Yes, there’s so much that I want to improve on, it’s hard to narrow focus for realistic goals and plans. My main goal at this point is the handspring — have long wanted that, and now’s the time. Smaller goals: to get my ayesha back — used to be able to hold it forever on both sides, now can only do one side. And to clean up my allegra and jade split. And to get my aerial shouldermount back, and straight-leg inverts. And to string together some long aerial sequences. And to work on flow and freestyle. Flexibility and strength, too — have been very close to front splits for ages, need to be more consistent with my splits training to solidly get these, and want to be more disciplined with my home workouts. And want to work on back flexibility. And spin tolerance. And to catalog the moves I know, so I can kind of keep them fresh in my mind (and in my practice) and not forget and lose stuff. That’s what I want for this year!