Forums Discussions Naming my business **VOTE**

  • Naming my business **VOTE**

    Posted by AvaBabe on October 26, 2012 at 5:53 am

    Even though it’s not pole related, it’s a pretty big step in my life and you beautiful Veeners are just the anonymous feedback group to give REAL answers! (heavens bless friends and family but they always say “oh that’s lovely dear!” And I’d rather have sincere brutality than insincere kindness, ya know?)
    So, after years of trying to confirm to , well conformity lol… I gave up. I’m not going to be happy or last long in traditional type work environments, two years was my average at a normal job. It’s not that I am not good at them, I have always learned my jobs well, performed to my absolute best, got promoted, etc., but I get really BORED really fast. And I have tried a couple of times to go to school to figure out what my passion was … Long story short… It’s not accounting O.o
    Anyways… So I am finally getting certified in something that I absolutely hands down live for, and when I think about it, I have always been this way. It’s like sports to most guys, it’s something I’ve paid attention to for years, followed on my own because I adore it. I educate myself on it in my own time because I want to, and now I have the chance to get a piece of paper to say I have had some sort of formal training on it, which is not necessary, many that do this field of work professionally do not, but I want it, plus it opens doors to opportunities for growth that would otherwise be closed. Anyhow, when it’s completed soon I will be launching my business! I am tossing back and forth some names, and I want your help! Branding is incredibly important, unfortunately, it can be the difference of getting off to a good start, or stagnancy requiring adjustment.
    So, I want the name to inspire the ideas of beauty, glamour, the ability to fulfil YOUR ideas of this, be trendy and edgy, but classy AND whimsical (I know this is a lot to ask for a businesses title!) Something easily remembered, but stands out. Something that has that touch of imagination and delightful surprise, but elegant. Not to modern, not to childish, I’m sure by now, you’re getting the idea. Sooooooooo, I’m gonna toss out a few that I am actually seriously contemplating along with some placebo ones. Vote on one you like, suggest alterations, or throw a whole nugget in the mix with your own creation (only if you’re willing to actually allow me to use it with you’re permission!) Or break it to me gently I need to go back to the drawing board, lol 😉 Thank you in advance to all who participate! Ok, here we go!

    House of Ribbon & Thorn

    LaLa Couture

    Glamour Time

    Caravan Dreams ________ (type of service to be announced at a later time)

    Dark Orchid _________

    Celestial Dream __________

    ….. Ok, that’s it so far…

    Thanks again!

    monary replied 12 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Elektra Vallens

    October 26, 2012 at 6:00 am

    I'm not sure I understood your post; what kind of business are you planning on running?  Is this a pole studio?  If so, Dark Orchid (Studios) would be my favorite.  Maybe a little more info about what you're planning would help?

  • Cherished

    October 26, 2012 at 6:03 am

    I like Lala Couture it has whimsy to it in my opinion. I like Ribbon and Thorn because it's a bit edgy but for me that name would depend on your target market  and/or what your selling.

  • Cherished

    October 26, 2012 at 6:04 am

    PS The first one (lala) for clothing or fashion merchandise but not for a pole studio

  • AvaBabe

    October 26, 2012 at 6:20 am

    No, no. I deeply love pole, but this is not my business =) (not to mention i am NO WHERE near the level of ability to be taken credibly in teaching or running a studio!) No, my business is more in the… Fashion industry of sorts, to be announced at a later time 😉

  • AvaBabe

    October 26, 2012 at 6:25 am

    And the target market is women, between ages 18-35. Kinda of a large group, but there are different types of the same service that each would specifically look for, but the end product is that she will KNOW she looks amazing, again it’s fashion related…

  • Nique

    October 26, 2012 at 10:57 am

    If it's fashion I like LaLa Couture or Celestial Dreams

  • Webmaster

    October 26, 2012 at 11:20 am

    Here's some tips on choosing your name.

    1) Make sure the .com is available for your exact name with no spaces, hypens or underscores.  I can't stress this enough, your exact name is very important.  Then buy the name immediately before someone else does.

    2) See number one I can't stress this enough.

    3) Really number one is sooooo important, there have been businesses that have lived or died based on number one.

  • chemgoddess1

    October 26, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    Seeing as I do not have a clear picture of what you are trying to do I will let you know what comes to mind with the names you have chosen:

    House of Ribbon & Thorn – makes me think of a craft/sewing shop

    LaLa Couture- makes me think of someone who is trying to be a high ened store but is really sellling clothes imported that will fall apart/shrink on first wash.  Lala and couture don't seem to fit together.

    Glamour Time – Hammer Time- more trendy fashions; does not scream one of a kind but  more cookie cutter fashion.

    Caravan Dreams – I camp so all I can think of when I see the word caravan is camping/RVing

    Dark Orchid -yoga studio or more flowy/hippie style clothing

    Celestial Dream – I would think this would be a palce that sells crystals/incense/pagan type wares.


  • Saphyre

    October 26, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    I think I am in love with you, Chem…


  • AvaBabe

    October 26, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    Well, i love all the feedback so far, but while i am in the fashion industry, it’s not necessarily clothing 🙂
    Webby: your comments are sublime and sooooooooo valid, i still do more googling, so far the name i truly love is NOT TAKEN.
    Glamour time is a placebo

  • AvaBabe

    October 26, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Didn’t finish before i accidentally hit save,
    Glamour time is a Placebo that makes me laugh, not in the actual running! But is that not funny! Hammer time!

  • abcollins1

    October 26, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    I think with naming a business, you need to find what sets you apart from the rest of your competition, and you need to target your specific audience with your name/brand. As webmaster said, you also need to be looking at your online presence as well, so web sites, facebook pages, twitter, blogs, all are really useful and need to be coherent.

    Since we dont have a clear picture of what you are trying to do with your business, its really hard to say what would be a good fit name-wise.  Im not a big fan of any of the names that you posted, I just dont feel they fit, but again I dont really know what you are really trying to do.

    When I named my business, It just sorta clicked. Since i am a military spouse, and i generally work with either military members or their spouses, MilSpouse Fitness was born. I own both as my blog

    and as my website, I have a facebook page as well. I am still very much a small business, but always growing. I know some things are going to change in the future and i have a lot of projects going on right now, but the name fits with what i do and there is pretty much no mistaking it.


  • Sweet Vixen Couture

    October 27, 2012 at 2:23 am

    LOL chemgoddess your thoughts were the same as mine.

    I agree with webmaster you must buy your domain name beforehand. I know of 2 different new businesses (pole-related)  that put on facebook their business name before they bought their domain name . Someone saw the posts and  spitefully went and bought the domain names before they could. So both had to change their business names.

    So it might be a better if everyone private messages their ideas to you 🙂

    Just in case…


  • Madfelice

    October 27, 2012 at 2:36 am

    I agree with sweetvixen, I had my url bought out from under me recently and had to change everything before I could go ahead with my business plan, and I know of at least two other businesses that this has happened to this year, one of them the person who bought the domain name for about $12 and offered to sell it to the person who wanted it for $500…  Keep your choices on the down low or it could give you a lot of heartbreak and hard work later on…  There are some really shady people out there.

  • Webmaster

    October 27, 2012 at 9:39 am

    Also when looking for a domain use the search service at godaddy or some other domain registrar. 

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