Forums Discussions Mighty Grip Gloves Question

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 8, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    Can you spin with them on? Maybe I’m just retarded. I think it was amcut that said she could spin fine with the no-tack gloves (which is what I have,) but my spins with the gloves on aren’t that great. I can do them, but they’re pretty weak and don’t have the momentum I like to get.

  • Journey

    April 8, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    Yeah I pulled mine out and I was wondering how my hand was going to fit in them, but they fit fine other than my thumb and the wrist thing. (and I got extra smalls, so imagine how tiny those things are!) But if they stretch out as you use them, then I’ll hang onto this size. Maybe I’ll have my husband try to pull them on a few times, too.

    But yeah, that wrist thing is annoying… I was constantly pulling on them. I think they should bring it further down and have it close around your wrist, not a tab on the back. Because even if they were a little longer, it would probably still hike up if there isn’t anything securing it there. I think I’ll shoot them an email, and hope they get it right the next time around because I can’t afford to keep buying new gloves!

    Oh, on the other hand, though – they are awesome. They grip great and still let you do spins, which surprised me. Definitely worth the investment, even with the wrist drawback.

  • MilienElayne

    April 8, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    To be honest I really haven’t tried to do spins with them on. I kind of neglected my spins when I had beginner death grip and had no momentum and then when had slippery grip of death I only did spins when I absolutely had to in classes… I was also told when I got them at the studio that they’re not good for static spins, so I didn’t try. I might have to give it a whirl. Funny thing is that static spins are great to warm my grip up, to help increase grip strength and get my hands used to not sweating on the pole a hell of a lot quicker… so no wonder I was having problems and turned to gloves in the first place. I’m also a bit afraid I’ll rip them: I avoid Jamilla to Butterfly, Hero and one handed tuck spin with gloves because those moves have split my gloves before. I put all my weight on the bottom hand, and that hand can try to slide and twist at the same time as I am death-gripping. There have been much harder polers and much heavier girls doing much crazier stuff who’ve never split their gloves, so I guess I am just a glove ripping evil genius or something.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 8, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    There have been much harder polers and much heavier girls doing much crazier stuff who’ve never split their gloves, so I guess I am just a glove ripping evil genius or something. I don’t know why, but for some reason this mental image is cracking me up. I’m picturing a Mr. Burns type thing going on, with the steepled finger and the tatters of some poor overworked glove hanging in shreds off his scrawny wrists. Maybe you’re just ridiculously unlucky with gloves and you always get the defective ones.

    I miss spinning, honestly. I can do one here or there if I’m just fooling around, but if I’m doing an actual dance or workout, either the pole is too slippery for me to spin safely, or I work up such a sweat that I can’t hang on with my bare hands. If I use liquid chalk or gloves, I can’t spin. (Well, I can spin a little with gloves, but not like I can bare-handed.) I think I really just need to find a sexy way to work wiping down the pole and my hands into my routines.

    As for the gloves themselves, like I said, the short bottoms and bunching up on spins are really my only complaints; they really do grip well.

  • Journey

    April 9, 2010 at 1:49 am

    I actually spin in mine just fine so far… Yeah, they bunch up and I still can’t do a reverse grab in them because they slide too much (I’ve also probably lost my grip for it since I haven’t done it in so long). If they came down the wrist more and had a velcro closure around the wrist instead of a tab on the back, I’m sure they wouldn’t bunch so much. And that’s what I told them in the email I sent today, too. (I refrained from telling them their logo is hideous)

    Last time I used them I took some brand-new hair ties and put them around my wrists on the gloves. They were tight enough to keep the gloves from coming up over the heels of my hands (although they did move a bit) during spins.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 9, 2010 at 1:57 am

    The hair scrunchies are a good idea. I was thinking of something along the same lines, but hair scrunchies didn’t occur to me. I have some of those rubber band types that fit really tightly, and I’ve got a whole pack of them–I bet they’d work really well.

  • Journey

    April 9, 2010 at 3:39 am

    I feel like I’ve completely taken over this thread but I got a response back from Mighty Grip on the email I sent them about the gloves and I thought I would share. I basically said I think they should be a bit longer at the wrist and close around the wrist instead of at the back of the hand.

    Turns out they’ve already noticed that and have come out with a different design. Also, they are going to be making a wristlet to add on to the glove to help protect the wrist. Cool, huh?

    He also said he loves getting feedback and wished more people would do so.

    So yeah, definitely send them emails with suggestions – it sounds like they are very open to new ideas! I did send him an email back just to clarify that a longer glove would be preferred not because of protecting the wrist, but to prevent it from hiking up.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 9, 2010 at 3:53 am

    That’s great that you actually got a reply back and not some generic-sounding form letter. I do see their problem with making longer gloves as well as the regular length ones–I like the idea of the wristlets, though. I was actually thinking of jury-rigging something similar. I was thinking of maybe winding some vet wrap around my wrist where the glove ends to extend it just a little farther, and then securing it to the glove with packing tape. Vet wrap fits closely to the skin, and I believe it should allow you to spin, plus if you secure it tightly enough nothing should bunch up. This is all just theory, though. It might end up being a bigger pain in the ass than it’s worth, but vet wrap and packing tape are cheap, so I was going to pick some up at the store tomorrow and see what I could come up with.

  • amcut

    April 9, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    …That’s really kind of weird that y’alls ride up so much.

    I guess mine fit -perfectly-.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 9, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    Maybe we just got our gloves a size too small.

  • Journey

    April 12, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    Here I am bumping this thread again…

    I’ve been playing email tag with Joel from Mighty Grip – giving him feedback, being nosy about other things that they’re working on (something I suggested that they make is something that they already thought of and have on the drawing board as far as a new product goes, so I’m looking forward to that!).

    Along with telling me that they have made a new kind of velcro wrist closure that should hold the glove on better, he told me that they actually have two different manufacturers making the gloves and the gloves from one of them tend to run smaller than the other. The gloves come in either a cellophane package or a two-tone plastic one (clear on the front, solid on the back) – the ones that come in the two-tone run smaller. I believe that may be the answer to our mystery to why some of us have seemingly shorter gloves than others.

    I’m going to be trying out a pair with the new velcro closure on them, so I’ll let you guys know how I like them.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 12, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    Ooh, when are the new gloves with the new closure on them coming out? I’d be interested in picking up a pair too.

  • Journey

    April 12, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    I don’t know, exactly… but I can’t wait. I wonder if they’ll put something up on the website???

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 12, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    I would imagine they’d post something once the new products are available, so I’ll have to keep an eye out on that. Maybe you’ll receive an e-mail update or something, since you’ve expressed interest personally to them. If anyone spots something on them, let us all know! I’m sure there are at least a couple other people on here who would be interested in them.

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    November 30, 2010 at 3:28 am

    Alrighty ladies, maybe this is a silly question, but are the tack gloves sold as a set or individually? i assume as a set, but I wanted to ask someone before I ordered them..

    I have a pair of black vinyl boots and love being able to have a better grip when trying new tricks, so I’m really hoping the gloves will keep me from sliding!
    The weather changes here in St Louis are messing with my hands and it’s driving me nuts! Some days I’m the spin queen, and other days I can’t hold on for my life!

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