Forums Discussions Newbie~Hello eveyone

  • Newbie~Hello eveyone

    Posted by cheshirekatt on January 19, 2011 at 7:33 pm


    Hello everyone. I am a newbie to pole dance. I got a pole & the Sfactor book as holiday fitness gifts this past year. I haven’t started poling just yet. I want to start with the basic floor work, lap dance moves, and than work my way up to the pole. I don’t know if anyone here is as new as I am but I would appreciate any recommendations on books, dvds or anything you can share with me.

    stuffy replied 14 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • thesoulstudio

    January 19, 2011 at 10:23 pm

    Welcome, cheshirekatt!

    I am a newbie as well.  I received my FlirtyGirl Fitness pole and the entire DVD set as a Christmas gift from my adoring Bubbee (aka husband).

    It seems many of the newbies (including yours truly) initally find we need to increase our arm strength for even basic pole swings and to work up to any tricks and such.

    There is another newbie who fairly recently posted a request for resources on how to build her strength.  I spent a considerable amount of time compiling recommendations from other threads and some of my own searches.  You can see the results on the following thread:

    As for other recommendations, at present I have no wisdom to share.  I look forward to seeing the response of others, though.

    All the best with your new dancing partner/friend!


  • Veena

    January 19, 2011 at 10:36 pm

    Welcome! You have a great resource right here!!  My lessons are set up for you to follow in the order in which they are placed. I developed my teaching method and placed lessons so new dancers will increase strength first.

  • thesoulstudio

    January 19, 2011 at 10:45 pm


    I just realized my lack of mentioning the resources here in StudioVeena's lessons!  My sincerest apologies on the oversight and unintentioned disrespect.  I just assumed people asking first looked at the training available right here.  Well, you know they say about when you assume…

    My birthday is just around the corner and these lessons are on the top of my wish list.  :o)

  • cheshirekatt

    January 20, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    WOW, Thank you for your help. I appreciate the links. I am finishing up week 9 of the P90X workout series. Have you heard of P90X? I am gaining some strength in my upper body and I also do yoga too. I had a shoulder injury a while back so I have to start slowly with the pole work. I was checking out Veen'a Chair and Floorwork clips and I love them. A dancer on Twiiter recommended this website to me and I so glad that she did. I really like the forum, resources and the clips.

  • cheshirekatt

    January 20, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    Btw, how to you like the Flirtygirl fitness set? I have seen the commericals and they look like fun.


  • thesoulstudio

    January 20, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    The little time I’ve had to check them out, I enjoy them.  They are different than I expected, but they are fun.  It’s some movement instruction and really a lot of just going through repetition of sensual movements (more shown than explained) to learn routines for sassy dance, chair dance, beginner pole, and what they term intermediate pole.  The beginning pole routine teaches four spins and the intermediate another four to six spins.  What I appreciate about them is how I can easily transition in bellydance movements to the routines and how I can peel movements from their routines into my bellydance practice.  :o)

  • cheshirekatt

    January 21, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    I ordered a few Sfactor dvds so I am looking forward to getting them. I was just wondering if I wanted to add the Flirtygirls to my collection of Pole Fitness dvds. I can see locks and pops being easy to transition into the belly moves. I worked on some floor and chair moves yesterday and it was so much fun. I got some ideas from the Sfactor book and some youtube clips. I need also check into Veena's lessons.

  • anna2422

    January 21, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Veena's Lessons are the bomb.  And I teach at a studio.  Veena is the next best thing to being there.  Although I do not have SFactor or Flirty girls DVD.  I do own a mirage of all the others including ALL of BeSpun and all of Jamilla Deville, and countless others I might add.  I especially like the way she breaks down the moves and highlights the muscle groups used.  Helps you alot when you are strength training to know about such things.   Well, that is my plug for the day.  Good luck, and Happy Poling!!!

  • stuffy

    January 21, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    I have the art of pole and love it. its nice to have the s factor and aop.  they are both different but really good dvds to have.  good luck!

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