Forums Discussions NOT built to pole

  • RedFox

    January 27, 2014 at 10:14 am

    I don’t know if this helps, but I get incredibly frustrated. I make gains, them life gets in the way and I lose them. That had been the last yay and a half and it can get a person down when they see everyone around them advancing.

    My response, since I love pole on several levels, is to think of pole as a process rather than moves etc…as the goal. There are goals, but you attain them through the process.

    As for strength…are you choosing a dirty which helps grow muscles? I find that it isn’t how much protein I consume necessarily, it’s when. I have protein right after I rain, and then try to keep a little bit consistent in my food throughout the day.

    Hour that helps!

  • RedFox

    January 27, 2014 at 10:16 am

    Sorry, typos!

    a “diet” that helps grow muscles!

    Now I can’t remember the rest of them…

  • s3r3nkk3

    January 27, 2014 at 4:39 pm

    Dear Cheffycakes, I am almost 41 and started poling 4 months ago out of curiosity and a strong desire to go beyond my (many) limits and (endless) fears… Never done any gymastics, dance, anything phyical in my life, not even running. Well: I am not flexible and not strong (yet), but I am definitely the most determined in my class because of this and I am finding this determination always pays me back. I make small and slow progress, but I can see it’s there and it makes me feel like nothing is impossible. For example, I had never been able to do forearm stands (ever in my life, I was too scared to even try when I was in my teens) and now after a million tries at home and in class I can (against the wall or the pole)! The feeling of accomplishment is so great that you will be enocouraged to keep on trying and trying until you succeed. We too are built to pole :o)
    PS: Veena’s lessons are helping me a lot

  • grayeyes

    January 27, 2014 at 5:17 pm

    @sieira My husband was not that keen on my pole going in the bedroom either but that is really the only place for it. I specifically bought a Lil Mynx because it goes up and down in seconds and he said he didn’t want it to be up all the time, and I didn’t think I would want it up all the time either. However, I’ve had it probably four or five months now and have only taken it down maybe three times. It turns out that I LOVE it up because I think it’s beautiful, and it doesn’t bother him at all either even though it’s pretty much right in the middle of the walkway. I also keep asking for more mirrors, which he initially was against also. He said it’s not about looking like a porn set (which I understand), but more that he would like the bedroom to be decorated nicely. He recently told me to go ahead and get more mirrors and his reasoning is that he sees how much poling means to me and how much I enjoy it and he doesn’t want to be in the way of that. My husband doesn’t really have a hobby that he’s passionate about like I am with pole, but he recognizes what it means to me. Maybe you’ll have a similar experience if you can get him to help you put it up. 🙂 Good luck.

  • AnnVann

    January 27, 2014 at 7:51 pm

    @cheffy You mention that you are not strong or flex… My question is how much stronger or flexier would you be if you did NOT pole, lol! Anything you do is “money in the bank”. You are improving your body little by little, even if you are not that aware of it.
    Keep on polin’! 😀

  • dancingqueans

    January 27, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    my opinion is to ad yoga! it has helped me in so many ways. even if once a week.

  • s3r3nkk3

    January 28, 2014 at 3:20 am

    like dancingqueans says, yoga helps a lot; I have also started to take yoga classes once a week and it makes me feel very good. Generally speaking, whatever you do for your body has a great influence on how you feel inside, be it for the self-esteem or the adrenalin, I don’t know really but pole dancing is doing a lot for me on so many levels. And I think a chrome pole in the middle of my bedroom looks beautiful, even my 74-year old mum agrees :o)

  • xylina

    January 29, 2014 at 1:57 am

    I have times where I just want to give up I have been polling for about a year and I am still practicing my fire man I suck bad but I just keep going

  • IrishOrla

    January 29, 2014 at 7:02 am

    Xylina don’t give up! It took me two years to get my air invert and the other girls in my class had it first go. Everyone is different that y I don’t focus on other people and what they can do. I just focus on me and what I can do. And 2 years later I am starting to become a dancer, which I never thought would happen!!

  • Sieira

    January 29, 2014 at 8:31 am

    I just got my pole up last night and was in there on it for about 2 hours lol practicing inverts ect…and stretching. It’s not just about being able to do moves on the pole it’s the feeling of accomplishment when you get it knowing that you didn’t give up 🙂 and it’s the ONLY THING that can take me out of myself and get my mind off off of stress.

  • shepnic

    January 29, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    I am an almost 42 year old 200+ pound pole dancer so you think your limited LMAO try doing tricks with some extra junk iin your trunk! I love pole though even though sad to say since my weight ballooned up (still trying to figure out why) I have not poled as much as I used to. Although it always made me feel super confident and super sexy. Like you I practiced a spin or trick for months till I perfected it but also concentrated more on my strengths which was transistions and floor work. My ex husband was indifferent about my pole and made me feel cheap for wanting to learn MY boyfriend on the other had thinks it’s HOT and keeps begging me to perform for him. Maybe one day I will. Good Luck … and keep poling YOUR FABULOUS!!!!

  • xylina

    January 31, 2014 at 3:57 am

    I would love to become a dancer a exotic dancer better for some reason idk I just would or professional to I just love sexy dancing just wish was better at it

  • poledanceromance

    February 5, 2014 at 10:58 am
  • polebravely

    February 5, 2014 at 11:09 am

    so beautiful!

  • Sassygirlfr2962

    February 5, 2014 at 11:26 am

    @poledanceromace OMG she was excellent!that was such an inspiration thank you for posting!!

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