Forums Discussions New to stretching confused about… Stuff…

  • New to stretching confused about… Stuff…

    Posted by Tamarinda on May 4, 2013 at 11:48 am

    Hey guys newbie here. I've been at it for a little bit over a month. I just want to start off by saying that I am absolutely in love with this website. Veena is a wonderful teacher and her lessons have helped me so much with the progress I have made. I have made slow and steady progress and my strength has increased more and more I am so proud of myself. I have been getting compliments about improved muscle tone and apparently people tell me I look thinner too :). It's hard to not want to jump around to things I can't do yet but I learned to stop doing that and be more patient with the process. I still have loooooong ways to go.

    On the flip side stretching has been a challenge I have some questions. I am sorry if I sound stupid I know little. What does it mean to lengthen a muscle? Veena says to contract certain muscles while stretching. This means to tense up right? How does the contraction of muscles aid stretching? I thought the purpose of stretching (remember I know nothing) was to relax your muscles and let go of tension. Sometimes in certain stretches I find that my body is tense in certain areas and then Veena says to contract certain muscles and well this all confuses me. Explain to me tension in the body and how it is or isn't supposed to relate to stretching.

    My abductors are extremely inflexible. Foam rolling used to be excruciating pain all over my body. Now it's just light to moderate pain, sometimes I have to try and make it hurt (medieval torture device aka rumble roller next maybe, idk yet). But when it comes to my abductors still heavy pain, very tender. When I do certain things like diamond stretches (I use yoga blocks for lying and a foam roller for sitting to be safe) I almost feel like my hips lock (from my side abductor thingys.) Is that normal? Will it improve? Have you guys ever had a problem area like that? I did have a chiropractor tell me my pelvic and hip alignment was off as I was having pain walking and he fixed me after a few weeks (I stopped going after he fixed me), but I suppose remnants of that problem is showing now.

    Tamarinda replied 11 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • portableninja

    May 4, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    The general idea behind contraction during stretching is that muscles work in pairs. Think about triceps and biceps, quadriceps and hamstrings, etc. If you contract one half of a paired muscle group, it will help relax the opposing side. So Veena may say to contract your quadriceps (front of thigh) while you stretch into your relaxed hamstrings (back of thigh). It is useful to help ensure you’re not trying to stretch a tensed muscle.

  • Tamarinda

    May 4, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    I really appreciate your feedback. So basically I need to learn how to have more control over my muscles and isolate (instead of contracting the whole group). I also need to learn about the muscles and how they pair up with each other. This is a start and clears up confusion. Thank you for taking time to explain to a newbie I thought stretching would be simple I can't believe I've had so many issues. I've learned how out of tune I am with my body. I have a lot to learn. I barely taught myself how to stop rounding my back and I've realized I am going to have to take it much slower than I wanted cuz I don't want to injure myself by pushing it past what I am capable especially with improper form.

  • portableninja

    May 4, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    No problem! Everyone here on StudioVeena is here to help. It’s a great community for that reason. 🙂 If you have any specific questions about a stretch or any lesson, post a comment on the lesson page and Veena will get back to you about it.

    If you have existing hip and back issues, then definitely be mindful of them. You may find that careful stretching may help improve certain types of pain, as will staying active in general. One thing I found that was really complementary to my pole practice was practicing yoga. It really helps me build my flexibility while focusing on proper alignment. It has really improved my body awareness in the parts that we don’t think about as much in daily life – shoulder stabilizers, hip flexors, etc. That has translated to improvements on the pole as well. If you can check out yoga or Pilates classes or videos in addition to pole, I highly recommend it for cross training. Good luck!

  • Veena

    May 4, 2013 at 4:48 pm

    Hi Tammy, portableninja is correct about the contracting of opposing muscle groups. Contracting the opposing muscle group is something you can do but you don't have to do. The most important thing to remember is to listen to your body, if something doesn't feel right or hurts, think sharp sudden pain. If you can't breath normally through a stretch, then you might be forcing too much. There is no reason to stop using the yoga blocks or force the body into positions that don't work. Flexibility takes a lot of time.

    If you would like to learn more about anatomy take a look at the foam roller lessons, making sure to read the description for the lesson as well. These lessons are not just about using the roller but give a look into where the muscles are and the movements they perform. 

    For the fastest replies as Portableninja mentioned, you can always post a comment on the lesson you have a question about.

  • Tamarinda

    May 4, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    Thank you guys you have been such great help :). Portableninja I definitely think yoga classes would benefit me a lot. It seems a bit intimidating though I imagine all these thin whispy women who can do backbends and stuff. I would feel so out of place. I'm sure it's not completely like that though so I need to get that out of my head and go to one when I get some funds together.

  • portableninja

    May 4, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    A common joke/gripe among yoga teachers is that people always say they would love to go to yoga class but they don’t want to because they’re not flexible. It’s just like… that’s why you go! To get flexible! 🙂 Everyone has to start somewhere and that goes for all things. I will say that a lot of Veena’s stretching lessons have similarities with yoga, so if funds are an issue, doing the stretches here will be really helpful too.

  • Hazi411

    May 5, 2013 at 1:02 am

    I think Pilates might help, too….I started doing Pilates a few months ago.  It works all the small muscles, and may help with flexibility.  I always feel really good after a Pilates session. Opinions, anyone?

  • Storypole17

    May 5, 2013 at 8:24 am

    Just a little tip about your rounded back when stretching…I too have this problem. For example, I have a terrible time sitting straight up on a straddle and can’t seem to get a proper stretch. I put a yoga block or rolled up towel under my butt when doing these stretches. It helps keep my back straight and I am able get the proper stretch. Good luck!

  • Tamarinda

    May 5, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    OMG! Thank you guys you are all so freaking helpful! I'm satisfied with the steady enough rate I am progressing at but like I said stretching is horrible for me and I feel like I am getting no where. I'm going to take your guy's advice.

    I plan on joining a yoga class in a few months once I get settled down and get income steady again. But in the mean time I already bought a yoga book and I plan on using Veena's lessons along with Youtube to further teach me what I need to do.

    I'll probably be using a lot of blankets, foam rollers, and yoga blocks for support  and just stay at the most basic forms and also I need to learn proper breathing and alignment and what not. When it comes to yoga patience truly does seem to be a virtue. As long as I am learning even though I feel it is so slooooow.

    I used to do Pilates in my teens I feel like I should get back into that again because I do need a varied workout otherwise I tend to get bored and if it benefits my pole heck yes!!!

    I truly appreciate all of you for taking the time out to help to help a fellow newbie. You ladies are all so wonderful and very beautiful! TY TY TY! Seriously you have no idea, you all are so helpful to me.

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