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Thanks for your input, 38 sounds so small, I cant imagine holding on with my legs on that.
i have a 50 at home, and its super easy for inverts. My love just built me a pole outside to practice on (i'm real outdoorsy lol) and its a 38. it was really hard to hold on or even sit without sliding, however it was not impossible. lol (: either choice is probably good, but i think i would prefer the 45 to the ones i've tried.
I have a 50mm xpert titan gold I am considering selling. It's about two years old and I take care of my poles. I go back and forth about selling it, but if someone is really interested, I think I'm ready 🙂 I have a 45mm tita gold and 45mm chrome and don't think I'll go back and forth from 45 and 50. I don't have space to put two up.
If anyone is interested, let me know.
I wish I could buy yours, but I will get mine threw our studio tomorrow (i get a 1 month membership free if I order threw them).
Seems like people like the 50mm but love the 45mm. I will go with 50mn for now and might sell it some day if I want to downsize 🙂 . I am putting the order in tomorrow 🙂 -
alicestyle, that's exactly what I did! 50mm to start and then someday I might sell for a 45. I've just heard too many stories of people who tried to go up to a 50 from a 45 and couldn't do anything..
My pole comes TODAY!!! (but I won't get to go pick it up until Thursday…poo)
That’s great, I can’t wait to hear how you like yours……. And I can’t wait for mine to get here :)))
At my studio I always work with the 50mm pole. My instructors have always said that working the with 50mm pole strengthens you much faster by making you work on your grip. Since I've been poling for about 7 months now, I find that working on a 50mm pole makes working on any other sized poles much easier. I am 4 foot 9 inches (really tiny!) and have to work really hard at everything I do with the bigger sized pole. I don't see this as a bad thing, it just gives me a greater workout!
I do not have a pole of my own (yet), but when I am ready to buy one (at the end of the month!), I will definitely be shooting for the 50mm sized xpole xpert pole. My dear friend who has been letting me practice at her place on her pole has a 45mm one. I really do like the size, but I think it would just be more beneficial to me to get the 50mm.
For me, I learned on a 50mm and was told to buy what I learned on, so I bought a 50mm. I struggled on that darn thing so much and finally got fed up. I now have a 45mm, and it feels so much better on my wrists. Keep in mind that some of these moves can cause unwanted pressure with your wrists (hence Veena saying to not practice them everytime you pole), and the larger size can add to that pressure. Aerial Amy actually walks about it in her blog for a second: "The skinnier the pole, the easier it is to wrap your fingers around it, meaning that you can hold a straighter wrist more confidently without worrying about the pole slipping out from your grasp."
R pole talks about the smaller diameter being better for your wrist as well (supposedly from the opinion of an osteopath and physiotherapist.) Not sure is that bit of info is a gymic, but I know my wrist feels better on a smaller diameter cuz of my small hands, and it seems some other girls do too.
Anyways, just some food for thought on the subject.
Regarding the "downsizing" issue. It is easier to go from a 50 to a 45, for some, with regards to hand grip. It ceertainly was for me. On the other hand, it is easier to go from a smaller diameter to a larger one with regards to leg holds. I personally think it is better to have a pole where you feel secure with your hands. The leg grip will come with any pole; it's just a matter of how much you need to squeeze your legs with the different diameters. If your hands don't feel secure on the pole, that is an indicator that you may benefit froma smaller size. With my combo of sweaty and small hands, I just did not feel secure enough gripping a 50mm, but the 45mm was workable. It was a little harder to do leg grips at first, but I quickly got used to it. I also feel like my legs are getting stronger much faster on the 45 as I have to engage them more in the tricks. I also feel the CKR is easier on the 45 with my big thighs. On the 50, my thighs got in the way and pinched really badly, but not so the the 45.
I hope that made sense. In summary: it's easier to go down in pole size with regards to hand grips, but easier to go up in size with leg holds. That is the point where you need to evaluate what is more important to you personally. For me, it was hand grip.
Well…now I’m just back to worrying I bought the wrong size…
Worse case scenario is you work with your pole for a while and decide to sell it. That's what I did. It's not a big deal. You can still learn all the basics on a more difficult pole (as you know from class.) Hand grip becomes more important in inverted tricks, which are NOT beginner moves. A lot people end up investing is a second pole. If you have the money later on, you could get a 45mm and switch between the two.
Annieloo, most of us have gone through the turmoil of decision-making for our poles. I surely did. Everyone is so different. I learned on a Lil Mynx and had it for two years. I didn't know any different, was just starting and accomplished quite a bit. When I decided to leave the stainless steel due to slippery frustration and learning about various pole options (too many as far as I'm concerned!), I struggled between chrome and titan gold. I'm glad at the time I didn't have to decide between 50mm and 45mm, it wasn't a big deal at the time.
I never considered a 45mm and functioned just fine on my 50. Then one time had a private session on a 45 and liked it. Again, that's after two years on a 50mm. Going to studios for workshops, etc. I end up back on 50 and practice okay.
Now the talk is 40mm. My husband even asked me if I should wait to check out 40 before I get a 45mm, ugh. Sweet of him, but not another decision LOL It's like computers, just as we get one, another version, upgrade, etc. comes out. It's hard, and I know I went back and forth. Of course, there are safety issues to consider, however, enjoy what you get, have fun and only if what you get is a total disaster, should you re-consider the decision.
Happy poling!
Thanks for the advice. It calmed my nerves, and I've been fine in class with a 50 thus far (I do know there is a slight gap between my fingers when I grip the pole though). I think larger purchases in general tend to unnerve me haha
And like you guys said, sensual & hookedonpole, there's always going to be too many options and I can always sell my pole for a new one if I get too fed up with it in the future.
I can probably go back to being excited about getting my pole now lol
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