Forums Discussions No clue where to start

  • azblanco

    October 1, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    oh man, have I been in your shoes before! It took me 3 months to be able to climb. I have lost 15 pounds since I started, but still have more to lose. I have been pole dancing for over a year and still at the beginner state because I am a little overweight and haven't pushed myself like I know I could have.. I am changing that as we speak.  I am doing insanity and taking my practices up a notch.

    Think of it this way,  women that have a little extra cushion (like US), pole is naturally going to be harder.  We have more weight to lift.  In the end, when you are progressing think of yourself as stronger than some of the smaller girls.  Because I bet if they tacked on some extra pounds it WOULD be harder for them too.  Flipping upside down would take a lot more effort.

    BUT DO NOT let the extra pounds bog you down.  I have dealt with this for MONTHS! I am over the whole notion that MY extra cushion will stop me from pole dancing.  Now, yes I am trying to get my extra weight off.Of course, I have totally changed my diet for the last month.  It is working for me and my hard work is starting to pay off. 

    I promise with everything in me, That is REALLY does get better! If you love pole and keep practicing, you will be surprised at what you can accomplish! 


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