Forums Discussions OUCH! Nerve Damage

  • OUCH! Nerve Damage

    Posted by Caramel_Dlite on April 22, 2009 at 4:27 am

    I hope someone out there can offer me advice on this…

    A few years ago I had surgery which left me with some nerve damage on my inner thigh. In my post op consultation, I told my surgeon about it and she said that it might never heal. Over time it seems to have mostly healed (except for one small area) and I kind of forgot where the nerve damage was. It hadn’t affected my pole dancing since I took it up last September.

    Yesterday I was thinking about my nerve damage and I tried to remember where it was. I found it and rubbed it a bit to see if the pain was still there, and it is. I must have provoked it or something because today I was practising on my pole and the pain was intense. It still hurts a bit now a few hours after my pole practise.

    Has anyone else got/had nerve damage and can tell me how to deal with this? I would love for it to go away completely or at the very least not affect my pole dancing again.

    Caramel_Dlite replied 15 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • glitterhips

    April 22, 2009 at 5:25 am

    Poor thing you must be in quite a bit of pain! I have no personal experience with this so I could be totally wrong in my advice but I have had pinched nerves before and the best remedies for me were applying hot/cold compresses alternating every 15 mins or so, trying to gently massage the area and using Icy Hot/Bengay (not sure if they have this product in your country…) I’d double with Veena or someone with more of a fitness background first just so you dont do any of these things and injure yourself further but they have helped me. At the very least you should take a hot bath and have some chocolate just to relax yourself, this must be very disheartening! Hope you get well soon! xoxo

  • Veena

    April 22, 2009 at 5:40 am

    I have nerve damage in my left elbow!! Turns out the "funny bone" as we call it here isn’t so funny if you hit super hard in just the right spot! It was a really stupid injury, I was sewing LOL. I wish I could help you out. I am having the same issue, sometimes its fine and then all the sudden bam! it’s really painful and tingly again. I’m not too familiar with the nerves? The only thing that helps me is to stay off it, so for me that means limiting my arm bending or avoid leaning on it. It also helps to have my hubby massage my upper back between the shoulder blade and spine, it affects the nerve without directly pressing on the injured area. You could talk with a massage therapist about it and see if they could help you. If I find anything out I’ll let you know.

  • SaschaPoles

    April 22, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    oh caramel!!! im so soryr honey, that has to be so painful and so frustrating!!! im really sorry, i dont have any advice or tips but if i come across soemthing i’ll post it

  • azzwoo

    April 22, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    Hi caramel!

    I have nerve damage in my left arm also, the result of an op to pin & plate it after a bad break. I often get a lot of pain in it, it knocks my arm out for about 5 days at a time and is agony, so I really feel for you! My main tactic is to avoid things I know aggravate it (elbow grips are a no no for me!), so if it was rubbing it that aggravated it, avoid doing that!
    There isn’t a lot you can do to speed up the ‘healing’, and you can’t get rid of nerve damage. I deal with mine by treating the pain symptoms. I use ice as mine often swells, use gentle massage on the sore area and take painkillers.
    Once its ‘healed’ I would do some gentle massage (featherlight touch) on it each day to try to desensitise it. You can use traction for nerve compression, but yours doesn’t sound joint related. Sometimes TENs machines can be used to help the pain and you can now get them in some chemists, however they are expensive and tend to be used for chronic (long term) nerve pain.
    Hope it feels better soon! x

  • Foxy_Rei

    April 22, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    I have some nerve damage but rather different from what you’re experiencing, lol. I had all my wisdom teeth removed – 2 by just pulling, 2 had to be cut out. My lower left one was one of the ones surgically done and they hit a nerve. The left side of the front of my chin is almost completely numb – from the center of my lip over to the left corner of my mouth and down to the edge of my jaw. I can feel my lip better than I used to, but if I had food on that part of my chin I can’t feel it. I have what they call "residual pain" I think – I can feel the pain inflicted by something, but it hurts like 10 times worse than usual and I can’t feel what’s causing it. I had 3 follow-up appointments where all the guy did was take a sharp stick and poke my chin saying "Can you feel this? Does it hurt?"… and it hurt a lot. That’s also gotten better with time.

    For mine I was told that nero-surgery was the only way to fix it completely, and I don’t have soreness or pain issues really, so I just kinda deal with it. It doesn’t bother me; except when I can’t feel the food stuck to my face and my mouth kinda pulls funny when I talk sometimes.

    I like Glitter’s suggestion with the hot and cold compresses, and maybe some gentle massage.

    And if you forget where this spot is next time, I would leave it forgotten!

  • Caramel_Dlite

    April 23, 2009 at 3:47 am

    Awww thanks guys, you’ve given me really good advice. And now everyone must think I’m an idiot for aggravating something that I know hurts, but I couldn’t help it! I just wanted to know if it had disappeared. I’m like that with bruises as well, I’ll keep poking it even if it hurts a lot! I must like pain or something
    I’ll leave the nerve alone for now and try massaging it once it’s less sensitive. Thanks for the support girls

    And Veena… I wish I knew how you manage to get nerve damage from sewing! lol

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