My Pole Came Down
Never thought I would be saying this!
I have had a xpole expert TG. Never have I had a problem with it loosening or slipping in any way. I take it down after each practice so I always retighten it when I put it back up.
However, I bought a used xpole expert from someone. It is a bit different form my TG. Mine loads/ tightens from the bottom and has the screws at the bottom to tighten into place.
This ones loads all the way from the top. I have to get on a ladder to tighten itinto the ceiling. It seemed secure and we poled on it for a coupe hours, but then it seemed to be sliiping a bit into spinny mode. I checked the pins at thebottom here I lossen mine on the TG to switch to spin. They were secure. I havent quite figured this style of pole out yet. We did a few more spins since it was on spin and it very gently pulled out form the ceiling. Luckily we had no injury, I ended up standing with the pole in my hand.
Anyway, I need some advice because this sems to be an older model I am not familiar with. Everything is different even how the joints fit together- the screw together instead of lock and tighten.
Would appreciate any suggestions because i surely donot want to end up on the floor in a precarious position in the midle of a trick! Thanks in advance!
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