Need some advice from my ladies!!
So ladies… This is the only place I feel I can be %100 honest talking about this…my boyfriend has been unemployed for almost a year now, he has been working little jobs here and there to make a few extra bucks, but he can’t find a steady job. He is doing this electrical apprenticeship in the city, but the way it works is that he doesn’t know if he will be working until the night before so he pretty much has to have his schedule free during the day so his only options for a steady job are nights and there really isn’t much. He applies everyday to different places and either just never gets a call back or it never goes past the interview part. Jobs around where I live are pretty scarce right now so it’s been really tough. …so, I have been working non-stop to try and pay all the bills, my day job which gives us healthcare and a steady paycheck and bartending. The bar has been slow lately though so I took on more shifts, so now I work 9-5 day job M-F, 6-? Bartending Tues, Thurs, Fri, and some Sat. I make enough for us to get by, but its tiring me out. We are also trying to save up enough to move soon which has been really hard with only my income. So I was talking to my sister (who used to dance professionally) and she was saying how she would leave at the end of a shift with a thousand bucks, and my other gf who bartends at a club says the girls there do about the same…soooo… I am thinking of dancing… it has always been in the back of my mind, but now more than ever. If I could just work 1 or 2 nights at the club and make what I make in a week at both jobs now, I would be so much less stressed… I don’t know if I could do it though. I def couldn’t tell my bf cuz he would NOT like it, but at the same time im the one who has to pay the bills right now, so I don’t know what to do. I’m thinking of just going to a club I have been looking at to just try one night and see how it goes… also I have a pretty high profile job in my town so i would have to work at a club that’s pretty far away so no one I know/work with would show up…talk about awkward office environment lol!! Just hoping to get a few opinions… thanks ladies!! xoxo
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