Forums Discussions New and already discouraged.

  • New and already discouraged.

    Posted by foliesadeux on August 21, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Hi all,

    My beau bought me a beautiful XPERT X-pole for my birthday, we excitedly set it up about 4 days ago and now, after two attempts at the strength lessons, I am ready to sell it ;_;

    I herniated two discs in my lower back about a year and a half ago. Since then, I've become a stiff, inflexible, frumpy hot mess. I've longed for a pole for as long as I could remember. I finally have one and now the whole experience just sucks.

    I've been trying for a good two years to master the squat. Even after having an instructor at a Crossfit gym show me how to squat, I still can't get the hang of it. My herniated discs make the process even more awful. I must have done 50 squats 2 nights ago – I didn't feel a thing in my rear or legs.

    This evening I tried the pole hold and that was a complete disaster. I was able to hold onto the pole, but couldn't do anything beyond stand on my tippy-toes. The only way I was able to get my feet off the ground was if I jumped and that did nothing for my arms either.

    I'm not expecting to be doing inversions by next week, but I would at least like to be able to execute the moves so that I can begin the process of improving my over-all body strength. At this point, I feel like I'm wasting my time because the moves I am performing are having zero affect on my body.

    I am very, very, very inflexible due to my stupid back. I have extremely strong legs but no strength in my arms. I don't even know if I should be attempting the strength lessons at this point with such poor flexbility.

    I'm extremely disappointed and discouraged. Anyone else been in my shoes? ;_;

    RoseMay replied 12 years, 6 months ago 18 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • cruwysie

    August 21, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Absolutely without a doubt work on Veena's strength lessons!  When I first started poling (albeit without injuries) I had zero upper body strength and could barely do a pole hold for 2 seconds.  While I'm still nowhere near where I want to be (also a lack of motivation sometimes) I'm doing a lot better.  Slow and steady.  You'll get there.  Everyone progresses differently.  My tiny little 5' nothing, 90lb soaking wet friend did an invert at her first pole party!  It took me months. 

    Keep at it for a bit.  After 4 days, just be happy you're not slipping off.  Try it for a month.  Build up to it.  You'll be surprised at what a difference a few weeks make. 

    Good luck!!

  • cruwysie

    August 21, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    Darn it.  I had this whole email typed out and my computer froze!

    In a nutshell…don't give up!  Try out Veena's conditioning exercises for just a month and see what a difference that can make.  Everyone learns at different paces.  After 4 days, be happy you haven't slipped off the pole! lol

    Good luck!  Celebrate the small victories!

  • cruwysie

    August 21, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    Ugh, sorry.  My computer is killing me here. 

  • Tali Kat

    August 21, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Don't give up! I know it's so frustrating to have no arm strength but you CAN get there! I couldn't do a pole hold when I first started because I didn't have any strength either. I had to work on Veena's arm conditioning exercises with the fit bands for a while, and also do push ups. They really help! I can't do the 'standard' push up yet, but I've been doing them off the railing around my stairs which is about waist height to me. Basically do them off something high so you have less steep angle to work off.
    I know it's hard to be patient with a shiny new pole tempting you to try and spin on it, but it really is soo much better to not try and rush into moves that you can't manage just yet.
    Have you been to a physio about your back? There might be certain exercises that you specifically need to do (or avoid) so it'd probably be good to get some medical advice.
    Don't give up!! *hug* 😀

  • Lyme Lyte

    August 21, 2012 at 8:05 pm

    I struggled to even hold myself on the pole for a fraction of a second.  I almost took it down after a month.  BUT decided to get V's lessons, and a big mirror which helps watch your form.  After a year and a half I am doing things I never imagined.  I am happy with MY progress.Others who started with me are WAY beyond me.  It is a personal journey.  You can do it!


  • megan12

    August 21, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    Don't get discouraged! It's hard at the beginning because you expect yourself to be awesome and do all these cool things you've seen on Youtube or wherever. But it's like a snowball, you slowly build up strength and get it rolling and then things speed up after that. It sound like you have some physical issues that are hindering the process. If I may suggest, perhaps make an appointment to go see a physician who practices osteopathic manipulative medicine. They do amazing things for people with chronic pain and range of motion issues. Good luck!

