Forums Discussions Mighty Grip Gloves Question

  • Mighty Grip Gloves Question

    Posted by horsecrazy12987 on March 30, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    I’m thinking I will give these a whirl next in my neverending war against my sweaty hands. I’ve tried several different grip aids but seem to sweat through most of them within just a few minutes, so I’m starting to look at different glove options.

    Out of those of you who have a pair of the Mighty Grip gloves, which do you think are better; the ones with tack or the gloves without? I know you can’t spin with the tacky ones, and I’d rather not sacrifice that option, but if the no tack ones grip a lot less, I’d rather get the grippier ones.

    pink33 replied 14 years, 6 months ago 10 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • amcut

    March 31, 2010 at 12:31 am

    I like the not-so-tacky MG gloves.

    To me, they are comparable to handflesh and your grip strength = your grip. The tacky ones are SUPERSERIOUS, like Mighty Grip themselves, so they’re not really my style. They’re -nice-, but only really ideal for iguana mounts and upright spinny mode. Still, it’s really easy to imagine the seams ripping and you falling off the pole completely.

  • horsecrazy12987

    March 31, 2010 at 1:00 am

    Thanks for the input; I’m kind of leaning toward those ones anyway. I would like some slip, just because I’d still like to be able to slide down while my hands are on the pole and still be able to spin and whatnot, I just don’t want the current Vaseline-like mess I’ve got going on. KInda’ makes it hard to get through a whole song when you’re sliding all over the place a minute or two into your dance! Also, my pole doesn’t have spinny mode, so I probably would be better off with the non-tacky ones.

    Do you use any other types of gloves? Would you recommend the Mighty Grip over those, or do you feel that there’s a better option out there?

  • Journey

    March 31, 2010 at 3:08 am

    Amcut – can you still spin with the non-tacky MG gloves??? I’ve heard they still stick too much. And what exactly is that material made out of?? From the picture you can just see some shiny stuff – it almost looks like PVC or something…

    I’m thinking about getting a pair of these just to have… I thought they would be too sticky for my tastes, because I don’t want to give up my spins – my hands sweat so bad I can’t even do a reverse grab anymore. But I’m still working on my modified batting gloves – left hand is done, about 1/3 of the way done with the right. Unfortunately, it’s been raining and I haven’t been on the pole since USPDF weekend so my grip is suffering too much to get a proper test-run.

  • amcut

    March 31, 2010 at 3:20 am

    I still spin with the nontacky, but I have a stainless steel finish. I’m not sure if that makes a difference. The next time I am near chrome I’ll bring the gloves and check. Not exactly sure what the material is- I’d go for mystery but definitely not as shiny as the tacky- which is similar to PVC. More like some kind of soft, thin pleather type stuff.

    Somewhere between matte and shiny- it actually reminds me a bit of a soft steering wheel material.

    It’s not like.. only ridgid spins either- I think they actually improve the quality of my RG!

    I just remembered this. I had forgotten because I have massive hands and had discounted them as tinygloves.

    Art of Dance Sam is one of the first gloved pole dancers I’d seen. She’s in the UK, but she SWEARS on these Nomis Sports Gloves. They were actually discontinued and she harassed the makers into making more of them, she loves them so much. Anyways. She sells them on her site, and I imagine shipping would be the worst of it- but there’s even a review where the person mentions how no grip aid works for her (like y’all) and how she loves the gloves!

    Eheheh. I feel so good having remembered that!

  • Journey

    March 31, 2010 at 3:24 am

    Yes! I’ve seen the Nomis gloves… I sooo wanted to order a pair but I have no idea how international orders work. Besides, the only colors they have right now are a multi-colored green-red-black thing or something like that. Maybe we should get a bunch of Veeners together that want them and order them together and see if we can get a discount and save ourselves the individual hassle of international shipping crap…

    And thanks for the info on the MG gloves, I’ll probably order myself a pair when I get some more cash.

  • sunnyinphoenix

    March 31, 2010 at 3:38 am

    I have the tacky kind (that sounds funny). I like them a lot but I cannot spin with them. I use them solely for learning new tricks that require extra grip or that I think will be easier with extra grip.

    Mine have been beautified by Stella Bella. She took off the tacky (and I mean the real kind of tacky) mighty grip logo which looked a little like a logo for a tonka truck and then added rhinestones. If you are interested. Let me know and I’ll forward it on to Stella. She rocks

  • MilienElayne

    March 31, 2010 at 4:21 am

    I’d go tacky for spin mode and matt for general use, that’s what recommended at the pole studio I go to. I used to use my matt ones in static on ss and in spin class and at home on chrome. I don’t use my gloves anymore at all though, completely weaned off them, I am happy to say. I reckon my grip problems were 80% in my head (anxious thoughts and lack of confidence brings on more sweat and makes my grip tentative even if I try really hard to squeeze) and 20% physical (I get sweaty hands just looking at them, and I think I have poor circulation and need to make sure my hands are warmed up properly – yes, the muscles and tendons in your hands need warming up too, apparantly!). Anyhoo, I’d go for the matt ones as they’re more versatile.

