Forums Discussions New Xpole Making weird noise!

  • strawberryss

    December 15, 2010 at 12:53 am

    maybe, unscrew your adjuster cover and make sure the screws are on the flat sides of the adjuster
    make sure ur static/spinny screws are both tightened all the way, then loosened all the way

  • omily

    December 15, 2010 at 1:58 am

    Mine used to make a HIDEOUS noise when turning. NOthing a little bearing grease can’t fix. I generously lubed the part that sets in the dome (both sides, but especially the portion that sets into the top setion of the pole) and VIOLA! No more hideous noise

  • peaceloveblonde

    December 15, 2010 at 2:07 am

    Soooo…. I removed the adjuster cover and tighter those underneath. Then I tighter the middle joint, then i went to tighten the top one and to bottom bolt i think is stripped. I cant get the hex key in very far but it doesn’t wiggle like it would if it was halfway through. I can turn it, but i feel like i might be stripping it. Also, when the pole turns i can feel a sort of resistance halfway through the full turn. What the hell is this? I am so scared to hurt my pole… I want to take it down and out it back up but i keep reading these horror stories that people say they cant put it back up afterward cause something or another has been broken. I might try the oil thing on the top but what kind of oil are you supposed to use? I know not WD40 cause its in the instruction manual. It says "light oil"…. wtf is that? lol.

    Man, I am so scared to hurt it because the first week i had it my bf stripped on of the screws and we had to replace it. So I am hoping my pole wont me lying on the floor for a while. I need it! Let me know if anyone has any more info. Thx

  • omily

    December 15, 2010 at 2:13 am

    The resistance while turning could be a result of overtightening, but if you do decide to grease the top part, I used bearing grease from the Auto parts store (that’s what the tech at X-Pole suggested when I called about my noise)

  • Tabbycat

    December 15, 2010 at 4:41 am

    It might just be a result of over tightening…It’s making the noise when it’s on spin mode, right? My other pole made a funny noise when it was on spinny because I kepy it really tight…I can’t be sure that this is the issue for you, But I thought I’d share.

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