Forums Discussions New From Canada

  • New From Canada

    Posted by CandyKaneKaldi on January 11, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Hey, first of all id like to say WOW there are so many talented people on this site! Amazing~
    My name is Angie. I am 22 from Quebec Canada. I haven’t started pole dancing yet but i can’t wait to. I love to dance and when i saw this i fell in love. I also need to get back in shape. Since i had my son Cederyck four years ago and my daughter Karizma almost 7 months ago i never really worked out. I lost all the weight but i haven’t showed my tummy since . I also was wondering where i could find a pole something that is affordable but not cheap. Thanks and I look forward to seeing more of your videos! xxxx

    stars2shame replied 14 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • TammyS

    January 11, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    Yes pole dancing is a great workout! You will get back in shape! Hope you will enjoy pole dancing as much as I do!

  • Danielle Tillie

    January 11, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    Everyone will tell ya the best pole to get is the X-pole! There are a couple of options. I actually ordered mine off of ebay but you have to wait for the ideal moment to bid a low price and win to show up. Veena does sell X-poles on this site! The standard X-pole is 50mm diameter chrome, and it does not require bolts for set up. When installed correctly, the X-pole does not cause cosmetic damage to the ceiling or floor (held in place by tension) and it is entirely removable and portable. A slightly less expensive X-pole is the Kendra Sport Pole, which is 45mm diameter and bottom loading (easy set-up). If you plan to pole dance for any length of time, this pole will pay for itself in satisfaction and quality. Good luck and have fun!

  • Veena

    January 11, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    Hello welcome! Don’t buy a cheap pole, they are "cheap" and flimsy. The inexpensive poles are only "toy" poles and if they don’t fall down on you, they will get worn out fast and you’ll have to replace it anyway. You get what you pay for with poles. I don’t recommend Ebay for poles only because there a quite a few fake X pole seller on Ebay. X pole is my favorite brand and yes we sell to Canada, but you can also trust Platinum Stages and I have heard good things about Lil mynx poles too. Those are the top 3 trust worthy pole company’s.

  • stars2shame

    January 12, 2010 at 6:43 pm

    Hi there! I am from Toronto, Canada. I first tried to make my own pole but I would not suggest it cause it wrecked my floor and ceiling and it was not the ideal finish and I got terrible grip which made it very difficult to learn.

    I saved my money (it took me almost 6 months!) and bought an X-pole from StudioVeena-Best Decision ever! I got my pole the first day I ordered it!!!! It cost me almost $400 Canadian through pay-pal including shipping and taxes. The way I was able to save was by just transfering small amounts into paypal because I have such a hard time saving money and with paypal it takes so long to transfer it out that I would never be tempted to spend it.

    Anyway my x-pole is perfect, it is nice and grippy for all the nice upside down moves, and it can spin which makes inverts look pretty, plus you can take it to parties, or move it to different locations. And if you become good enough you can give people lessons in ur area at like bachelorette or fantasia parties and charge the girls like 15- 20 a person and u will make the money back in no time. But even if you don’t, pole dancing is so rewarding, and it will make you feel special cause you can do something other people can’t, and you will feel beautiful and marvelous and just buy a pole and stick with it cause it will be the best thing in your life! (aside from ur kids, lol)

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