Forums Discussions NOT built to pole

  • Pinkkupcakez

    February 14, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    hmmm…since we are outing our age…I’m 44 and been learning pole for 2yrs+. I would consider myself a slow learner. I’m no where close to my splits, my straddle is like a capital V. My joints crack and shoulder hurts. However, I don’t think the ability to pole rests upon body type. It’s not a built dependent sport? Nothing like I’m too short for basketball, too big for gymnastic, etc. There are no such limitations on pole. Each person has their own moves. I cannot get any spins right for the longest time. Even now my spins are horrible. However, I find my liberation comes from not thinking or worrying about what to do next when dancing, but just the dancing itself. The moves will follow when I let myself go. Not sure how it works but it worked for me. I do compare myself with others at times, but I remind myself that I am me, this is my hobby, and I’m darn sure I can do things that not everyone can do! Then daydream about deadlifting up to iron-x…. 🙂

  • Nancy Pole

    February 15, 2014 at 8:29 am

    Oh my gosh, how many times I think to myself I am not built to pole.
    I am 44 in 2 months and yes, my joints hurt. My shoulder, my wrist, my elbow. Thankfully not my knee. 🙂
    I am born with terrible flexibility and got even worth not doing anything about it for 40+ years. I thought I was fit given I worked out pretty reguarly for a few years before I started pole. That helped a little bit but not much because I had strong lower body but weak upper body. Pole is like 80% upper body strength or more!!! At least that is how I feel.
    In the beginning, I was able to keep up with young, or younger girls. But then… with my age, I was on pole classes 2 days in a row and tore my intercostal muscle. (Never go on a pole consecutive days. Veena’s 30day challenge also has alternate days of workout and active rest. There is a good reason why! LOL)
    So there goes 6 weeks of rest until my muscle heals.
    And guess what! I am back to square A. Sigh….
    My hard work was gone and my muscles got weak. Nevertheless I went on lessons with my fellow pole student. They got much stronger during those 6weeks while I got weak but I struggled to keep up with them. And this time, my right arm was in excruciating pain at night. that was after one pole climb I did. The pain was very foreign which I have never experience before. I took pain killer then the pain was gone and this went on so I went to see my orthopedic. And he said I was having muscle spasm for over training. I was give some pills and had to take a week rest. This was 2 weeks ago.
    Pole for 44 years old woman… sure, not easy no matter how fit she is. (And I am quite fit, I actually am a fitness professional.)
    No one around me suffers more than I do learning pole. Or at least it seems like it. And I am thinking what is wrong with my body. I keep thinking about stop torturing myself learning what seems like almost impossible to learn. (By the way, I hate dancing too because I am suck at it. Imagine stiff body trying to dance, it is just downright funny. LOL)
    I tell myself everyday. I have 2 options.
    First one – quit now because this learning is just so so hard.
    Second one – keep going even if learning process is gonna be slow, slowest in the world.
    Well…. what will you choose?
    My choice is not quitting. I am keeping. It doesn’t matter if I can dance only when I am 50. I am NOT quitting.
    Now I am trying to work a lot on my flexibility. My round shoulder never seem to get opened up, my tight hip always gets in the way even for the simplest move. My weak arms and lats just not able to lift me up for more than a few seconds. But I will keep on poling. 🙂
    —- I have been fighting with myself. The part that want to quit. So I had to spill somewhere and tell myself of my own determination. So this is to write to you who do not think you are built to pole as well as to myself. Let’s just not give up! 🙂

  • Rosemadder

    February 15, 2014 at 9:26 am

    love this topic ! I would say I’m not exactly want you would think of straight away as a pole dancer. I’m hyper bendy in some bits and stiff as a board in others, I’m rapidly heading for 45 and am a little over weight. all that said I have been poling for around 7 yrs and LOVE IT. I have little upper body or core strength but am now just about getting my handspring and am pretty comfortable with elbow grip and split grip eyesha’s but can I do inverted V ?? – not a chance. this is a little frustrating when girls can do it easily after just a few weeks !

    I love the ongoing challenges pole offers and the working out with inspiring people who you genuinely feel happy for when they get a move and who are equally happy for you a( and sometimes even join in with silly happy dances !! ).

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