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  • More gymnastics talk

    Posted by deetron on December 9, 2009 at 11:46 am

    I love gymnastic and I’ve been looking for someone to teach me stuff.. particularly tumbling and handstandy-tricks, but I cant seem to find anyone apart from one of the managers of my college gym who is trying to teach me how to do a back handspring in his spare time. But it’s hard to get a hold of him, so sometimes I just go to the park and do front handsprings and cartwheels and stuff on the grass. But the back handspring is too scary for me to practice on my own… diving backwards, with the driving-the-head-into-the-ground trajectory!!! Yikes!!

    Does anybody have any tips about learning this stuff? I’ve been looking at those foam roller things.. do they help? Do you know the ones I mean?

    deetron replied 15 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Veena

    December 10, 2009 at 3:58 am

    I would love to take some gymnastics too! I know here in the states we have adult classes. I really don’t know how you would go about teaching yourself back flips and such. I’m working on handstands and that is sloooooow going.

  • binejean

    December 10, 2009 at 11:04 am


    I could teach you those things… If you were in Majorca

    But I agree with you, a back handspring is very scary to learn on your own. I know a series of educative exercises that would bring you to learn it. You would need a very thick mat that allows you to land directly on your back or stomach ( so nice and thick.. the gymnastics ones). And the foam thingy you were talking about is good to have too.

    But maybe you should start with the back walkover. You know this move where you smoothly go put your hands on the floor by bending to the back ( like going in a bridge from standing) and your legs follow in a splits position? This is a nice start to learn to trust your arms when you do a move to the back. And you could learn it at home with the help of your sofa, your bed or a wall.

    Did you try to look for circus schools in your area? They often have adult classes ans they teach acrobatics… Maybe that could work

    What do you think?

  • verucablue

    December 10, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    Were are you located and I can help you find a teacher in that area…also backhand springs should only be attempted with someone spotting you – if you can’t already do them on your own please have a competent spotter.

  • deetron

    December 12, 2009 at 1:52 am

    Hi all – thanks for the replies!!

    Binejean thanks for the tip with the back walkover – I’ve been trying that too. Falling back into a crab is grand.. the hard part for me is kicking out of it into the walkover.. if you know what I mean!! I might try a series of moves with the bed alright!

    Veena your hard work must be paying off… I loved your gymnastic-y forearm (or was it a head) stand in your USPDF entry video – it looked so cool, very smooth and controlled, and boy do you have abs to die for!!

    Verucablue I’m in Dublin, Ireland. There are no circus schools here! And the other day I went searching for an adult gymnastics class and I ended up emailing the coach of an all-boys gymnastic club in an all-boys secondary school (in Ireland we’ve got lots of uni-gender high schools!) because I didn’t realize the club was only for men (both youths and adults). There were pictures of ladies doing gymnastics up on the website.. but I got a fairly bemused email reply suggesting I could come along, but I might be outnumbered!! (but the underlying tone was don’t really come along… you crazy woman!!!!) I’ll do some more searching, but if that doesn’t work I’ll just have to wait around for my gym buddy to spot me!!

    Gymanstics is cool!

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