Forums Discussions Not your typical student

  • Not your typical student

    Posted by Charley on May 25, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    I wanted to share this because it was so funny, rude and annoying all at the same time.

    I had a girl do a drop in last night. She started badgering me about the class – at this point we were already 5 mins

    HER "Do you remember the owner telling you about someone who should start out in the intermediate program?"

    ME " Yes I do. our classes are mixed level classes…everyone starts with basic movements around the pole and dance moves, once that coordination is developed we move onto spins and strengthening exercises."

    HER "not to be rude but I am not your typical student, I don’t care about dance I just want tricks and a work out, I am very fit I do xxxx, xxxx and x for a work out."

    ME "I uderstand and your level of fitness will be beneifical and will probably help you to move through many of the moves faster than those who are not already working out BUT its not all strength and fitness this is also movement and requires coordination!"

    She just stood there with the nastiest look on her face and I wondered why she was there at all.

    ME "trust me, I’ll make sure you get a work out we’re running behind so lets just get started"

    Warm up was fine, but as we started to just do a few basic steps around the pole, no lifting, no spinning just steps and transitions…she was soo uncoordinated she couldn’t get it.
    Spent half the class helping her which is fine, taught her her first spin she could maage then when she did…I told her to now work on it on her other side she just looked at me like I was nuts. And here’s the best part as soon as we walked around the pole she pulled her hair down and started tracing her body! LOL! thought you didn’t want the dancey stuff.

    So, she’s hooked and coming back and was amazed at the work out she got, I didn’t tell her that I had actually a lot more things to show her that we didn’t get to.

    Oh an my typical student generally does a few more things than she did. But I am so glad she had to eat her words. AM I gloating a litle too much???

    PsychoticAndrea replied 14 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    May 25, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    At least you realized didn’t just take her at her word and start teaching her inverts (I know you wouldn’t anyway but know some that would have!!)

  • PoLeNoViCe

    May 25, 2010 at 8:11 pm
  • Charley

    May 25, 2010 at 8:14 pm

    I know! A lot of people think they are ready to just start doing big tricks without even considering that they need to figure out how to use their body, move their body and build cooridnation.

    I’m glad she loved the class and am happy she realized how difficult even the most basic level of dance around the pole is.

  • amy

    May 25, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    what i’ve found is that a student might nail a fireman but generally even a half pirouette takes a couple classes to master. doing a half pirouette slow, and balanced– even harder. people just don’t know until they try. good for you charley to force her to be more open minded!

  • JenLFG

    May 26, 2010 at 3:19 am
  • nymphdancer

    May 27, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    great story charlie, and good job on dealing with a difficult student.

  • PsychoticAndrea

    May 27, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    Thats good you maintained and acted professional with her, as some may not. She probably realized whatever she thought of pole dancing was totally different and harder than it looked. Im betting she realized the way she was acting.

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