  • Journey

    March 31, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    I have the tacky kind (that sounds funny). I like them a lot but I cannot spin with them. I use them solely for learning new tricks that require extra grip or that I think will be easier with extra grip.

    Mine have been beautified by Stella Bella. She took off the tacky (and I mean the real kind of tacky) mighty grip logo which looked a little like a logo for a tonka truck and then added rhinestones. If you are interested. Let me know and I’ll forward it on to Stella. She rocks

    LOL you’re right about the logo! I so would’ve sprung for these gloves sooner if it wasn’t for that… I saw it and was like, "Umm… maybe I’ll see if there’s something a bit less cheesy looking…" I’ll probably spruce mine up a bit when and if I ever get them, too.

  • horsecrazy12987

    March 31, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks for the link, amcut! Those look great. I’m going to look around and see if I can possibly find a U.S. distributer online since international shipping is a pain–although I do like Journey’s idea of maybe getting a bunch of us sweaty SV members together and seeing if we can do some big order and get a discount. It might be worth asking about, at least.

    In the meantime, I think I’ll pick up a pair of the MG gloves.

  • miss fern

    April 1, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    I can spin with the Matt gloves (the ‘tacky one’) and I have a titanium pole. I use it on both static and spinning. I’m going to get a pair of the glossy ones soon, to use for spin mode (as they were designed to be).

  • Journey

    April 8, 2010 at 4:06 am

    I’m bumping this thread instead of starting a new one…

    I caved and ordered a pair of the MG gloves. I have wicked small hands and ordered a pair of the extra-small size. They are a smidge too tight around my thumb (random…?) and feel a bit short, like they should come down my wrist a bit more. But other than that, they fit fine.

    My question for those of you who have them, do they stretch out a bit? I’m considering ordering a larger size (the smalls) but I’m afraid of them not fitting the rest of my hand very well. I want to figure this out before I get annoyed with the tags on my wrists and take a Sharpie to that MG logo…

    So what do you all recommend???

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 8, 2010 at 4:24 am

    First of all: DEATH TO THE MG LOGO!! Who the hell came up with that, anyway?!

    Secondly, I actually just received the gloves I ordered, and I got a small, which is normally what I wear in gloves. When I pulled them out of the package I actually thought ‘holy hell, are these children’s gloves?!’ they were so small. They were very tight when I first put them on—but, they do stretch out I’ve found, and pretty quickly. They were almost uncomfortable to wear at first, and now after a few short poling sessions with them on they aren’t bad at all. Quite snug, but at least that means my hands won’t slide around in them.

    However, I think they’re a little short at the bottom, and that might be why I’m having trouble with spins while I’m wearing them. When I spin, or even just walk around the pole while holding onto it, the bottom of the gloves tends to bunch up, so I don’t get the kind of momentum I want because the glove sort of arrests all momentum mid-spin. I’m thinking this is because the gloves might be a tad too small.

    They seem to run pretty small–I probably should have gotten a medium. I bet you would be fine with a small. They’re not that expensive–I would probably just order a small if I were you, and see if those don’t work a little better. I’m contemplating getting a medium, just to see if they go down a little farther and don’t mess up my spins.

    They do add a nice bit of grip on holds, though, and I can still slide down the pole with them on, which is a big improvement over just wearing liquid chalk. I tried sliding down the pole once with liquid chalk on my hands and it was so damn ugly–I’d jerk almost to a halt every few inches or so. I looked like a manual shift car with a newb behind the wheel.

  • miss fern

    April 8, 2010 at 9:19 am

    All the sizes run quite short in the bottom/wrist area.

    I suggest contacting mighty grip with constructive review of the product. This is just the first release so they will be making adjustments and releasing new lines/versions. So get in now, while they have a chance to hear your suggestions (and praise):

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 8, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    Oooh, that’s a good idea. I didn’t realize they were pretty new–I thought they’d been around for a while. That’s my only complaint about them really, is the short bottom bunching up when I do spins. Otherwise I like them a lot.

  • MilienElayne

    April 8, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    I never wear other gloves, so I didn’t notice they were short in the wrist. Could it be so they don’t chaffe and so they allow for better range of movement? I have the second gen Australian ones now and the logo isn’t as butt-ugly, it has cursive writing, but the tab is still big and glaring and I do always have to cut those huge tags off.

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