Forums Discussions My fantasy combo

  • My fantasy combo

    Posted by Mindy4pole on January 18, 2010 at 6:23 am

    So, I have a great idea for a combination, but I can’t do it… ERR!

    Cradle spin -> apprentice -> superman

    I was doing a cradle spin, and I like to play with my legs on the end, and noticed that I was in apprentice.

    If ONLY I could do the apprentice/superman transition, this would be a really cool looking move. Any of you amazing Veeners (I love that term!) up to trying it?


    MilienElayne replied 15 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • pole-twista

    January 19, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    i am up for basically anything that i atleast think won’t end up breaking a bone.
    whats the apprentice?? once i know what that is i woul dlove to try the combo! i can make a quick vid using web cam, just not sure i will be able to post w/o problems.. well let me know and i will give it a try.

  • RoxyPink

    January 19, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    Jenyne actually taught this combo in one of the workshops I took from her. Once you are in the apprentice you have to weave your leg b/n your arm and the pole then flip hips to superman! or if you can do apprentice with one hand (hero) then you can just move your hand then flip hips to superman!

  • pole-twista

    January 19, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    i am still not sure what hero or apprentice is..
    is there a vid? i cant even imagine being lucky enough to have any class w jennye b. what amazing talent.

  • Mindy4pole

    January 20, 2010 at 1:52 am

    i am still not sure what hero or apprentice is..
    is there a vid? i cant even imagine being lucky enough to have any class w jennye b. what amazing talent.

    I copied this from wikipole:


    I have my straight leg in front of the pole, but other wise is the same. I got the apprentice->superman transition from Jenyne, but I can’t get my knee/leg through into superman.

    The steps for my combo (in my head) are cradle spin, and as you come around, put your legs into apprentice… Then pull your knee through the window of your arm and the pole, and flip your body over into superman. I figure a lot of folks know the app->superman transition b/c of Jenyne.


  • Runemist34

    January 20, 2010 at 2:26 am

    Ahh, now it makes sense! Yes, I totally could see the apprentice – superman flip to be very difficult! I think the trick there would be a very swift movement of grabbing the pole with your legs, just as you let go with your hands…

  • pole-twista

    January 20, 2010 at 10:11 pm

    great! thanks for the pick! am going to try fri when i have someone coming over to pole w me. will see if she can use my webcam top tape me and will (try ) post on here wether i get it or just fall on my face. we’ll see…

  • Mindy4pole

    January 21, 2010 at 9:01 am

    great! thanks for the pick! am going to try fri when i have someone coming over to pole w me. will see if she can use my webcam top tape me and will (try ) post on here wether i get it or just fall on my face. we’ll see…

    Woo hoo, I can’t wait! I think this will be an unexpected, cool move.


  • MilienElayne

    January 21, 2010 at 11:47 am

    I used to be able to do a superman from a basic invert like in TaraKarina’s superman tute on Youtube, but I’ve not practiced it in ages and have lost it. I have also been trying it from Gemini legs (like in Veena’s lesson), but I end up with my legs pointing down low in a figurehead type thing and the hold in this one is closer to my knee than my crotch… I feel much more comfortable gripping right up in there though I go into Superman from hip hold pike for photos. Managed the Dove from this once or twice, but the transitions look REALLY awkward for me. I have the feeling that I shouldn’t be doing this? I’ve only ever seen Karol Helms do it once in one video (not others) and can’t find it anywhere else by anyone else?

    One of my instructors told me to do split hang/apprentice into superman (in a private lesson, haven’t been officially taught it) and I’ve been trying for months, but I always end up too low again in a gumbi looking figurehead.

    Haven’t tried superman from a tuck spin extended out (or Hero) though. This move feels different and sits different from apprentice/split hang for me. I have different entries and exits for them too… Apprentice/Split Hang I do up the pole from top leg hook, and bottom leg down, then straighten, hanging from the top arm and top leg slightly more, and pull up into gemini legs or close the legs and jump down. Tuck spin extended I do from a tuck with both legs equal, then extend and bottom leg pushes into the pole and I rock out my body and have the top leg pointing to the cieling. My weight is on the bottom arm and pushing into the bottom leg/hip before going into a Hero or hooking and flicking into a Butterfly. If I don’t rock it out and point the top foot directly up and look at it, then shift my weight even more into the pole, I can’t hook and straighten properly and release the top arm into a Hero or hook and flick into the Butterfly. Does that make sense? Does anyone else think these are seperate moves, or am I a crazy person? So… Not sure how the weight and hold differences would affect getting into a superman, but I’m game to fall a few times trying it…lol.

