Forums Discussions Miss Pole Dance Belgium

  • Miss Pole Dance Belgium

    Posted by yogabeachbabe on June 5, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    Saw this on YouTube this morning. Watch until the end because I wasn’t that impressed until half-way through. She goes into a half backbend, and then pulls it up to a split-leg handstand! Then at the end she goes from chopper to superman!!!! Holy crap!

    yogabeachbabe replied 15 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Fleur

    June 5, 2009 at 3:33 pm

    you werent that impressed until half way through? lol i am NEVER posting a video on here!!

    Lol Laney, I think she meant that she had seen the other moves done that way before, not to say they aren’t stil really awesome! Post!!! I promise we don’t bite! We are very supportive


  • Veena

    June 5, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    I thought she did really well, her method of getting into the handspring was different. I had never seen anyone kind of a back bend into handspring before. Cool.

  • yogabeachbabe

    June 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    OH, OH, OH, OH, NOOOOOO! I’m so sorry if I was misunderstood or came off sounding snotty!

    First off, I haven’t posted yet because I’m scared and I don’t think I’m good enough. I’ve been trying to get over it and hopefully I will very soon.

    Second, I so admire everyone’s work here! From girls who are dancing for the first time to professional and teachers. EVERYONE is so talented.

    Which leads me to Third, I think that there are many girls here (NOT me, obviously), who are as, or even more, spectacular than Miss Pole Dance Belgium, although I found those moves extraordinarily unique. I could name names (cough*Veena**Fleur*, etc), but I won’t…

    Fleur is right: I only meant that the combination of certain moves were very original and eye-catching.

    So I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I really meant the exact opposite!

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 6, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    Here is her dance from a 2008 competition.

    Kudos to her? win but for such an emotional song I felt her dance was so cold. I don’t want to sound mean or anything but it didn’t feel like a performance.

    Oh boy… great example of an extremely stilted performance… maybe she was nervous??? Her movements didn’t flow at all, it was like she had to think about every move she made… She didn’t look like she was enjoying herself at all, though… poor thing… Her tricks were very good, though!

  • yogabeachbabe

    June 7, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    I wonder if she has a rhythm gymnastics background? I’m also wondering if there are certain rules in different countries regarding pole dance competitions. And that leads me to wonder if pole dancing becomes an Olympic event, will it be scrubbed squeaky clean for a G-rated audience so all can see it? I think that was the controversy to begin with. While we all want to see pole dancing recognized for it’s beauty and incredible strength, if it is admitted to the Olympics, it might change the unique quality of an art that balances on the edge of acrobatics, fluidity and delightful nastiness and sensuality. Just a thought. What do you guys think?

  • nikki_christie

    June 8, 2009 at 3:01 am

    While we all want to see pole dancing recognized for it’s beauty and incredible strength, if it is admitted to the Olympics, it might change the unique quality of an art that balances on the edge of acrobatics, fluidity and delightful nastiness and sensuality. Just a thought. What do you guys think?

    I think if it does ever become an olympic sport, it will most definately be admitted as a variation of gymnastics rather than dance, but only in that context, nothing could stop us pole lovers from dancing our hearts out OUR way, whether that be sexy or slow or funky or whatever! I think this (more gymnasticy type poling) might also have been the type of dancing that the miss pole dance belgium competitor was going for.

    But thats one of the wonderful things about pole dancing, it is very diverse. It can be really sporty, really sexy or very acrobatic. You can dance to any music and incorporate any number of other dance styles or performance styles.

    I definately think that some of us have been a bit too hard on the miss belgium competitor (if she is a member of this site, I think her feelings would be hurt)- I think her performance was very controlled and it definately reminded me of a gymnastics performance. And like others have said, she would surely have been very nervous. I know that I definately couldn’t do as well as she did!

    We have to remember to appreciate any interpretation of the art of pole-dancing and the more diverse the better – it just goes to show how much we can do with our bodies and a pole!!

    In fact, perhaps this could be a future challenge – pole diversity! Think capoeria pole dance

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 8, 2009 at 3:08 am


    I have a couple capoeria songs I’ve been kinda wanting to try poling to, (I really do, too, you know the "zoom zoom zoom" song from the Mazda commercials??? That’s one of them – the commercials just leave out the line where they actually say the word "capoeria")

    Yes I hope I didn’t come across as harsh about her dancing… it was very controlled, I just thought it was a bit too robotic… My favorite video ever is Hanka’s pole dance to "Rood" from the canceled "world" competition in the Netherlands and it’s a very non-sexy performance, so this one came across as very stiff to me. (you can search for Hanka’s video on YouTube, I’ve posted the link here like 5 times in different threads so I won’t do it again lol)

    It just depends on what she was shooting for, that’s all.

  • nikki_christie

    June 8, 2009 at 3:26 am


    Lol didn’t expect quite such an excited reaction You have to do it now, I wanna see that!!

    You’re right, it depends on what sort of effect you are going for with your dance, and I’m sure we all have our own personal favourite styles… i.e. most men (Joel, jungle I don’t mean you guys or any other gentlemen on the forum!) are more interested in ‘sexy’ poling than the sporty type for obvious reasons haha – but I do think that miss pole dance belgium was probably aiming for that more serious gymnastic type of performance.

    Like yogabeachbabe said too there might be restrictions in belgien national competitions… ? Anyone belgish (haha thats not right) here to clear this up?

    zoom zoom!!

  • Veena

    June 8, 2009 at 4:06 am

    Here is her dance from a 2008 competition.

    Kudos to her win but for such an emotional song I felt her dance was so cold. I don’t want to sound mean or anything but it didn’t feel like a performance. Hey guys…be nice, She did a wonderful job in both vids, its just a different style of pole dance. In many of the European countries pole dance is aproched like gymnastics. The focus being on the moves not an artistic performace, sexy is NOT an option. This is what I fear would happen to pole dance if we keep pushing to call it a sport and place it in the Olympics, the self expression would be gone.

    I’m not saying pole dance isn’t athletic….our wonderfully sculpted bodies say pole is VERY athletic, BUT I would be sooooo disappointed if the dance was taken out.

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