

    i started age 49, now 50, 51 in august. i met 3 girls there in their twenties and we have become good friends despite the age difference and i am doing moves they can’t. too old no way. it’s a state of mind. only regret i have is i didn’t start sooner. i love poling.

  • Sfida

    March 13, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    I’ll be 40 next October, and, even I see it hard…..SO HARD!!!!! nearly to the impossible!!!! , I’m gonna prove it, and I’m not practicing any sport for ages….but….."piano, piano si va lontano" Italian’s said!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Thanks to all of you for the couraging you give me reading about it!!!!!

    kisses from Spain

  • anneherron

    March 14, 2010 at 10:45 am

    Well if you’re too old there’s no chance for me. I started poling about a month ago and now I’ve just ordered a pole for the house because I love it so much. I’m 56 and have arthritis in my hands but I’m not going to let that stop me…..I wish I’d done this years ago!

  • Sfida

    March 14, 2010 at 11:20 am

    Well if you’re too old there’s no chance for me. I started poling about a month ago and now I’ve just ordered a pole for the house because I love it so much. I’m 56 and have arthritis in my hands but I’m not going to let that stop me…..I wish I’d done this years ago! YOU’RE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …..I know, Age is not the date of birth!!!
    best regards

  • Angel1201

    March 14, 2010 at 1:59 pm


  • polergirl

    March 14, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    I started in my late 30s, and one big advantage I’ve noticed over a lot of the younger girls at the studio is that I know my own body better, and I am more fearless because of that body awareness. I trust my body and my physical strength because I have tested it in other ways over many (many, yikes) years!! There are some moves that seem easier for them, but there are a lot of moves they struggle with or don’t want to try at all because they haven’t the body trust that I do. Not all of the younger girls fit into that mold, obviously, but it is something I have noticed.

    I say go you, and just be the best, most confident poler you can be! It’ll help you gain strength and flexibility…and it’s way more fun than a lot of forms of exercise, right?

  • Ginger Kitty

    March 14, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    Thank you to everyone who replied. I feel much better now that I know I’m not alone in giving poling a try at my age. I’ll be getting a pole for the house soon. I’m so excited. Everyone here seems so nice. Can’t wait to get to know everyone better.

  • pole-twista

    March 14, 2010 at 10:12 pm
  • untamedshrew

    March 15, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    I’ll be 40 in 7 months; I’ve been poling over a year. We are not too old! My progress was quite slow at first, and I’ve had some setbacks with injuries- but I attribute that more to my poor physical shape rather than age. My current goal is to get to a six 6 before I hit 40. If I make it, I’m getting hot pink highlights. I’ll be the hottest poling mom in the PTA!

  • Jill

    March 15, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    Heck no!! I’m 36 in my 2nd yr. poling and plan to continue WAY past 40! What’s great is that poling REALLY tones your body and gets you in shape at any age. While my friends are dealing w/ slowing metabolisms & weight gain, my body looks better than it ever has and I keep getting more fit by the minute! I feel great and I think poling keeps us feeling young! You’re going to love it!

  • JorShi

    March 16, 2010 at 4:54 am

    Oh my gosh! Don’t be crazy. You are not to old at all. This is an awesome workout and it does so much for your confidence and how you old and present yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you different if you love it. GO FOR IT!

  • Trine

    March 16, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    Hi, all you fellow over-40s! I am so glad this thread got started. I was born in 1969 and just started poling a month ago. I’ve only been to a few lessons. Unfortunately, I live just outside Tokyo and there is no room for a pole in my mini Japanese apartment, but hopefully that will change in the future, as I am really having so much fun with it. I’ve made a few friends and feel I am getting some great workouts. At first I was hoping poling would help me with weight loss, but now I am working on weight loss so I can pole! I’ve started a blog even – Please visit me at (ha ha!)

    I haven’t been at StudioVeena long and this thread is my first post. I’ve been feeling more than bashful about my age and ability, but after going through everyone’s comments, I feel so encouraged. Thanks, everyone!

    -Yokaokojo (means something akin to "hot chick" in southern Kyushu dialect)

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