Forums Discussions New from AZ!

  • tiffthebest

    April 23, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    Hey I am actually new from AZ too =] I havent posted yet I usually just creep around and find moves to practice lol. I just got a new 50mm pole and im sore as hell from playing on it. Im in Tucson and I would love to have some AZ pole friends!

  • Tabbycat

    April 23, 2010 at 7:46 pm

    Ok. So I’m thinking about having our jam about a week after mothers day (may 9th) Because I’m getting a rib cage tattoo on the 8th, and I need time to heal before I play on the pole xD

  • SpookyPoler

    April 24, 2010 at 6:31 am

    I’m in the west valley and am willing to donate space for a meetup for anyone on this side of town. I sadly cannot participate though because I just had a baby

  • Tabbycat

    April 24, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Awww when did you have your baby? I love the first few months. My daughter is 10 months today

  • SpookyPoler

    April 24, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    I had a baby girl 5 weeks ago. It’s my first baby, so it’s all new to me. Totally exhausting but I love it! I unfortunately had a c-section though so it will be a while before I can get back on the pole. I did put on a pair of new heels (I bought myself new shoes for post-baby to make myself feel better) and walked around the pole and did some stretches the other day though.

  • Tabbycat

    April 25, 2010 at 4:00 am

    Yeah, This is my first too It’s really rewarding, don’t worry I don’t know if your breastfeeding or not, But it has taken a toll on my body and my energy,lol! are you closer to scottsdale?

  • SpookyPoler

    April 25, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    I’ve been breastfeeding, so I’m totally exhausted and have a ridiculous appetite. I cheated on the doctor’s no exercise orders and went out for a long walk with her yesterday and couldn’t believe how worn out I was just from an hour walk. I live in north Peoria, so on the opposite side of town from most people but it’s not a long drive to Scottsdale from where I am thanks to the 101.

    So how was it getting back to poling after the baby? I know I’ll need to be extra careful to ease back into it because of the c-section but I wonder how my poor stomach muscles will feel. I didn’t actually stop until around 37 weeks, so my upper body should hopefully still be in decent shape.

  • Tabbycat

    April 26, 2010 at 2:53 am

    I can relate to the exhaustion and ridiculous appetite. Be careful about excersizing too soon. I noticed sometimes it would delay my healing a bit…But I didn’t have a c section so it might be different for you. I went out for the 4th of july after I had my daughter june 22nd..and ended back up in the hospital…stupid me.

    Poling has been fairly easy for me to pick up, I think It’s just because I weight trained a lot before I started and excersized through pregnancy. I didn’t pole before I got pregnant, but I did work at a club. I was too scared to climb it in front of people for the first time xD Do you have a fb? Friend me if you haven’t already.

  • SpookyPoler

    April 27, 2010 at 3:50 am

    Luckily I have my 6 week checkup this week, so I’ll have a better idea of what I’m allowed to do going forward. Then, I’ll just have to patiently wait until the baby gives me long enough breaks during the day so I can start practicing again.

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