Forums Discussions My goals for June

  • calipolepixie

    April 14, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    For June or do you mean for April?

  • prettypuff1

    April 14, 2013 at 8:00 pm

    I need to work on
    Extended butterfly
    -inverted v
    And dead lift aerial invert.

    I need to start working on the Ayesha too. But I need a spotter

  • Juicy J

    April 15, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    Pretty Puff,

    Your moves pretty much sound like where I'm currently at!

    I'm taking Private Lessons around once a week-fortnight and am working on very similar things to you!

    I need to work on:

    1. Nailing that Superman both from Side V and Pike. I am SOOOO CLOSE to rolling over and getting it but I think fear is holding me back.
    2. Going into an Ayesha from Inverted D/Capital D with Spotter.
    3. Get my Jade flatter.
    4. Inverted V – perfect from the ground as I am also very close to having this. I think I need to work on strengthening for this more. Once I'm good at this, Aerial V.
    5. Cupid – still working on holding onto my foot and extending out with my hips away form the pole.
    6. Knee Hold – painful as hell!

  • prettypuff1

    April 15, 2013 at 10:29 pm

      I have video of me doing an inverted V but it is wobbly.. I just can't roll over into the superman.. i know i can hold it once i get into it but i need to do it from a side v consisistently.. i should consider going from the pike hip hold too

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