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National Pole Dancer Event/Workshop
Posted by ducky on January 2, 2009 at 8:27 pm Hi everyone, for those people who live in the inland areas of Washington, Idaho, Montana areas: the world championship pole dancer Pantera is coming to Spokane and will be performing on Feb. 6th and teaching a workshop on saturday Feb. 7th for int-advanced students. If anyone wants more info, you can contact me or you’ll probably be able to find what you’re looking for if you google it also. Enjoy your beloved poles!
SaschaPoles replied 16 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
I know right I would LOVE to attend something like this There really isn’t much going on pole wise in my area Have looked for regular clubs with poles in my area, but the 2 I have found .. well 1 the poles are on top of the bar which not only makes it alot more dangerous (up high on a narrow, slippery bar no way to step front or back just to one side of the pole or the other), but makes some moves impossible Crucifix into snake dive anyone?? lol I have gotten on those a few times in my day, but really not the best option and then the other club the poles are on top of giant speakers great except they are so close to the wall you literally can’t do 1 spin you can climb and invert, but thats where it ends there are a few exotic dance clubs but I think it’s more about stripping and grinding the pole in these clubs ( I have been to clubs where the girls can’t take clothes off so they have to focus on dance which i think is much more entertaining maybe b/c I am a woman and don’t have intrest in seeing whats under the costume ) I really wish there was a way to enjoy watching pole dancing/competions without all the seediness of some of the these clubs Honestly I would LOVE to open the first pole dancing studio in this area (closest ones around here are in Rhode Island -out of state or Boston which is an hour from here) I think there would be alot of intrest if people were able to explore this side of themselves in a safe, supporting enviroment but I don’t even know where to begin to post a video, never mind run a studio but a girl can dream right… I’m telling you Taylor me you and I have to just pick up and go call it "The Road Trip Adventures of the Curl Girls" We’ll be like those 2 chicks in the areosmith video where the girls take off in a cool car and 1 of them ends up doing amateur night at a club (except we’ll both do it ) and picking up a cute guy along the way…except I don’t think my BF would like that so maybe we cold just pick up a cute puppy or a cute pair of boots for our shows… lol ok well I better get to bed soon am starting to get lost in dream world so I know I better get some sleep before have to go back to work (work 12am-8am then 1p-430p) Need some energy to practice (hopefully) later well hope you got a laugh out of this and hope everyone is well
In my area I’m lucky because there’s a dance studio that specializes in pole dancing, burlesque, lap-dancing etc…and that’s where i initially learned to pole dance…but other than that there is absolutely nothing. (in fact, that dance studio was the reason i decided to go to grad school in this town! how terrible is that! haha!)
poles, i’ve never been to a strip club but ive always wanted to go-it sounds like the poles in the clubs near your area aren’t placed that well. i wish there were clubs in my area where you cant take your clothes off- i’d work there! i admit it! lol. sure would make paying rent a little easier lol.
"The Road Trip Adventures of the Curl Girls" <— lol that made me smile so big! that would be hysterical!! my best friend and i were thinking of running off to las vegas for a week- we want to do something absolutely irresponsible and ridiculous this year, come with us and we’ll find an amateur night!! you can pick up a cute puppy or something, and i’ll pick up a cute guy cuz im single.
ps- sorry you have to work the overnight, i used to work that 12a-8a shift too and it would kick my ass!
I wish there was a studio near me like that It’s actually what I would llove to do have my own studio with exotic dancing (belly, chair, lap, pole, ect) well you never know if you had told me a year ago I would have a pole in my house (and actually know some tricks) I would have laughed so maybe someday you’ll be getting an invite to the grand opening of my "pole for the people" studio
Like i had said before I had the oppurtunity to strip when I was 19, but it didn’t feel right at the time and still don’t think it’s any way I could earn a living I love a good strip Tease, but getting topless ect isn’t for me (unless there’s alot of money in it for me ) not that I think there’s anything wrong with it, but I like doing this for fun and I think having to do it wether or not I was in the mood for it (especially in front of a bunch of strangers) would take something away from it for me when i was real little I used to LOVE flowers i was always pointing at them and trying to grab them when I got a little older I was always in trouble with the neighbors for stealing flowers from there yards ect but when I graduated and went to work in a greenhouse/florist shop I hated it I hated having to do it for money as didn’t have a say in when i worked with flowers, what kind ect I just feel it would be the same with this to make a short story long
I’m so serious I have been trying to get a road trip going for the longest time but i’m the one in the group who will just drop everything and be like "lets go!" and just want to find an adventure does your best friend have curly hair? if not we might need to change the title to something like "the road trip adventures of the curly and and straight mane girls…" doesn’t have quite the same ring, but we can work out the kinks
Actually lucked out big time tonight no work and am getting a personal day since it’s not my fault so yay!!
only down is BF is also not working tonight and wanted to hog the remote for a change owell ok better get on to next forum before this turns into a novel! -
you’ll get your pole studio one day, no worries i understand what you mean when you say it didnt feel right at the time to strip. i was offered a lot of money once to do a lapdance for this guy i worked with- i was like 18 or 19 i think, but i didnt do it because he wanted me to do things to him that i definitely wasn’t comfortable doing…now i look back and am like- hmmm. maybe i SHOULD have done that lol. i understand about your florist shop story, i wonder the same thing too- like if i danced would it take the fun out of it? but ive been talking to a few girls on this site about that, i love hearing so many different opinions and stuff on it.
LOL! my best friend doesn’t have curly hair, but she’s not a dancer either- so maybe a bunch of us from THIS site could go on a dancing road trip!
Well if you chicks run off to Vegas for a crazy weekend, DEFINITELY let me (and Trixie) know, as we both live here!
ya taylor I hear you money can tempt you to do things that may not feel right for you, but waking up in the morning and being able to look at myself and not feeling regret is more important to me than waking up to a fatter wallet and a guilty concious ( sp. check please ) I do what I do cause I love it not for money, not for someone elses pleasure
well this road trip is catching on maybe we can all pitch in and rent one of those crazy buses with poles built in so we can practice together on the road we’ll start a cross country pole dancing revolution!!!
I agree Taylor having this forum and so many opinions is great I’m very open minded, but being able to hear other peoples point of view on things really lets you expand your ideas
hmm, thats a good point poles- i think im definitely gonna get a camera this week then thats too funny about the bus with the poles in it!!!! sascha absolutely, how cool would that be!!!!!!!
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