Forums Discussions NAKED around your kids??

  • calipolepixie

    July 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Yep theres alot of nudity in our house but usually happens mostly before and after bathing times. My 5 year old daughter still bathes with me regularily and my 8 yr old son bathes with dad. My kids sometimes still bath together but it's becoming less and less as they get older. 

    On super hot days I won't lie, I walk around topless most of the day. Most of the day, we are all running around the house in our underwear and we sleep usually just in our undies, no one wears pjs in this house, even in the winter. We figure our kids will let us know when they are not comfortable with nudity in front of them. My 8 yr old son is just starting to kind of be modest when he's nude, so I think the regularily covering up will be coming soon. I know my eldest hit that age around 9, so we started covering up around him more at that point.

    My mom was always nude & undressing in front of me when I was growing up even when I was a teen and it didn't bother me at all, it was natural to me. And she STILL does this. But the one thing that was a plus about all the nudity growing up, was I have no problem being nude myself in front of strangers (gym, spa, topless beaches, nude sunbathing etc) in fact I love being nude, wish I could be nude all the time, it would make things so much more simpler lol.

    And my both my kids play on my pole. My son has more of a chinese pole style and I'd love to find an LA studio that teaches it to kids, so he can expand with it. He's got amazing strength. My daughter just mimicks what I do, which is cute. But if she shows an interest in it as she gets older, I will encourage her to pole for fitness and fun appropriate for her age level ofcourse, I see nothing wrong with it.

  • PlatinumAni

    July 21, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    I can't see the video 🙁

  • azblanco

    July 21, 2012 at 2:39 pm

    When i was little my dad remarried and i lived with him and my step mom for a few months. My stepmom is ten years old than my dad and has a granddaughter my age. Sabra and I spent a lot of time together when i lived with my dad- and they would let us run around in just our underwear with no shirt on outside (they lived in the country at the time in east Texas)
    Looking back on it now as an adult, there was nothing wrong with my father and stepmom letting us do that.
    Well when i moved back in with my mom a few months later (i was only 4-5 at the time) she threw the biggest deal about me not wanting to wear shirt.
    She looked at it as being very inappropriate and unexceptable. I can see why she would feel that way because we have always lived in the suburbs with many neighbors. But at the same time- I wish it wouldnt have been such an issue because as I child I was confused to why she was upset and then I started looking self consciously at my body.
    Now i am not blaming my mother for the way I feel but at the same time- I would try my hardest to handle that situation differently if I had a daughter. Instead I was fussed and there was no explanation to where I could understand. From then on- i viewed the naked body as a blinding sight until I became older and wouldnt even change in front of friends

  • phoenix kazree

    July 22, 2012 at 12:55 am

    I have an 11 year old son who still loves naked time. He even has a song called "Naked Boy in Town" that he sings and dances to while naked. He would kill me if he knew I was wrote that

    My husband still walks around naked, but I stick to panties and bras in front of my son. My naked time stopped when he was about 9.

  • SToast

    October 20, 2013 at 2:28 pm

    Hubby was raised way different than me and when we first got married he wouldn't even sit on the couch without shorts and a tshirt. Now he'll run outside in his underwear to hurry and drag the garbage can out when he hears the trash truck. 

    Our son (almost 4) loves being naked. No problems here. As long as kids know when and where it's appropriate I don't see a problem with naked time. I usually wear at least a bra and panties around the house but we only have one bathroom so when I'm in the shower the door is open so DS can come in when needed. I also have no problem walking to my bedroom in the buff after a shower to get clothes. My mother in law would be horrified. Tee hee hee.

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