You can not correct this with exercise. The area that is torn is fascia- which is connective tissue that connects the muscles of the abdominal wall. You can build your abdominal muscles slowly to strengthen them over time which will enable you to execute core intense moves safer. Over time the opening created by the torn fascia can get bigger and this often happens from normal activities such as coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, or having bowel movements. Any type of movement that causes strain of the abdominal muscles can have an effect on the fascia. Because fascia is connective tissue- it doesn’t have the same properties as muscles and the only means of truly correcting is surgery. I’ve had surgery for this and it took 2 years for mine to open up enough to where surgery was warranted. I poled with mine until the opening was big enough where I could feel it pop out and at that time my surrounding abdominal muscles were strong enough for me to continue to do core intense moves on the pole but I still wore an abdominal binder until I had surgery.