Forums Discussions Not being on much

  • Not being on much

    Posted by benicebehappy on June 28, 2009 at 5:19 pm

    Hello everyone,

    Not sure if anyone has noticed but havent been on much lately due to having a downer. (Im a depressive), so havent felt like doing a whole lot the last couple of weeks. But am over the worst of it again, and have decided to go back to the gym as ive heard excercise is good at keeping it at bay, so i’ll see how that goes XD First weigh in next saturday so fingers crossed ill be startign to get some weight off soon which will not only make me happier but also help with my lack of progression poling (week 8 of trying and still no gemeni :S)

    Hope everyone is ok and will try and get on the chat on friday and say hi to everyone. Big love and hugs, me x

    Sparklie replied 15 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • nikki_christie

    June 29, 2009 at 2:29 am

    excercise is the best therapy – at least one billion times better than meds. I was put on meds from a psychiatrist and I could just kill that douche-bag, he didn’t listen to what was wrong he just said that I had to take these disgusting anti-psychotics – BLAH. Made me feel like I just didn’t give a crap about anything around me and most of the time I was to tired and zoned out to feel even apathy.

    But – when I was poledancing regularily (before exams etc, i do uni) – everything felt a LOT better (not like nothing was wrong but not as bad as before or when I took the meds) – so basically excercise!!! Its hard to be feel 100% crap when you are sweating and being flooded with endorphins….

    Glad ur back!!!!

  • SissyBuns

    June 29, 2009 at 6:03 pm

    Hello everyone,

    Not sure if anyone has noticed but havent been on much lately due to having a downer. (Im a depressive), so havent felt like doing a whole lot the last couple of weeks. But am over the worst of it again, and have decided to go back to the gym as ive heard excercise is good at keeping it at bay, so i’ll see how that goes XD First weigh in next saturday so fingers crossed ill be startign to get some weight off soon which will not only make me happier but also help with my lack of progression poling (week 8 of trying and still no gemeni :S)

    Hope everyone is ok and will try and get on the chat on friday and say hi to everyone. Big love and hugs, me x

    Hi there!

    I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago. My husband (who is in the Army) was deployed in Afghanistan and I was left to care for 3 kids, work full time and attend school full time. I was always worried about my hubby and then our house got broken into twice in one week! I figured some punks were toying with me because they knew my husband was gone. So anyway, I started having anxiety attacks and a bit of agrophobia (the fear of leaving home) so I started seeing a therapist and of course….I got some meds.

    Around that time I started running. I am a bad pill taker and would miss my does sometimes and then I started to realize that I could go a day without it and feel okay as long as i was running, then i could go 2 days, then a whole week…then before I knew it I was off of the medication and had replaced it with physical activity. It’s a proven fact that large muscle movement helps depression and boosts your mood.

    I guess the point of my long story is that I strongly encourage you to get back in that gym or on that pole or whatever it is that you do because it will make you feel better and feel better about the way you look as well. Those endorphins are undeniable! Good stuff to get hooked on!

    Sorry for going off on my tangent….

  • Veena

    June 30, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    Benice….KEEP ON EXERCISING!!!! Even if you can’t do ANY inverts you can still get the amazing benefit that exercise/pole dance can give you. When we exercise, our brains release those "feel good" endorphins!! This can help depression. So dance and move that body…I know first hand it can help! Regular daily exercise can help you sleep better, decrease or increase your appetite depending on your body size/weight,(if your overweight it will work as an appetite suppressant, if your too thin it can work to increase appetite) and including stretching with your work out routine will increase flexibility and lead to a well functioning body. Remember you are not alone many, many, MANY, women suffer from some form of depression or anxiety were here for ya

  • Sparklie

    July 4, 2009 at 8:45 am

    I was doing some reading in one of my course books about the benefits of physical activities. It has generally summed up everything everyone has said here, but I thought I might share…

    "Finally, the psychological benefits of exercise cannot be over looked. Exercise has been associated with lower levels of anxiety and depression and a higher quality of life." -ACE GFI Manual

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