Forums Discussions Miss Pole Dance QLD

  • Miss Pole Dance QLD

    Posted by miss fern on August 17, 2009 at 1:43 am

    I went to the Miss Pole Dance Australia state finals on Saturday and they were fantastic! (For those who don’t know, there are 7 states and territories in Australia and all of them except NT hold pole comps, and the winners from each state fly down to Sydney for the national finals in October).

    At times it got a bit tedious seeing the same old, same old over and over again, as some of the girls didn’t have much stage presence. But of the stand out performances – WOW – they REALLY stood out! I totally enjoyed myself! Even if it did go for about 4 hours lol! At the end there was also a jungle themed performance by Miss Suzie Q and Candice, who are past winners, which was cute.

    Did anyone else go?

    My favourites routines were:
    – The Jailbreak Doubles performance. At one point, of the girls fell down the pole a few metres and caught herself in a jade split! :O
    – The ACDC/Angus Young performance by Megan (this was totally the crowd favourite, she rocked out in a totally goofy hilarious way, it was awesome! She got the biggest applause by far! I loved it!)
    – The buddhisty doubles performance (Bec and Blithe I think), they had a few ‘wow’ tricks that were very different, but they’re too dificult to describe hehe.

    I hope a highlights video comes out or something! I wanna see pics too! Aah!

    byrdgrrl replied 15 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies

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