Forums Discussions Misisng My Pole / Very sick Kids

  • Misisng My Pole / Very sick Kids

    Posted by PaulettePoles on December 1, 2011 at 5:58 am

    Just wanted to vent for a minute! I have a 16 yo daughter who has diabetes and its always a rough go- we are in the ER about every other week- shes been real hard to stabilize and recently got an insulin pump. Well, now my 8 yo daughter has been in the hospital since Sun w viral meningitis! She is in so much pain, have to sit in the dark w no light, no TV, no talking, no , moveing- but she is scared and needs me right next to her.. 

    I havent gotten to pole in almost a week, can feel all my muscles cramping and aching from sitting still for soo long. I have a knee injury which is normally ok- now from sitting w it bent so long, I cant bend my knee and it is hurting constantly which worries me about getting back on the pole for knee hangs, etc..

    My 16 yo came to visit last night and in the hospital room suddenly had chest pain and shortness of breath, shaking all over and crying uncontrollably, terrible back pain- ended up in the er w her and now she is diagnosed w..insulin dependent diabtes, bilater dequervaine syndrom ( had sugery on one wrist, waiting the other, found out last night all her back pain is from…scoliosis- and now diagnosed w panic attacks! SHe had four the day before and they are severe.

    I feel bad complaining about me at all when my kids are sick and suffering. Thought this community would be the only who would understand! I feel like all my hard work is gonna dissapper and Ive really made some progress w my ayesha and felxibility training. Feel soooo stiff and so weak now!

    Have no choice but to take care of my babies, so off to the hospital I go, will bring my computer w me so I can enjoy all of your poling!

    PS- I watch the vids every day and forums, I have recorded videos lately w my new tablet- went to upload them and have no idea where they went on my computer, then they erased form my tablet! I am really trying to participate here but  seem to be technically challenged- and now kid challenged. I think most already know my hubby isnt pole supportive either. Getting a little down form the lack of movement!

    Thanks all for letting me vent- hope to be back to normal soon and be posting successfully soon after that! To any moms out there who have chronically sick kids my heart goes out to you. It is so tough!!


    PaulettePoles replied 13 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • nymphdancer

    December 1, 2011 at 6:17 am

    Hugs sweetie, I really can relate to your pain Been going through something similar myself.

    . My mom was hospitalized on Oct  18th and was in the ICU for 22 days, in the hospital for 25 and almost died. She is in rehab now trying to get strength back. She will be released next week 25 days in rehab. On my husbands b'day Nov 3rd his father passed away. We knew it was coming he was diagnosed in late Sept with an inoperable rapid growing cancerous brain tumor. Thank goodness mom was starting to improve as we had to drive to NC for the funeral. On top of that hubby was laid off from his job Mid-October he was actually at corperate office in VA the day my mom went in to the hospital. Even though techically it was his last day of work they paid 400 extra to send him home to me faster. They would have loved to have kept him on but there just wasn't the contracts for him to work on. I lost the space I was going to rent for the studio, although that might work out in the end because of something else that opened up. And my oldest daughter got pnumonia right before T-day. I haven't danced in about 7 weeks. I've gained a crap load of weight and feel like I'm working on "emotion light" or emotionally numb.

    Luckily my hubby is my biggest supporter and fan has been totally wonderful through all this!


  • tarah

    December 2, 2011 at 12:05 am

    so sorry to hear about your daughters, paulette.   i hope they are out of the hospital and feeling better soon!  and that things return to normal so you can get back to poling!

    @nymphdancer – so sorry!  that's so much to deal with all at once, i would be falling apart!  i'm glad your hubby is so awesome. 

    hugs to both of you!!

  • PaulettePoles

    December 2, 2011 at 4:46 am

    Nymph- I am soo sorry to hear about that as well. You definitely can relate. It is so hard to have a loved one so sick. It puts things into perspective a bit becuase I at least know that my kids will improve. My 8yo is still in the hospital. My 16yo had more panic attacks yesterday and had to come home from school. I gave her osme CD's to listen to last night from U cure. I had her start w the breathing one-   she came back and gave them to me and said they were horribly creepy weird and scared her. I thought they were relaxing. I dont know what to do w her! I can also relate to your job situation. My husband is a contractor and that says enough for now! I hope your mom continus to improve. Its a scary road. and so sorry about your FIL. I hope he didnt suffer from the tumor too much. I used to work for neurosurgeons- that can be extremely scary. Is you daughter feeling better now? and you? I really feel for you- Im whining about 7 days in a row and youve been going through this for 7 weeks! Thank you so much for your reply becuase it really helps to know someone else is going through a similar situationand can relate, although I am so sorry to hear what you are struggling with.

    On a lighter note, you are opening a studio? Good for you!!

    @Tarah- thanks so much- She seemed to turn a corner yesterday and was able to get off the IV morphine. I came home from the hospital last night w my 16yo- she really needed me w her. I am gonna call now and see how the night went w my hubby.

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