• Newbie

    Posted by acoretacri on December 12, 2011 at 8:55 pm


    I am new to this site and poling. I have wanted to start pole dancing for about two years. I haven't been able to afford classes, and my engineering university had pretty strict rules about erecting thing in university apartments.

    I have found all the advice here so helpful and have a better idea of what to expect. I started working out two weeks ago to loose weight and hope this will help me prepare a bit for the upper body strength of pole dancing. Physical activity (3 zumba, 1 belly dance, 1 bollywood, 1 step) and 3 days of Body Pump a week. I love to dance but my greatest passion is horses!

    While my fiance is very supportive, my mom is not. She went on about how today's society is all about the glorification of strippers and prostitutes. Given I had always thought my mom as opened minded it was hard to here. I also really interested in burlesque, so it was even more ackward. She asked me where I learned all this stuff and maybe she had failed in her job as to protect me! I wanted to reply "no you raised me to be someone is open to other ideas and comfortable with my own sexuality". I have known about burlesque and pole dancing and waiting to be able to afford to try.

    Some of my exercise class are belly dance and bollywood and I was wondering if anyone were encorporates this into their pole dancing.

    If anyone has any tips on how to be more ready for starting pole dance let me know. Thanks!

    Dancing Paws replied 13 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • acoretacri

    December 12, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    P.S. My classes start the second week in January thanks to my loving fiance!

  • hookedonpole

    December 12, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    Congratulation on the start of your pole journey.  It is very rewarding, challenging, and fun.  Sorry your mom isn't open to it, but maybe when you start you can show her the pole "fitness" side of it and the workout that it is. 

    As far as starting pole dance, I would just mention everyone learns things differently, so don't compare yourself to others.  It takes patience and building up strength for new spins/tricks.   Make sure to take your time. 

     You will love this site and pole community, veena and the veneer members are supportive, encouraging, helpful and sooooo much fun.  I don't know where you are located, hopefully you can joing in on Friday chat.

    Keep us posted with your pole journey 🙂  and WELCOME!

  • calipolepixie

    December 13, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Welcome to Studio Veena. Give your mom some time she may come around eventually once she really understands and sees the fitness, fun side of it and how empowering and life changing it can be. My mom was a little leary at first but now she thinks it's awesome and is even interested in me showing her some moves on the pole–my mom is very into keeping her body toned and in shape and she has seen what poling has done for my body and is impressed.

    Some of my friends were weird too at first about my poling but they all are pretty supportive now.

    It's hard to change the way people think of and see poling because most people connect poling with stripping unfortunately but we pole gals are changing folks views of poling one person at a time!

    Don't let other peoples (relatives included!) opinions, comments or negativity get in the way of your dreams and what you want to do with your life….It's YOUR life not theirs.

  • PaulettePoles

    December 14, 2011 at 4:39 am

    Welcome!! Pursue your passion! (s) When I started to pole I did not have the support of- my husband! He too only sees the stripper side.I did not let his uneducated views stop me form my goals though. I practiced when he wasnt around. Only in the last couple weeks have I even let him see me near my pole. He was quite surprised w my strength and what I have learned. I even left my pole up- which he asked why but didnt make me remove- and my kids were home! I took it down after a couple hours… baby steps. Its a slooow progress, but if you are passionate about something, I think the people who love you will eventually come around. You're not poling for your mom- I dont do it for my hubby so why let anyone stop you from what you want to do? I try to respect his views and concerns while still being me at the same time. Sometimes its hard, but its getting better. Horses? I LOVE horses, and have one. I used to show saddlebreds competively before kiddos.  Someone here introduced me to horse vaulting! You tube it. I was happily surprised that pole moves can also translate to my other passion- horses! Im getting my kids a vaulting saddle for X mas. I also do gymnastics and hoop with them.. anyway I can sneak in practice that will benefit my pole!  You can actually shoulder mount your horse! As far as what you can do to prepare.. the opportunities are endless! When I want to strength train, I use two pieces of equipment that are small but very effective- #1- is a TRX suspension trainer (FABULOUS), #2 is a removeable pull up bar. You can train your entire body w these 2 little objects and prepare yourself for pole. You will also need to add in some strength training excercises for you wrists as well as all the small muscles of your shoulders, and core ( you can also strengthen core w the pull up bar w knee / leg raises) – and finally Flexibility training. You can do all of these w out a pole. Even if you have no equipment you can modify amy move using just your body resistance as well.(planks, push ups, elbow / hand stands / plows..etc..) Dont forget floorwork- important for pole and you dont need one to practice- you will be surprised how much strength you need to do some of these moves! I find my floor workouts are sometimes MORE challenging than my pole workouts! One more thing- a simple sturdy chair- endless opportunities.  If you can afford it, those are the smallest, removable and most effective pieces of equipment. Good luck to you and please keep us posted! Ive seen girls here post vids w out a pole doing only floor or chair. Use what you have and dont let a lack of a pole or anyones opinion get in your way!

  • Dancing Paws

    December 14, 2011 at 9:23 am

    I've been a bellydancer for a long time and, yes, I naturally incorporate it into my pole and chair dances.

    Just try your best to ignore what your mom says, and from now on, don't talk to her about it. I know it hurts, but unfortunately, she doesn't know what she is talking about, and there is really know way to convince people who think that way otherwise. It's best to talk about your love for pole with other pole fans, like us! I think my mom was a little unnerved by it at first. She was okay with me doing it, but she didn't want to "see it." Ouch. You do what you want though!

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