Forums Discussions Negative youtube comments

  • Runemist34

    December 6, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Such is the internet, I'm afraid. The rule is generally: "Don't feed the trolls." That's what most of these people are doing, wandering around the internet looking to put people down to make them feel awesome. The art of "trolling" and it's quite prolific. I've seen a lot of people commenting (and liking the comments) talking about "What kind of kitchen is that?" Implying that women should be in the kitchen. It's said under the guise of being joking and sarcastic, but it can be very hurtful and insensitive.

    What you put on your page often doesn't matter- they haven't bothered to look. Likely, they're just finding your videos at random, and making stupid comments.

    My advice, don't talk to them, don't bother with them, just block 'em and move on. You don't need that shit. If you say something, you're letting them know they got to you. If you don't, then it's more of a dead end for them, they won't really come back.

  • emotioncatcher

    December 6, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    sorry to hear that mrsnaughtywed! Such comments really suck…. on youtube are many creepy people, I think that´s why they offer the possibility to read every comment and decide on your own if you´re okay with it and make it public.

    I haven´t use this option yet and got my first bad comment, too. Someone wrote under one of my tutorial that it´s boring. I told him that this is nothing to entertain people, but made for those who want to learn something and he doesn´t have to watch it. Afterwards he sent me a private message instead of adding another mean comment. he told me I should add music or whatever. I think he didn´t understand the sense of a tutorial…

    I was very happy when another girl (who poled) wrote under my video and supported me and my tutorials.

    As long as it doesn´t get private I don´t care about it. And there are some videos I only post here, because I know that everyone here´s supportive and I won´t get mean comments, no matter what I do ^^ 

    Keep it up and ignore them! 


    PS Just noticed that i recently watched your newest video and love it. I´ve no idea how someone gets to the result that you could be stripper or whatever, because it´s definitly sporty

  • nilla

    December 6, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    And "Troll" is a real term for people who leave comments like that too.  Articles have been written on the subject:

    I got a comment once from someone calling me a whore,  blah blah.  Deleted and blocked.  I made a facebook stutus about it to blow off a little steam and got a private message from a girl I grew up with.  It turns out her soon to be ex husband left the message.  She was so embarassed, and I was so glad I didn't engage in a war of words with that dude and make myself look bad.  It was interesting that he was calling me a whore, because my friend was divorcing him for cheating on her with a 16 yr old and getting the 16yr old pregnant.  If that's not the definition of a man-whore I don't know what is.  Anyway, sometimes (most times) negative comments are left by trolls whose intent is to draw you into an argument, and sometimes it's just from a person who didn't have their manners hat on at the time.  It sounds like your comment was from the latter.  It's rare that a commenter will appologize when you call them out on it.  That's why my policy is to delete insulting comments and block anyone troll-ish.

  • Cherished

    December 6, 2011 at 3:45 pm

    I agree that it's best to just delete & block. There's lots of great people in this world – and on this site 🙂 that can appreciate you which leaves no time to waste on internet cowards (misery loves company)

  • daisyheadmayzie

    December 7, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    I saw on Tumblr one day where a girl had posted a video of a very pregnant woman pole dancing.  Her comment was something to the effect that this video proved that women who get "fat" during pregnancy are just lazy pieces of sh*t.  I thought to myself a couple of things:  A)  this girl has obviously never been pregnant.  B) this girl is not a pole dancer.

      I've never heard anything but empowering and  encouraging comments from anyone who is involved in pole dancing.  Chalk it up to ignorance and/or jealousy. Ignore, ignore, ignore. 

  • Dancing Paws

    December 8, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    I had someone on here make a mean comment aboue one of my videos actually, so it can happen anywhere. Veena and Webmaster were great about getting the jerk off of here and the comment removed.

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