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    August 21, 2012 at 8:34 pm

    Don't quit or give up!!!!  I was in your shoes at the beginning and wasn't able to do a pole hold to save my life, and that was almost 7 months ago. Now I am able to do a pole sit, climb, and a few spins and the start of the advanced plank. You've come to the right place for encouragement and even a cheering squad. 


    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!

  • Jag5303

    August 21, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    " You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!"

    I couldnt do ANYTHING when I started(over a yr ago), just had my first baby via C-section, and was weaker than a fly! I just did the dancy stuff to make me feel better, then I did strength stuff with the tricks and spins. I didnt find this site until a few months into my journey. Dont worry about others, just worry about yourself. To me, pole is about falling in love with yourself….let it happen over time, little bit, by little bit! 🙂


    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!

  • PlatinumAni

    August 21, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    There are many wonderful members here with medical issues that do amazing things! Start slow and enjoy yourself. If it is not a fun thing for you it will not work! I am with the rest of the ladies.. You CAN do it!

  • monica kay

    August 21, 2012 at 10:36 pm

    i read somewhere that alethea had a surgury on her neck when she was starting out in poling… and that did not stop her.  i also think i read somewhere that skittles is not so flexilbe?  and she is jawdropping amazing.  we all have different issues and you just gotta work with what ya got!

    don't be too hard on yourself- if you really love pole, pole will love you back 🙂

  • OzarkSiren

    August 21, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    Please do not give up. I am signing up for the lessons on the first of the month. My 1st pole is being set up this weekend.

     I felt the same way when  I took my first Aerial Class. I was shocked at my lack of upper body strength. I could not do crap !!!  I was almost in disbelief. I thought I would climb and invert with ease. Boy was I in for a suprise !!!  I have been working on my upper body strength now for 6 months for Aerials and I have improved. It is still a work in progress.

     So now I am prepared and realize how difficult Pole may be for me. It will not be a shock and I will take the classes and learn how I can increase my strength and flexability. I am really excited about the lessons. Please do not give up and take a look at these wonderful lessons on here.

    No way are you quiting !!!!! 



  • jade s

    August 22, 2012 at 1:25 am

    I hope you don’t give up. I’ve been poling for almost 4 years, and still can’t do a pushup to save my life, but have finally started gaining the strength to do some of the big moves. If you stick with it, you will get stronger, and you will look back and be able able to see that you’ve accomplished things you never thought you’d be able to. It all takes time and that timeline is different for all of us. Take your time and try not to rush it. The pole journey can be a pretty amazing ride…

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    August 22, 2012 at 2:00 am

    I recently performded n stage in front of hundreds of people, and one of my fellow dancers was an amputee – she only had one arm. She had built up enough strength in that one arm to invert, climb, spin, almost everything! If she can do it with one arm, then you can do it with two arms, no matter how weak they are. We all started at square 1. It definitely sucks that your back inhibits your flexibility, but dance is the best thing for improving it! 

    I get frustrated when my grip is slippery or when my strength gives out and I can't do what I want to do on the pole. The best thing to do is just accept it for now but stay determined to keep trying. Keep your goals in mind while appreciating each little improvement.

    Dance around the pole! Let yourself get sexy and expressive with floor work and transitions. Strength and flexibility are not the only skills a pole dancer can aim for. Fluidity is very important to me. Lines. Flow. Say it takes you a year to invert. Well at least by the time you're upside down and learning new tricks, you will be a pro at floor work and fluidity. 🙂 Look on the bright side, focus on what you CAN do. If we all focused on our flaws we would be a miserable bunch. It's natural to want to push yoruself to improve, but don't forget to pat yourself on the back for every small thing you achieve… 🙂 Have fun!

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    August 22, 2012 at 2:30 am

    Also, watch videos of great pole dancers. Not only do they inspire and motivate, but they can also be great practice! My acrobatics instructor has told me the same thing: Knowing in your head how to do something is half the battle. If you have watched a trick being performed 20 times, your mind will be able to process it like second nature. When I am dancing sometimes I think of moves other dancers I love have done, and I find myself mimicing them a little bit. That's how I've taught myself basically, I've borrowed my favourite moves from Alethea Austin, Karol Helms, Felix Cane, Marion Crampe, Sergia Anderson, and learnt them from watching their videos over and over again…. So that is something you can do without lifting a muscle! 🙂 Check this out for an example of an awesome pole dance that is mostly floorwork, spins and off-pole dancing:

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    August 22, 2012 at 3:10 am

    Watch this too! This is the chick I as talking about.

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