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NEW! Foam Roller section
Posted by Veena on May 12, 2011 at 4:23 pmWanted to let you all know there is a NEW Section in the lessons! Foam Roller! The first lesson just went up today look for more to come!
nilla replied 13 years, 1 month ago 15 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
I love the foam roller. I'm looking to these lessons.
Also, if you live is the US, they sell them at Target. That's where I bought mine.
Here are the 3 that are up already! This is a great opportunity to learn more about your muscles too. Don't miss out!
The NEW Upper Body Foam Roller lessons will begin going up soon!!
Sweet! Just got a massage. Apparently my lats are in need of some working. Oh the PAIN!
PERFECT! I've been having a rough time trying to figure out how to use my foam roller effectively for my upper body.
I'll begin posting them after Christmas break.
One one my student gave me a foam roller for christmas!!!Yéé!!!!!!!
Hey guys!
I don’t mean to sound ignorant but what exactly does a foam roller do?
Is it to help in stretching and increasing flexibility?I opened up Veena’s link on where to buy one and I was quite puzzled by what I saw. It was literally a foam cylindrical thing! Haha!!
Sorry, I’ve never used one nor seen one or know what it does!
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