Forums Discussions On the Road

  • On the Road

    Posted by Maria-Elena Kadala on July 26, 2013 at 9:34 pm

    Just returned from a 3-week trip visiting family, and meeting new pole sistahs, in Berlin, Bonn, and Rouen.  My poling experiences are chronicled in my album, On the Road. 

    The highlight, certainly, was meeting another Veener, Tanja (tacha666), who generously invited me to dance at her place.  It turned out that she lived in the town next to my cousins, where I was staying. Note the cool shoe niche, which doubles as decor — way cool!  First we warmed up with Alethea's Floorwork DVD, then poled, and then she made home-made pizza!  Another day, we went to dance in her friend's garden, which was absolutely magical, surrounded by flowers and ripe berries.

    The trip started in Berlin, where I had a couple of classes at Pole Sport Studio Berlin.

    The trip concluded in Rouen with a Prana workshop at Pole Studio Rouen.

    Thank you, Veena, for creating this forum which created the opportunity to make new friends across the ocean!

    It was wonderful being with family after so many years (I lived in Bonn as a child), and my last visit was in 2006.  Also the opportunity to meet the family in Berlin, who had found themselves on the wrong side of the wall.  My French godmother lives in Rouen now, and her health is fragile, so this trip was particularly important for my mother; the two have been best friends for over 60 years.

    Very much looking forward to seeing my girls at Love Pole Fitness this week-end.  AND hoping to return to Bonn next year.


    hookedonpole replied 11 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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