Forums Discussions Miss Xpose 2010

  • Guccichic

    November 2, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    I saw that too. wow… When can we meet up to get a copy of the video competition? I got my pole up finally and I’m waiting on my extreme pole..

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    Sissy I’m so excited! I’ve already started hunting for a costume and I’ve got one of my songs, but I’m not sure about the other. I’m trying to nail a spinning shoulder mount for my Pole Diva routine and a body wave for the Pole Princess but only time will tell If I don’t have a move nailed by January then I’m just not going to do it.

    Oh and I have vids on youtube and I know my channel is being monitored, but I didn’t realize it didn’t post to my profile like vids directly uploaded here. No worries though, I’ve uploaded a few and I’m gonna upload some more

  • SissyBuns

    November 2, 2009 at 6:05 pm

    Sissy I’m so excited! I’ve already started hunting for a costume and I’ve got one of my songs, but I’m not sure about the other. I’m trying to nail a spinning shoulder mount for my Pole Diva routine and a body wave for the Pole Princess but only time will tell If I don’t have a move nailed by January then I’m just not going to do it.

    Oh and I have vids on youtube and I know my channel is being monitored, but I didn’t realize it didn’t post to my profile like vids directly uploaded here. No worries though, I’ve uploaded a few and I’m gonna upload some more

    I’ve had your 1 year pole-avversary vid fav’d for a long time!

    It’s funny that you mention the body wave because I have been working on that and I’ve been thinking about trying the spinning shoulder mount too! I have so many ideas of stuff I want to put into my routine but I’m only going to use things that I have down good by Feb. I have no idea what song I want…no idea at all…LOL.

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    I’ve had your 1 year pole-avversary vid fav’d for a long time!

    It’s funny that you mention the body wave because I have been working on that and I’ve been thinking about trying the spinning shoulder mount too! I have so many ideas of stuff I want to put into my routine but I’m only going to use things that I have down good by Feb. I have no idea what song I want…no idea at all…LOL.

    I’ve heard the music is really important. I didn’t see the competition last year, but the girl who came in second is one of the BEST I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t believe she didn’t win. I asked her what in the WORLD did the girl who beat her do to edge her out and she said she thinks it had to do with her flow and the way her music was put together. So now I’m OBSESSED with picking the right song

    Here are a few I’ve seriously considered. Some of these are only good selections if the costume goes with it:
    Circus- Brittney Spears
    Girl Fight- Brooke Valentine
    A BAD mix with Bad to the Bone, MJ’s Bad and Rihanna’s Bad Girl
    Candy Man- Christina Aguilera

    Ladies any suggestions you have for Sissy and I would be greatly appreciated We need guaranteed crowd pleasing songs!

  • curvydva

    November 2, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    Plus now that I’ve watched curvydiva I’m all depressed now LOL.

    You are so good girl! And strong as all hell!

    You are so silly but thanks I’m actually hoping someone drops from floor/chair so I can switch lol.

  • Stacia

    November 9, 2009 at 1:15 am

    I’m so excited for you! I wish I had the guts to do a competition. I want to but I’m chicken sh*t! I just went to the Arundel Hills Xpose location for the first time. I had a great time and will be going back for sure. Which studio do you dance at? I know there’s two other locations.

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    I’ve had your 1 year pole-avversary vid fav’d for a long time!

    It’s funny that you mention the body wave because I have been working on that and I’ve been thinking about trying the spinning shoulder mount too! I have so many ideas of stuff I want to put into my routine but I’m only going to use things that I have down good by Feb. I have no idea what song I want…no idea at all…LOL.

    I’ve heard the music is really important. I didn’t see the competition last year, but the girl who came in second is one of the BEST I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t believe she didn’t win. I asked her what in the WORLD did the girl who beat her do to edge her out and she said she thinks it had to do with her flow and the way her music was put together. So now I’m OBSESSED with picking the right song

    Here are a few I’ve seriously considered. Some of these are only good selections if the costume goes with it:
    Circus- Brittney Spears
    Girl Fight- Brooke Valentine
    A BAD mix with Bad to the Bone, MJ’s Bad and Rihanna’s Bad Girl
    Candy Man- Christina Aguilera

    Ladies any suggestions you have for Sissy and I would be greatly appreciated We need guaranteed crowd pleasing songs!

    I have the DVD from last year so I know who you’re talking about and I will tell you it definitely was the music. The girl who got second was strong as hell. Amazing. But the winner had a cute song (Usher I think) and a fun sexy performance. I can send you a copy of the DVD if you want?

    I like the songs you are considering. So far I keep listening to Battlefield by Jordan Sparks over and over and imagine myself in a cute ripped up army outfit LOL.

    Another girl in last years show did a mix of superwoman and it did not sound good at the time. It seemed jumbled and out of place, like it didn’t have a flow ….

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    I saw that too. wow… When can we meet up to get a copy of the video competition? I got my pole up finally and I’m waiting on my extreme pole..

    I can burn you one whenever. I can just drop one in the mail if that’s easier

  • SissyBuns

    November 9, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    I’m so excited for you! I wish I had the guts to do a competition. I want to but I’m chicken sh*t! I just went to the Arundel Hills Xpose location for the first time. I had a great time and will be going back for sure. Which studio do you dance at? I know there’s two other locations.

    When I do go I go to Arundel Mills. Which class did you take?

  • minicoopergrl

    December 4, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    Good Luck Sissy and Curvy! Im in that competition as well. Im in all 3 again – I have a go hard or go home approach. I also am on the hunt for costumes. Music is picked out.

  • SissyBuns

    December 4, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    Ok so here’s the deal with me and Missxpose…I’m having surgery at the end of this month and I’ll be in a cast for 6 weeks

    My cast will come off a couple of weeks before the competition though so I’m wondering….maybe if I dance barefoot….and don’t do a whole lot of ‘footsy" stuff…..maybe…..just maybe…..I could still do it?!

    We shall see!

  • minicoopergrl

    December 4, 2009 at 7:27 pm

    Vanessa danced barefoot, and I danced w/pointe shoes. Anything goes really at ms Xpose except for the nudity thing!

  • anaisnin

    January 4, 2010 at 2:08 am

    Oh man, I want to watch you guys strut your stuff! I’ve just started going to xpose. When is this awesomeness going down? Feb? Where can I buy tickets?!


  • freakiel

    January 4, 2010 at 2:16 am

    can’t wait to see you ladies!!

  • minicoopergrl

    January 4, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Oh man, I want to watch you guys strut your stuff! I’ve just started going to xpose. When is this awesomeness going down? Feb? Where can I buy tickets?!


    Feb 20th is the competition day. Im not sure when tickets go on sale. You can buy them at the front desk. Each Xpose has thier own preliminary night. Just check the website. Sissy, Curvy and I are all competing at the same studio. I see a crown for all of us!

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