Forums Discussions New batch of X-poles slippery!

  • MD5677

    January 10, 2014 at 5:57 pm

    Shoot! Just bought an x pert x pole from amazon. My first. Only been poling for three months and thought I could get better with a home pole. Everyone said not to go cheap and recommended x poles. It hasn’t even arrived and I am so discouraged. I am not very good. Can’t even climb. The last thing I needed is a problem pole.

  • Veena

    January 10, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    MD, I just want to clarify, Xpoles are great poles, no one was saying they are bad poles. Some of us who had the old original chrome xpoles, have noticed the grip is not as it use to be. It’s not a horrible issue, just interesting. A dancer can learn to work with ANY pole, by doing a proper warm up, cleaning the pole, and using a grip aid if all else fails. I highly recommend the xpole Brass pole, it’s been great. You may find that you love the chrome finish!

  • Veena

    January 10, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    PS…Check out the lessons here for help with your pole journey, Climbs are not easy, so give yourself time.

  • Amilocks

    January 11, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    I got mine last Christmas and I have exactly the same problem! I don’t trust it enough to invert (despite being able to just fine on both sides at my studio) I thought if I ‘broke it in’ by using it it would help but it hasn’t got any better. Wondering if I should see if I can sell it and get a brass one instead that has more grip because there is no point in a pole I’m too nervous to practice anything other than the easier spins on.
    Any tips?

  • Lyme Lyte

    January 11, 2014 at 8:06 pm

    Yes…sand it down with a little fine sand paper! That is what I will b doing with mine next week if I don’t like it…..

  • Sieira

    January 11, 2014 at 9:25 pm

    I ordered one through my studio I take classes at…but I beleive it’s titanium? Or is it the same as the chrome? All I know is it’s an x pole and it’s the one where it can be spinner or static lol il be sooo pissed if it’s slippery like you guys

  • Sieira

    January 11, 2014 at 9:38 pm

    I hear ya MD!

  • MD5677

    January 11, 2014 at 11:22 pm

    I spent the day pondering this decision. The pole was supposed to come last Wednesday and since it did not show up today (Saturday)I am taking that as a sign. I am returning the pole when it finally shows up. I think I am just going to continue to take classes and save up for a better finish. Kind of disappointed but better safe than sorry.

  • korinne

    January 12, 2014 at 12:04 am

    Lyme- I’ve heard terrible things about sanding. I wouldn’t do it.

  • X Pole Tech

    January 12, 2014 at 6:57 am

    X-Pole sell multiple poles globally. Like any product manufacturer, even the greatest like Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Nissan, Boeing, Chrysler odd products from a production run can have a problem however, that does not mean that they all do and it is not a reason not to buy a product! If it was Apple iPhones would not be so dominant!

    At the IPC world competition in Singapore in November some of the world’s top dancers, unsolicited, complimented X-Pole on how great the grip was on the Chrome poles they used. And grip to these elite dancers is everything. The poles used were from our latest production September last year and were polished with the new machine.

    X-Pole stand by its products and will assist if there are problems.

    If your pole has not arrived (to clarify we do not do Saturday deliveries unless specially requested) that is because the UK has been hit by severe storms and our latest deliveries were delayed due the ship not being allowed to enter the harbor. The delivery that should have arrived last week 6th will now not be in our warehouse till next week, Wednesday15th/Thursday16th at the earliest. We can only apologize for the delay but this is beyond our control. It is not an omen about our product!

    There is no point in receiving a pole and then returning it, that just costs everyone money and wastes time and the pole could be damaged on return transit. Should you wish to cancel your order then please call our office on Monday, quote your real name and order number and we will immediately cancel your order and refund your money. Let us clarify though that it can take 2~3 days to receive the money via some credit card companies (again out of our control).

    As requested please call us on Monday on 0208 449 4400 (ask for Paul or Jon) to discuss your concerns รขโ‚ฌโ€œ X-Pole is here to help, we are trying to grow the pole industry as we have done from day one 10 years ago and discussing concerns and problems and resolving them is akey part of our business.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • X Pole Tech

    January 12, 2014 at 7:07 am

    On thinking further about your concerns we cordially invite you to visit our new Development Centre and office, try out a Chrome pole and talk to our team. You could even collect yours and check it before taking ownership.

    Not sure where you are in the UK but please let us know when you call on Monday.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • Skullpixie

    January 12, 2014 at 8:59 am

    I have a chrome x pert x pole I have had it 2years mine is fine. I use cheap vodka to clean it but I don’t clean it often as I find it helps the grip, I have sweaty hands so it def not the poles fault lol. I found Veena’s mix of mighty grip special and great for the pole and my legs then just special formula mighty grip on my hands no on hands which made my pole and me sooo grippy it’s great I’m confident enough now to try Ayesha at some point. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sieira

    January 12, 2014 at 10:24 am

    X pole tech
    Is there so etching can can recommend for us to put on our poles too clean and get a good grip? Is this a common complaint with the new polish that is on it? I’m i pressed by your immediate response to this discussion. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m hoping when I get mine up I don’t gave any slippery issues….I’m just starting out and working mostly on my inverts and part of my issue is being afraid of slipping off and falling. I did get the mity grip gloves and use them when I practice at the studio..that helps some. The owner of the studio called the order in Dec 22 I think she said so hope.fully it will come soon. Also…I think she said it was titanium …it’s a silver color. Is there a difference? We only use it to practice some spins…usually the instructors on it when she teaches. The rest are wider and diff material. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • X Pole Tech

    January 12, 2014 at 10:55 am

    First we need to clarify a point. We do not put polish as such on the pole so it is not about removing any polish to get a good grip. We were advising about the method of polishing which uses a special buffing machine to shine the surface to get a high mirror like finish.

    We would never advise to use anything that attacks the pole tube surface like an etch. There are so many factors that affect grip that it is often difficult to work out the problem and by that we are not saying that it cannot be the finish itself. In our experience though the higher the polished finish the higher the grip so a clean pole and well polished pole is essential to start with.

    To that end we have developed a cleaner called, unremarkably, รขโ‚ฌหœX-Clean’ which will remove all grip aids (including Gorilla Grip!) and surface dirt, sweat etc. leaving an ultra-clean pole. Please contact the US office who will be pleased to help you get some.

    As to other forms of cleaning countless dancers use cheap vodka. One of the tricks is to wipe in on (with a micro fibre cloth), leave overnight, then polish off in the morning. This seems to remove all the dirt and gives good grip. Please do not forget all new poles need working in and they need to be warm.

    As to colour if its silver it will be a Chrome pole unless its Stainless.

    Hope this is of assistance

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • teachtrinity

    January 12, 2014 at 11:44 am

    my studio replace all their 50mm with 45mm chrome x poles back in May and the grip on all of them is fine, I have a 50mm TG x pole at home and really don’t notice much difference in the grip, I do use mighty grip both at home and in class so maybe this is why I don’t have a problem but have to say noone in class has mentioned poor grip issues on the new poles

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