Forums Discussions New member from UK

  • polefairy

    July 11, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    Hey Lilly,

    Welcome to StudioVeena, good to have you here. (I’m in Ireland by the way, so we’re neighbours)

    I felt the very same way you did when I joined my first pole class last November. The class was over sized and I felt like I was by far the worst, most embarrassing pole dancer in the world. I loved it though and I knew with proper instruction and proper training I would be okay. So I got my own pole to help build up confidence and familiarity with it. In March I decided it was time to go back to pole classes and try again so I found a new teacher and it was AMAZING. Everything I thought that I’d never, ever be able to do seemed achievable and the environment was fun and supportive.

    Now I am in the intermediate class and if I had have been asked last November if I ever thought I would even get past a fireman spin I would probably have said no. I have SOOO much to learn, I still feel brand new to it myself but at least now I know that with enough time and patience and the right instruction anyone can learn. In fact, I just spent all this weekend upside on my pole Not so long ago I thought that would never happen. But I worked out myself at home between classes, I started light weights, crunches and aerobic exercises (though I know I should do more) and now I can already notice a difference in what I can do.

    Like I said, I am still a little novice, I have so much to learn and there is still so much I can’t do but I just wanted to share this with you because I felt the very same way not so long ago. But I have learned that anyone can pole if you are trained safely, patiently and in a supportive environment.

    Good luck, I’m sure in a few months it will seem much, much easier.

  • LillyBell

    July 11, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    Hi Polefairy, thank you, that message is very reassuring!
    I have got an X pole at home (not much space though) and haven’t joined a class yet. I have been enquiring as to where there is one near me!
    I bought the X pole thinking ‘how hard can it be?’, how wrong i was!! I can’t even hold myself up!

    I am going to start jogging to improve my overall fitness and continue with the youtube instructions until i get a place in a class.

    Are you a healthy weight? and does it make a lot of difference?
    I am not hugely over weight but think i could do with loosing a stone or two. I am hoping with the pole exercise i will achieve this.
    I have also developed bruises all over my legs! Is this normal?

    You are amazing to have continued and got to wear you are now! hanging upside down- sounds impossible at the moment.


  • polefairy

    July 11, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    The bruises are absolutely fine. I have a giant, new one on my inner arm as I type

    You will get bruises all the time when you pole. So don’t worry at all! My weight is okay, I could probably do with losing a few lbs but my BMI is fine. One thing I have found however is that although my waist is getting trimmer and my body overall is (slowly but surely) becoming leaner my weight hasn’t dropped. I find that a tad odd but I assume it’s just the muscle building or something. Don’t worry, you’re never too ‘big’ to pole. So please don’t let your weight discourage you. After a couple of weeks of poling and training you will see a massive difference in your body as you begin to tone up.

    As for not being part of a class, make sure you’re practising your moves safely. Don’t worry that you can’t hold yourself up yet, I could not do that for ages and even now there are some moves that I just can’t hold. It takes time. I still struggle with some spins and holds. It’s all part of the learning process and despite what you may read from some other Veeners here, it can take a very long time. I did my first pole class 8 months ago and only last month felt confident enough to invert alone and try one handed spins. I’ve no intention of trying anything else until I have my current moves feeling safe and fully controlled because I don’t want to get injured. And honestly, there’s no rush, you have your whole life to enjoy the pole so take it step by step and don’t worry about what you can’t do yet. You really will surprise yourself a few months down the line but in the meantime enjoy it. Maybe look into getting Veena’s lessons here, I don’t have them yet myself but from what I gather she has included strength exercises in her lessons for beginners to help them get going. (that would have been SO useful for me when my first pole teacher seemed to just teach impossible trick after trick to a very inexperienced class!)

    Don’t stress. Everyone gets frustrated when they try new moves but you will get there, slowly, safely and surely!

  • teresawitch

    July 12, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    hey i’m from the uk too. wigan in the north of england. veena does brill on line classes you may want to try out. also chat on friday nights you can join in and ask questions or watch some of the members trying out moves. its a great site and am sure you gonna enjoy it.

  • Gsylass

    July 12, 2010 at 9:51 pm

    Hi from the Channel Islands Definitely echo Teresa’s recommendation for Veena’s lessons, I have to let them buffer before watching but it’s worth the wait!

  • Veena

    July 14, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    With the proper conditioning it will get easier!! Welcome to the site! I do have a lot of strength work to get you started in the lessons if you were interested.

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