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OMG! My X Pole just SLIPPED!!!!!
Posted by Pisces Poler on May 28, 2011 at 10:14 pmOk, so I mastered the ‘reverse grab attitude’ spin today! Go me! LOL! Whilst in the middle of practicing, I started the momentum for the spin, left the ground holding with one arm and….SLIP!!!! My pole totally moved from it’s spot on the roof!! Eeeeek…ha haha! It scared the hell outta me…funniest thing though, I had the video rolling to capture my new found spin and caught the whole thing on rape bahahahaha!!!
So I know it says in the manual to check your pole regularly to make sure all is tight (which I haven’t done) um I think I will check it after each use now….
Has this happened to anyone else???monica kay replied 4 years, 2 months ago 37 Members · 58 Replies -
58 Replies
Ok, so I mastered the ‘reverse grab attitude’ spin today! Go me! LOL! Whilst in the middle of practicing, I started the momentum for the spin, left the ground holding with one arm and….SLIP!!!! My pole totally moved from it’s spot on the roof!! Eeeeek…ha haha! It scared the hell outta me…funniest thing though, I had the video rolling to capture my new found spin and caught the whole thing on rape bahahahaha!!!
So I know it says in the manual to check your pole regularly to make sure all is tight (which I haven’t done) um I think I will check it after each use now….
Has this happened to anyone else??? -
Omg! At least your okay…. one of my friends had this happen to her too…. but I’ve never had it happen tto me. I think its just cause it wasn’t high and tight enough.
I've had this happen numerous times.. Trust me, it happens! Its always a good idea to check the pole beforeeach practice. Structures move and settle so the pole can come loose over time.
Haha thanks girls glad to know I’m not the only one!!! Scared the crap out of me!!
Haha thanks girls glad to know I’m not the only one!!! Scared the crap out of me!!
We usually check mine about every 30 minutes to every hour n before anyone gets on it. We were cleaning my house one day while I was doing dishes my friend is talking to me n decides to do a fireman spin. I turned around just in time to see her ride the pole to the ground. LOL. Needless to say she doesn’t get on it anymore without checking it first. 🙂
Bahaha!! That’s it I’m checking it all the time from now on!!! LOL 😛
I have both floors and ceilings with some flex in it. So I check and tighten everything (x-joints; pole; bottum nut thing) prior to every us. I also don't bother pulling hard on it because I know I can make it move…. so things like step up climb (where there is a spin and a climb) I don't do because my pole doesn't handle that well. Climbing straight is fine and doing tricks is fine.
I also make sure I spin in both directions. 🙂
Oh…I"m so glad I read this post. I didn't plan on checking the pole prior to every workout. LOL
Ok…when you guys say the pole slipped…like how badly? Just move a couple of inches or the entire pole fell to the floor???
Mine has never fallen. The joints got stuck. One time I did at cupid-butterfly-flatline combo and when I got off I realized my pole was no longer straight. I knew it was feeling too easy to stay in cupid.. hehehe.
Odd thing………..I have never had my xpole slip on me….either one of them. I did however have a male friend who weighed about 200lbs shift it when he literally jumped and attacked it like he was pouncing on prey. Scared the crap out of him…LOL….It only slipped about 2 inches, but it was enough.
I did however have my 38mm brass Aradia Pole come down with me on it last Sunday. That was a fun ride…..Not major injury, but my right tricep was really tender for a few days. I was just doing a simple chair spin too….However, thankfully it was me on the pole and not one of my students.
I had a friend take a pic of the warp in it(that is why it came down) I will post that to my album as soon as she emails the pics to me.
The original thread I posted last weekend is below(Hope link works)
Otherwise, its title if you want to search it is Had my 1st ever pole oops
I've had mine slip a couple of times, but the humidity and temp fluctuates quite a bit around here, so checking it regularly has become a necessary habit.
my pole slipped the other day but goodness it wasnt me on the pole it was my friend. she weighs about 210 and now she is afraid to get back on it. needless to say i dont want her on it again to many coinsidental things happend after she got on it. the pole started to creak, the bottom cap wouldnt come undone. but nina ( yes thats my poles name) is all better now. i dont think ill be sharing her for a while i almost cried when i thought the cap could not be undone. hopefully it will never slip on me but only time and inverts will tell
@ Mechie – nah it didn’t fall to the floor (thank god!!!) it only slid a few inches!! I should post up the vid that I was shooting when it happened HAHAHA!!! How embarrassing!!!
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