    Karol has Superman Ins and Outs vid on Youtube showing an Apprentice as an out, if you’re interested in doing it backwards again for an even more super combo…

    Sigh. Superman…Just can’t get my head and legs around the hip flipping… One day!

  • sabian

    January 21, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    There are 7 fairly easy ways to get into the superman.

    1. Apprentice Thread…like mentioned above. Make sure Top hand is bent to allow threading of the knee through the arm…point toe or it gets stuck.
    2. Gemini Tuck…everyone knows this one by the sounds of it
    3. Split Grip Flip..This one is the easiest to get once you understand holding and moving a cradle.
    4. Starfish Slide..basically an open gemini tuck..scissor legs closed as you turn your body.
    5. Handstand Slide…the beginner way..handstand facing the pole (come out of BI or Inverted crucifix)
    6. Shouldermounted Superman..more advanced
    7. Spinning Superman….the swing..step into position and swing the superman.

    Learning all the of the body position changes is best on the floor…dont be stupid and follow some videos that tell you to learn standing up…break your neck like one girl here did following online videos.

    I saw a pic of Alena in the apprentice…she has some great sequences for superman combinations!

  • MilienElayne

    January 22, 2010 at 12:47 am

    I wouldn’t try these at all yet (not until I am very strong and have all the other ins), but I can’t visualise shouldermounted superman or spinning superman. Shouldermounted as in go into a shouldermount then fling the legs back down arching the back (which would be crazy contortion awesome), or go into a hiphold pike from a SM and flick the upper body up (which I can do, but not smoothly)?

    I think by Starfish Slide you mean to have the bottom leg in a gemini tuck pointing further down rather than straight across kind of like getting into a Star?

    Thanks for posting, guys!

  • pole-twista

    January 22, 2010 at 11:42 pm

    well BIG freak’n surprise. dont even know why i waste my time or get my hopes up anymore. seriously. made a vid w webcam and it is a SHORT vidoe of this combo but OF COURSE i cant load it!
    not to here, FB or Myspace! WTF!!!
    i am soooo sick of having this convo about how i cant post vids already! i get sooo excited about sharing a new move /combo / good practice and than i go to upload and NOPE!
    not me! sickening already! makes me feel so left out.
    well didnt want you to think i forgot and didnt do it, did, just totally impossible for me to get any knid of vid up.
    have only been trying to get help since LAST april. nice huh?

  • Runemist34

    January 22, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    Have you messaged Webmaster about it? How big are your video files? What format are they? These things really have a bearing…especially the size! Videos can be huge, even if they are really, really short!

  • pole-twista

    January 23, 2010 at 12:40 am

    ya all my vids are like 680-800 and SV allows up to 500.
    i tried to compress, but than sv said it didnt recognize the format used to compress. i dunno. i just dont have really anyone to pole with/no classes ect and this is my only outlet to somewhat connect with other people who share my passion and i can’t. i have been trying for so long (went to best buy grr.. they suck!!, 2 diffrent comp. pros promised to help and than never came through, i bought a camcorder that has firewire and my comp. doesnt suppourt that. ugh.) i have some vids ( i think?? ) still loaded to computor files but they are either too big, or were compressed wrong.—> not me —-> me
    i would so gladly pay to have someone do this for me already.
    bought a book about it, but i just am not a techie at all. obviously right.

  • luvlee

    January 23, 2010 at 1:02 am

    Yeah! That stuff makes me mad too! I would contact webmaster to see if he can help. He has helped me before w some of my videos!!!!

  • MissJulie

    January 23, 2010 at 4:43 am

    Will try with the top hand bent more. Part of it is leaning back to make your "window" as big as possible. However, I only was able to do this move once. Don’t know what the hell I did. I watched one of Michula’s videos and had a big ‘aha’ moment where i thought flipping my top hand into a cup grip would allow my hips to roll over but it didn’t. I have the strength to hang out in apprentice- I just get stuck. Any further advice would be helpful. Transitions into superman have been difficult for me- I can do it from hip lock and starfish/scorpio but neither is a smooth one-move transition, in other words I dont make it look easy and effortless.

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