Forums Discussions My pee is sick!!!!!

  • SissyBuns

    June 11, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    Ok talked to the doctor..and nothing is wrong! He just said he wanted to talk to me about my test results and if I knew any reasons I could be peeing so much, sorry if that’s too much info! But I yelled at him for phrasing it so poorly haha..I was worried!

    Oh and I talked to my dad and when I told him it was nothing he said "I was kind of hoping the dr. was going to tell you he found out you were pregnant from your urine sample…I want to be a grandpa!" Ewwwww! No way!

    Awww…that’s so cute! His biological clock is ticking!

  • Gsylass

    June 11, 2009 at 5:19 pm

    Well now that my computer is finally behaving itself a little more consistently, may I add my relief to the thread that there’s nothing serious there… Totally agree with how sweet your dad was, even if it did send you running lol! I have a similar thing where I get UTI’s pretty regularly, I drink tons of water and then have to pee almost every hour, so I sympathise with the whole work environment thing (((hugs)))

  • Trena

    June 11, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    Glitter, I never saw this post! Im SOOOOOO glad everything is ok babe!!!! Stupid doctor getting my glitter all worried! Imma kick his ass!!

  • benicebehappy

    June 12, 2009 at 3:27 pm

    Aww babes

    Dont panic, no point winding yourself up before you get any results. I know its gonna be frustrating but try not to worry too much. Not much more i can add that hasnt been said, so big hugs and love to you babe.

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16 of 19 replies June 2009