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Posted by polefairy on March 10, 2011 at 6:37 pmI hope it's okay to post this here.
I was talking with my doc today about no longer being able to use the pill and she suggested using the NuvaRing but I must admit I am a little unsure about it. In theory it's a great idea but I read that one of the side effects is weight gain I definitely do not want to gain weight, if anything I'd like to lose some.
Has anybody here ever used it? Did you gain weight?
LittleC replied 14 years ago 12 Members · 20 Replies -
20 Replies
I have never used it personally but remember different bc has different effects on everyone so you might not gain weight and it's a fairly non-committal bc so if you do you could just stop it and look for alternative methods…I have heard the shot is notorious for weight gain and mood swings but I have never tried either myself so I can't say for sure.
Of course it's ok to post this….we talk about everything here. LOL
I have used the NuvaRing before. It was one of the only BC that didn't make me crazy emotional or sick. I stopped using it only because it didn't stay in place for me well. I had used it after having my first 2 boys, so that was probably why. I think a lot of other BC options can cause weight gain too…but I can't remember for sure. So my experience with it was pretty good.
I tried NuvaRing a few years ago and was excited about it – several friends and family members use it and love it! Unfortunately for me, hormonally it wasn't a match. I didn't gain weight, but I did go off the deep end! I was either screaming at someone or bawling (neither are normal for me!) – and then it occurred to me that the NuvaRing might be why. Within a day of taking it out I was back to normal and ended up on the patch, which did not make me crazy. The only downside to the patch was finding a good place to put it where it didn't hang out of my pole dancing clothes. 🙂
Everyone is different, so it's worth a try! I love the idea of not having to worry about it for a few weeks or remember to take a pill.
i didnt use nuva ring , but ive used other birth controls and gained 25 pounds. i was also a psycho! i cried every day. if u dont NEEEED it, i suggest dont even using it.
I am using NuvaRing right now. I only just started my second month, but I don't think I've gained any weight so far. I like it actually, no pills to remember, no fuzz stuck around th edge of your patch, I think it is helping with my acne, and it stays in place just fine for me (no kids yet though). I have been on many different dual hormonal contraceptives and the NuvaRing is good for me, I have not noticed any problems yet but have not really been on it very long. The only thing I can forsee being a problem is keeping track of when I'm supposed to take it out/put a new one in. Right now, I've been putting a sticker on my calendar so I can keep track of it. It's working great. 🙂
I have not had a nuva ring but I will add that I have a Mirena, actually I am on my second one. I have never had children so placement for me was not pleasant. The first time was just a litle bit of cramping and then pretty bad cramps around when my period should have been. That lasted about 4 months but then no period for 5 years! My second one was BAD. Getting the first one out was a problem and then the GYN messed up the insertion. I had to wait another few weeks for a new IUD but then they gave me a pill that opens the cervix. That thing was horrible with the cramping but it made the second insertion much smoother. I still cried, and I am not one who is easy to cry. But even through all of that I would do it again in a heart beat.
I have a Mirena as well. Got it in December, and hyped myself up for excessive pain. Barely felt much except slight pressure for 15 seconds or so. (Never had kids, just waiting on the 5 years of having the Mirena before the doc will give me a TL or Essure). Had a great experience with it the first 2 months. February I had a 2-week period, but its supposed to be crazy for the first 4-6 months anyway. So far so good with it. I have noticed some more breakouts on my chest though since getting it.
Before this, i was on Yaz for 4 years. Worked great, just got tired of having to remember it everyday, and taking it could be a pain because I work in a lab where no food & drink are allowed. Or I'd get caught up and be late on it and freak out, even if it was 30 minutes lol. Once my doc offered Mirena, I was sold (since she wouldn't fix me at 23 haha).
BC affects everyone differently, it sucks that there is no standard side effects – some people will break out, gain weight, etc while others wont. Good luck!
I LOVED Nuvaring but after a couple months I broke out in hives from my stomach to my knees! I'm allergic to it so I can't use it anymore but it sure was a nice alternative to the pill. I'd say try it out and see how you like it.
I got off BC because it was a huge factor in making me depressed, and I must say…I'm much happier without it. Yes, I have to find other methods of BC other than hormonal, but I think it's worth it in the long run.
I would try the Nuvaring…but…well, I have this issue with my fingers not being able to…get to the end of the "tunnel"? This is also why I can't use things like sponges, cervical caps and so forth! It's really frustrating.
One fun fact: I've known someone who went on the Nuvaring, and if you'll forgive my being very frank, she wasn't able to have an orgasm as well. You see, the biological point to female orgasm is to drop the cervix down lower (as far as I know!) and allow it to receive better. Thus, if there's something in the way, I would logically surmise that it would decrease your ability to orgasm.
However, this is just what I heard from a friend and her experience! I've not had it myself (for aforementioned issues!). It's interesting to hear everyone's reviews on it!
I forgot to add something!
Generally, as far as I know, any BC says "you could gain weight!" as a side effect.
And, um, when I came off the BC, I had been taking it for about 5ish years. I gained weight AFTER coming off it…and, well, it was all in my bra. Yay.
Runemist, the paragard IUD is non hormonal. You still have periods and may increase cramping but there are no hormones and it lasts for 10 years.
@Runemist and others thinking about NuvaRing
As for the orgasms…I have no problems there. I know some women never truly have them, but I have never been one of these, lol. 😀
One of my biggest concern about the ring before getting it was, "Will it be in the way when me and hubby do the horizontal mambo?" My doc said that it shouldn't but if either of you don't like the feel of it, you can just take it out while you "get it on".
Sort of like the opposite of most bc, instead of putting something in (me) or on (him) we take it out for the sex, then I just reinsert it afterwards. 🙂 Problem solved, orgasm fun here I cum…
Dustbunny- If you go to the Nuvaring website and sign up for it, they will text you when it's time to put a new one in. 😉
Good to know Trixie, thanks! I think I will continue with my calendar method for now but will keep that in mind if it becomes an issue. 🙂
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