Forums Discussions Moves you dont like?

  • villainvixen

    April 30, 2013 at 5:27 pm

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't like moves I can't do yet. All frustration. Though, I was negative about one move and I've re-read it and I just want to smack myself, it sounded so horrible and rude and I didn't mean it at all the way it sounded. I basically compared it to being a "stripper" move, and I thought that sounded as if I was attacking strippers. I have no issues with strippers whatsoever. I'm quite envious of them. So anyone here who does that for a living I do sincerely apologize. 

    I just don't like the Standing V, or any other name attached to it. I've seen too many people just go far too vulgar with it and it makes me cringe. 

  • luvlee

    April 30, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    I saw side climb mentioned in here as well, but I know the side climb I do is awful. I am not even a fan. Poyked did it in her performance and it was smooth, pointed, and graceful!!!!!!! Not sure how she did it, but if I were going to side climb at all, I would use her video as a reference. It was beautifu.

  • Veena

    April 30, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    I do think a thread like this could get ugly, but I feel we've done a good job keeping it friendly. It's allowing others insight into how they feel about or see moves, opening up conversation about it. I think over all it's been good conversation. I know I've learned from it.

    My style has been called old fashion… I guess, meaning I don't always bust out all the newest pole work out there? But honestly, I'm happy to represent the "old fashion", "basic" pole dancer.

    New pole dancers, never forget, basic's are the foundation of beautiful dance!!!!! 

  • luvlee

    April 30, 2013 at 7:06 pm

    Not everyone is going to like everything in every sport. I think we are all adult enough here not to get our feelings hurt. It is not personal. Also, I have to say that you may not like a move then see it done differently or just very gracefully and be like woah! That can be done nicely. I have always felt weird doing the V Teddy and wrist seat. I have a very open straddle. I don't care. I have worked for it. I think my open Teddy is graceful. I may be the onlt one that thinks it looks graceful, but I don't care. Lol. You can not please everyone ever. I agree with Veena. I am an older school poler. I am working on flexibility because I love the new contortion moves, but they are not moves everyone can just do without a very bendy back.

  • Angie La

    April 30, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    Oh so THAT'S what it's called now…smh. Veena I just thought it was called creative, emotive, and authentic.  I need to keep up, too, I guess.  Interesting but I have not really learned very many "new" moves in the last 5 months or so…but I have found a new me within e moves I do know.  I guess this is another topic–I'm sorry, I just had to comment on that.  Will you come to SC and teach an "old fashion" workshop? I need to see how that's done in person bc I think it's just plain AWESOME!  :-*

  • Angie La

    April 30, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    And that played out iron-x took me almost a year to finally say I can do one that is passable.  Maybe I am old fashioned, too 😉

  • Angie La

    April 30, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    And that played out iron-x took me almost a year to finally say I can do one that is passable.  Maybe I am old fashioned, too 😉

  • Lina Spiralyne

    April 30, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    JelliCrew: Hehe, but I'll beat you on that old-fashionedness since I haven't even started yet :). I guess that if it only took you a year to learn properly then you're rather fast after all!

    Actually now after having listed a row of moves I do feel like taking a couple of them and work on them instead of avoiding. And I think that was suggested as a challenge somewhere above.

  • Angie La

    April 30, 2013 at 7:43 pm

    ha! I don't know really how "proper" it is… But that took me  longer to learn, compared to the 6 months to just do the handspring and cartwheel stuff.  There are moves I am not a fan of doing but I think there are just certain dancers that can make anything look amazing… It's like they poop glitter.  Even the "mess ups" look so much less like hiccups when it is handled with a certain kind of magic.  It's doesn't matter what we do, it matters more about how we feel about what we do. If we don't like it, it will show.

  • villainvixen

    April 30, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    I like side climb! Done well, it looks very pretty, especially if you transition out of it well. It just HURTS. I've skinned myself twice. 

  • CarissaRose21

    April 30, 2013 at 8:01 pm

    Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit Remi sit

  • Angie La

    April 30, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    Oh and just to clarify, sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like I could do that after a year of staring pole dancing! It took me a that long of practicing those things to actually get it.  I am no pole prodigy, by any stretch, lol.  This has been an interesting discussion.  I haven't read them all but it seems there are many of the same moves that people do not seem to like for whatever reason.  There are a few moves that I think look like great photo shots, but sometimes when they are put into a dance, it looks a bit awkward getting in an out.  Not to take away at all how long it took to learn that move, but I find some of them to be more trick-like than dance-like.  Maybe the old fashioned style is more dance oriented and less trick-based…?

  • AliciaPolerina

    April 30, 2013 at 9:33 pm

    The wrist seat straddle, I refuse to teach it because I’ve seen far to much…er…slippage in the crotch area of the shorts, even when the pole is placed more on the glute!! Also not a fan of the Genie.

  • luvlee

    April 30, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    There is a version of the wrist seat I do where you straighten the leg on top of your hand to be straight with the pole then bend the other down and point toes. I will do it in my next video.

  • AliciaPolerina

    April 30, 2013 at 10:32 pm

    Yup! That’s the one I teach instead!

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