Forums Discussions New programs?

  • PoleAdventures

    November 10, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    Hey Veena

    I found this old post of mine and came up with an idea. Veena, how about if you occasionally wrote about what you are working on or what will be new on Studio Veena in the near future?
    It doesn’t really matter whether these are big or small things, I would be interested in what you’re working on in general. Like a small, short diary for us Veeners, or like a mini blog. For example a short monthly update.
    Ah and by the way, I miss the Veena’s tips videos, they were always great too. Are you doing this again?

  • Veena

    November 27, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    I can see why you’d love to know what I’m working on. Here’s a good way to see what’s new. Read our newsletter and check out the New Lessons section often. Follow my Insta with notifications on so you see things when I post and follow my Facebook page. These things will help you stay up to date.

    I’d hate to start a diary with what I’m working on as things can change quickly. If I need rest, the kids need more attention, we have a puppy that needs training and sometimes I have an idea that needs attention right away to help SV grow…so many things can change the direction I need to go in a day or week. I’d be worried people would be upset if I didn’t complete something as “promised”.

    My list of what I’m working on is HUGE but it’s only me and I do all the work, filming, editing, voice-over even the promotional campaigns and creative for marketing. It’s literally just me. Thank god my husband handles the contact emails! I rarely get time to dance just for me. BUT I love what I do and I’m always excited to work on new things!!!!! I sometimes have a hard time not stressing out because I wish I could just get everything I have written down done right away.

    Now, I CAN tell you I have new and updated floor work lessons in the works and I’m adding more 30 day programs. And now that most of the lessons are updated I HOPE to do more combos and routines, both dance and strength based.

  • PoleAdventures

    November 29, 2020 at 9:14 am

    Thanks for the reply Veena.
    And most important….whatever you do, it is great and I take your time to do it!
    Thanks for all your work on SV 💜

  • PoleAdventures

    November 29, 2020 at 9:15 am

    There was one “I” too many πŸ™‚

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